Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3678: Long Zhang Yuan

The voice of the huge monster in the underworld was ancient and proud.

That seems to please.

At this moment, Xiao Yi lowered his head and saw the huge head and the huge eyes. The arrogance and dignity in the eyes were only seen in the eyes of a creature.

It is the ancestor of the demon dragon.

Now this underworld monster is really a dragon?

At the same time, the huge underworld monster looked at Xiao Yi and lowered his head. He also quickly lowered his huge head, seemingly afraid to look at him.

The huge head was lowered, and Xiao Yi was also unstable. His body was hit in the high air and then dropped to the ground steadily.

Xiao Yi looked up at this underworld monster in surprise.

Haughty like a dragon, lower your head without hesitation? What is in his eyes is the color of absolute surrender?

"Old Nu Minglong, I have seen the king."

Seeing Xiao Yi raising his head, the monster of the underworld lowered his head again until his head completely prostrated on the ground, and the winding body was wrapped in circles.

"Minglong? It's really a dragon." Xiao Yi said in secret.

Xiao Yi's surprise did not last long.

Among the ancient rumors he knew, of course, these rumors were also more reliable, after all, many of them were learned from existences such as Yinlihuang.

In those ancient years, the master of the underworld was as powerful as a broken bamboo, no one could beat him, even if the emperor was as weak as an ant in front of him.

And the army of the Nether Territory, wherever it goes, destroys the dryness and decays, the living beings are dead, only dead.

And in those years, countless creatures fell in this underworld army, among them... even dragons.

Once the dragon creatures were swallowed by darkness and transformed into the dragons of the underworld, is it the underworld dragon?

Xiao Yi could only guess like this.

Xiao Yi didn't know what kind of dragon clan was in front of this dark dragon, or was it also a black dragon like the ancestor of the demon dragon?

Xiao Yi didn't know and didn't need to know.

Because all living creatures have entered the underworld and become monsters in the underworld, they only have the breath and power of the underworld, and become the real ‘creatures’ in the underworld.

Perhaps talents and the like will be reserved, but blood, breath, and other things that are characteristic of ‘living’ will all dissipate.

"Ming...Ming...Master Minglong..."

In the distance, the Great Elder Li Yuanzong had already trembling all over, and his tone was shaking, kneeling to the ground.

The huge Dark Dragon glanced at him, "Presumptuous, the king is here, when is your turn to speak."

Xiao Yi secretly said, "Wang Wang Wang, Wang is a ghost."

Thinking like this, Xiao Yi held up his hand and looked directly at Minglong with majesty, "This king still has important things to deal with, and there is no time to waste time with you."

"Where you come, go back wherever you come."

Xiao Yi didn't know how the so-called "king" called himself, so he could only guess and shout "this king".

Most importantly, it is not suitable to stay here for long.

It is the business to take the fainting Tianjiao away quickly to avoid accidents.

Having said that, Xiao Yi waved his hand, as if he would retreat from the "submission", and then turned around majesticly.

After turning around, Xiao Yi suddenly shrank his pupils, and felt a cold sweat on his back.

Behind him, I don't know when to get up, a series of dark and cold figures appeared out of thin air, enveloping them in all directions.

Xiao Yi saw the faces of these figures clearly, and his heart was even more shocked.

These figures all have ferocious faces, their breath is extremely cold, but they are extremely powerful.

At the same time, one could clearly see the rich joy and respect that emerged from the hideous faces.

An old man who looked like a head took the lead, taking the lead, bowing heavily, "Old slaves are not, see the king."

"What a strong breath." Xiao Yi's heart was shocked. In his perception, this person's breath was far better than that of Minglong, not much better than that of the Lord of the Wild.

Emperor's combat power?

In an instant, the cold and cold figures bowed.

"Subordinate Ghost Cang, see Wang."

Xiao Yi glanced across, and his heart was shocked again.

Looking at this face, one can guess one or two, the face looks like a ghost and monster.

However, the aura of this figure is even more powerful than the full-blown Ghost One.

Invincible monarch battle power.

"Subordinate ghost mother, see Wang."

Xiao Yi's eyes moved again, and his heart was secretly startled, "Another invincible monarch realm."

"Subordinate Ghost Wind, see Wang."

"Subordinate Ghost Smoke, see Wang."


A dozen figures bowed and saluted.

Xiao Yi's heart was overwhelmed with shock.

These dozens of figures, all invincible monarch realm.

"Wang?" At this moment, the headed old man called out when Xiao Yi had no words.

The figures did not receive a response, and they kept bowing, not daring to make any moves.

"That's right." The headed elder, Wu Ming, was amazed.

"Except for the old slaves, only the emperor servants were the only ones who could meet the king directly. The ghost masters were not qualified."

Guifeng said with excitement, "Before only the emperors and servants could see the king, we can all only look at the king from a distance..."

"Presumptuous." Wu Ming yelled coldly.

Guifeng shook his spirits, stopped the words, bowed, but also trembled.

"Wang." Wu Ming looked at Xiao Yi and said respectfully, "Wang himself doesn't recognize them."

"Ghost Cang, Ghost Mother, Ghost Wind, Ghost Smoke... etc. are all one of 108 ghost masters, and they are temporarily under the command of the old slave."

Wu Ming introduced them one by one.

Not long after, Wu Ming looked to his side.

The three figures beside him said in succession, "Subordinate Yuan Xing, see Wang."

"Subordinate Hanming, see Wang."

"Subordinate Yunquan, see Wang."

Xiao Yi remained silent.

Wu Ming said respectfully, "These three, together with Minglong, are one of the Eighteen Palms Yuan elders."

In fact, even if you don't need to talk about it, Xiao Yi can feel the tyranny of these three people.

Although they are at the same level of Invincible Monarch Realm, they are definitely Heavenly Monarch combat power.

Xiao Yi did not speak, but forced his composure.

My heart secretly said, "It's over, you can't escape if you want to."

Surrounded by a large group of Invincible Monarchs, there are still several Heavenly Monarchs in combat power.

Although I don't know how these people compare to the Eight Heavenly Kings.

But the monsters in the underworld have all the strange and unpredictable methods. These so-called elders in the palm of the sky, with the name of the ‘elder’, are obviously by no means ordinary characters.

Xiao Yi remembered that in conversations with Guiyi in the past, he often heard Guiyi uttering words like ‘in the past I heard the elders say’.

Since these monsters appeared, he could already feel the terrifying coldness of the moment and space around him.

This world is already dark, like an abyss.

But the appearance of these monsters seems to have added a more terrifying yellow spring cold wind to this abyss, not only can freeze the physical body, even the spiritual sense also seems to be frozen or even annihilated in it.

After facing him, the sense of danger and fighting instinct given to him by these monsters made him feel shocked.

Yes, now Xiao Yifang feels the horror of facing the'monster'.

In a real fight, let alone victory, it is not certain whether you can get away.

Not to mention a bunch of Tianjiao who fainted behind him.

"What to do." Xiao Yi secretly panicked.

The spiritual veins he harvested from the Kong Clan were not as many as expected, and he could support the battle power of the Invincible Sovereign Realm close to the ultimate Sovereign Realm.

But approaching, and actually stepping into that combat power, are two different things.

And it can only last for a while.


Second more.

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