Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3669: Death of the Holy Moon Sect


Liu Hanjiang cried out painfully.

The feeling of stars bursting is absolutely uncomfortable.

The skin and flesh of the body will not be annihilated in the burst instantly, but first the skin and flesh will be cracked in the star burst, as if the skin and flesh have been smashed, and then from the inside out, starting from the'crispy' flesh and blood, it rushes out of the skin. , The last is an instant annihilation.

That kind of inhuman torture is even more so.

And this kind of bursting, one breath, that is to say, waiting for Liu Hanjiang, will be a long and painful torture.

The sound of the burst of stars came to life.

Liu Hanjiang's painful voices continued one after another.

Want to unlock this star chain?

Ha... The Star Slashing Sword Sovereign, but the Star Daoist of the ancient years, used one hand to slash the Star Swordsmanship and slashed down an unknown number of powerful Sovereign Realms.

The most frightening thing is that this star-cutting sword master has endless methods, just like the vast and endless stars, all different but all bright.

According to the rumors, unless it is the strength that is absolutely crushed, even 10,000 monarch realm powerhouses can only achieve a draw in front of this star swordsman without defeat.

Want to break all his starry mysteries? Liu Hanjiang asked himself that he was also a talented star. If he was given enough time, he might not be able to.

But that may be ten years, a hundred years, or even longer.

But how long is it left to him now? That breath-by-breath star exploded, how many times could it explode before it turned into ashes?

Liu Hanjiang's eyes were bitter, but he also shouted despair.

"Master..." All around, the Saint Yuezong powerhouses might be sad, or they couldn't bear to look directly at them, and even worse, some who glared at Xiao Yi, of course, only dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak.

"Boy." Yuezun Wusheng frowned and spoke first.

"You can't kill people, why bother..."

Xiao Yi cast a ferocious gaze, "Why is it so cruel and vicious?"

Yuezun Wusheng didn't say anything, but the meaning was obviously so.

Xiao Yi grinned, "When he and all the craps kept besieging my parents and generations one after another, he didn't see him softly."

"When the old medicine man in my family became blood, and his body was full of holes, I didn't see them consciously being vicious and cruel."

"Of course, when he snatched Yiyi's chance and pushed Yiyi into the Nine Wasteland, which is almost mortal for the human beings, he didn't see his softness."

"Also." Xiao Yi glanced at Shengjun and Yuezun Wusheng coldly.

"Today, do you have the face to make irresponsible remarks to me?"

"Ignore you and give you a face?"

After the first battle of the four elders in Jinghuashuiyue, the four of them died, but Xiao Yi has since disappeared from the Middle Territory, becoming the Xiao Xun who is neither human nor ghost, holding on to a pair of rotten flesh, gritted his teeth, and survived.

"What happened back then, for Yiyi's sake, I didn't care about you anymore."

"Wind, rain and frost, if I come to Xiao Yi alone, I don't care about it."

"But today's matter, talk to me more, I will kill you all together."

After the cold voice fell, Xiao Yi ignored the two holy monarchs and Liu Hanjiang no longer, but stepped back and glanced at the powerful holy moon sect.

The Saintyuezong powerhouses lowered their heads and dared not look directly.

"Why?" Xiao Yi's face was grim, "You can stay out of the matter when you are you?"

"The great formation that blocked the Holy Moon Sect that day was almost sealed."

"Such a large array is definitely not a short-term achievement."

Even Xiao Yi himself, the blockade of the Kong Clan, the Ancient Realm Sect, and the current Saint Moon Sect, seemed to be done instantly, but in reality, this blockade formation could only exist with the special treasure of Star Luo Deshen Cone.

And Xiao Yi himself is proficient in a formation.

The masters of the airspace, it is absolutely impossible for them to lay down such an absolutely banned formation instantly, even in a short time.

Counting that they had been dormant in the Holy Moon Sect for a long time, it proved that they were ready to arrange this big formation from the beginning.

And during this period of time, do you want to conceal the sage and Yuezunwusheng?

Although the two of them have low cultivation bases, they are also in the monarch realm, and this is within the territory of their Holy Moon Sect.

The holy monarch controls the operation of all the ancient large formations within the sect, including countless ancient large formations such as perception, defense against enemies, and current enemies.

Sage Yuezun Martial Arts stopped the days of long years of retreat many years ago, and the elder of the Holy Moon Sect was in charge of the sect. It’s hard to say, the eyeliner that belonged to them in the sect is basically all over. among them.

So, Liu Hanjiang and his entourage wanted to hide from these two people, and set up a large formation within one month before the opening of the holy moon, so that it would be unconscious, there is only one possibility...

Within the sect, at least elders and above, there are many cooperators.

At this point, Xiao Yi had just come to Saint Moon Sect that day and looked back at the broken martial arts, already guessing one or two.

However, at that time, the Chief Hallmaster and Yiyi were the most important things, so they ignored them.

Today, this account must be clear.

Xiao Yi did not explain.

But the elders of the Holy Moon Sect were not stupid, they could hear the meaning.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi's words mean that we are colluding with Liu Hanjiang?" An elder of the Holy Moon Sect said displeased.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, are you planning to slander me so that you can vent your anger?" Another Holy Moon Sect elder gritted his teeth and said.

Xiao Yi grinned, "I am not interested in bothering with you. I will know if it is right or not."

Xiao Yi looked at Guiyi, "Let's start."

"What?" The ghost was taken aback for a moment.

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "Don't tell me your dignified Rank Nine Ghost Sage, you don't even have the means to spy on memories."

"Yes, yes." The ghost nodded a little, "But the martial artist's spiritual sense is fragile. I forcefully suppress it with the cultivation base, and forcibly destroy the protection of the mind, so as to directly spy on the memory... It is very likely that I will be spied, and these guys will become that. I'm a delirious fool."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Yi grinned, "If you have no ghosts in your heart, you are not afraid of being spied on and memory, and you don't need to resist. There will be no such consequences as your mind collapses."

"Oh, if you have a ghost in your heart, and you have to resist, then even if your mind is broken, you will be self-seeking, anyway, you did not kill the wrong person.

"Yes, Lord." The ghost nodded, he didn't show any mercy.

"Xiao Yi, do you dare?" A holy moon sect elder's face changed drastically, and he shouted angrily, but this shout was obviously strong outside and inside.

"Why don't I dare?" Xiao Yi grinned and waved his hand, "Press."

The stars and thunder are simultaneously depressed.

All the martial artists of the Holy Moon Sect were unable to move in an instant.


Ghost One has already turned into a black wind, and instantly swallowed dozens of Holy Moon Sect martial artists.


After half a day.

As soon as the black wind dissipated, the ghost returned to Xiao Yi.

At this time, high in the sky, there were already nearly half of the Holy Moon Sect martial artist.

On the ground, all the martial artists of the Holy Moon Sect, either hugged their heads and wailed, or rolled all over the ground, and some just sat on the spot as if absent.

Gui Yi pointed to the surrounding area, "These innocent people basically did not participate in colluding with Liu Hanjiang, just the two elders..."

As soon as the ghost pointed, the two elders were now being bound by a black wind.

"Hmph, do you think you can deceive me the Ghost Saint of Rank Nine if you don't resist? It's too small for me."

"These two people are basically Liu Hanjiang's disciples, but no one has known them for many years."


Second more.

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