Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3679: Reincarnation, the law of reincarnation

At this moment, Wu Ming, and a group of figures, still bowed.

However, Xiao Yi's delay in speaking and giving no instructions left the monsters in the underworld a little at a loss.

"Wang?" Wu Ming asked tentatively.

Wu Ming seemed to think of something, his face changed suddenly, from bowing to kneeling, "Wang, please calm down."

"The king personally opened the channel of the underworld and returned to the underworld. I should have waited for all the creatures in the underworld to come and kneel to meet him."

"But I waited dumb and failed to anticipate what the king meant, so I was not prepared."

"The king will wait a little longer. The remaining elders of the Eighteen Palms Yuan and 108 ghost masters are rushing from all directions in the vast underworld..."

Xiao Yi could no longer hear what Wu Ming said, and his heart was cold.

"There are monsters coming?"

There are only a dozen figures now, and he is already troubled about how to run, and he may not be sure enough.

These few Heavenly Kings' combat power is already troublesome enough.

And those ghost masters, although they seem to be nothing more than ordinary invincible monarchy combat power, they are better than the peak of the monarchy, but when they are large in number, they consume a lot of energy.

"Huh? Something is wrong." Xiao Yi suddenly remembered something.

This place is in the middle domain, even if the space connecting points of Mingyuan Lake are opened, it is only the Dark Dragon monster running out.

How come so many monsters like Zhangyuan elders and ghost masters all at once?

Moreover, the feeling this world gives him now is completely different from the normal world.

Even though the breath of silence has filled the whole area, the construction of a piece of heaven and earth is by no means just breath.

The composition of a piece of heaven and earth, in addition to the breath, there is a combination of martial arts, laws, space and many other factors.


Now the feeling that this piece of heaven and earth gives him is exactly the same as when he truly stepped into the Nether Realm, in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Soul.

In addition to the extreme, in addition to being in the abyss, more importantly, it is the kind of peculiar and unique...unexplainable sense of inexplicability, powerful, but terrifying.


Suddenly, countless cold breaths spread from all directions.

The breath just appeared, and there was a sound of shaking the sky.





Xiao Yi was startled, and followed the sound.

At first glance, his face changed drastically.

In the dimness, you can see the black pressing on all sides, and the endless monsters of the underworld seem to be a huge torrent of monsters, neat, dense, powerful, and powerful, and they are crawling.

How many monsters are there in the underworld?

In all directions, dense and overwhelming, millions? Million? hundreds of millions?

No, more than that.

In contrast, when the Demon Territory became a disaster, Chilong opened the space of the Hell Territory and released the army of millions of Hell Territory.

That is the endless monsters of the underworld, kneeling down, worshiping their "king".

" much..." Xiao Yi couldn't help but shiver.

"Wang," Wu Ming said respectfully, "This is just a part of your people."

"Waiting for Elder Shiba Zhangyuan and 108 ghost masters to come, plus their attachments..."

"This is the Underworld?" Xiao Yi finally made sure of the matter and blurted out.

Here is the meditation domain, and here is the connection point of the meditation domain.

In other words, after the successive points in the space of Mingyuan Lake opened, after those deadly auras rushed out, it actually swallowed a piece of world in just a short time?

What is left to swallow, assimilate this piece of heaven and earth directly?

Yes, this piece of Liyuanzong was located in the area that originally belonged to the Central Region, but now it no longer belongs to the normal world, but has become a part of the Nether Region.

The power of the underworld is so overbearing?

This terrible rate of territorial expansion, it is no wonder that before the endless years, the Emperor Underworld and the Underworld will become a nightmare for all creatures in the world.

It's no wonder that in order to contend against the underworld, all the creatures under the sky, from different races, all joined forces to form a coalition.

Wu Ming looked at Xiao Yi's surprised face, "This is naturally the land of the world, which belongs only to the king of you."


A few minutes ago.

In the middle domain, the main hall of the wind brake, in the main hall of the main hall.

"What's the matter?" The main palace master of Shura suddenly changed his expression.

"Can you feel it?" The main hall master of Shura swept across the other main hall masters.

Everyone also showed horror on their faces, "Among the 13,000 regions in the Middle Territory, one region is directly missing."

"The breath of life inside, the formation of various sub-temples forbidden connections... No, everything seems to disappear into this world in a flash."

The main hall of the wind brake frowned, "The last time there was this kind of thing that affected the foundation of the region, it was because that kid broke the Eighteenth Mansion dangerously as Xiao Xun."

"This time, the whole area just disappeared out of thin air?"

The head of the Demon Hunter said in a deep voice, "Quickly check the reason..."

"No need to check." Senior Luo's expression changed, "It's the area away from Yuanzong's scope, and it's the place that kid rushed to with a lot of arrogance."

As soon as the voice fell, Senior Luo's figure instantly disappeared in place.

"Let's go." All the main hall masters glanced at each other, with the same frightened and worried expressions, and instantly disappeared in place.


In the dark world.

Xiao Yi felt the dozens of dangerous auras close at hand and the cold and cold aura of countless ghosts monsters in all directions, and his heart was already shocked to the extreme.

"If I don't find a way to get out, even I will be planted here." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth secretly.

He couldn't talk about it. Today, he stepped into the Nether Realm and was surrounded by countless Nether Realm monsters.

"Wu Ming." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

Simply ‘indifferent’ is the best expression to conceal everything.

"The king." Wu Ming was instantly excited when he heard the words. He bowed and waited for instructions. Tears rained down on his old face. "The old slave has never heard the king call him like this for a long time."

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "This king needs to be prepared in the normal world, you will go back to the Nether Realm."

Wu Ming asked doubtfully, "Will the king return to the Ming Dynasty?"

Xiao Yi's tone was cold for a moment, "Endless years have passed, so far you dare to even ask about this king?"

"No... I dare not." Wu Ming repeatedly said.

For their ‘king’, they have only absolute surrender.

Wu Ming straightened up and glanced around, "By the king's order, come back!"

In all directions, the black army of the underworld evacuated at the fastest speed like a torrent.

Xiao Yi was relieved when he saw this.

He glanced at a crowd of Tianjiao who had fainted.

"Wu Ming, can there be a way to dissipate the power of the envoys?" Xiao Yi asked.

If possible, of course, by the way, these arrogant things will be solved together.

Wu Ming looked at Xiao Yi in astonishment, "For the king, this is just a wave of hands."

"Why?" Xiao Yi's tone was majestic and displeased, "Everything needs to be done by the king himself?"

How to bluff Minglong before, now how to bluff this is nothing.

Wu Ming bowed his body and said respectfully, "The envoys are the walkers of our Nether Realm in the normal world; the power in them is given by the king."

"If you want to take it back, apart from the absorption of the Ming domain itself, only the king's order can do it."

Xiao Yi frowned.

When the monster retreats, he won't let Mingyuan Lake have another chance to open.

Doesn't that mean that there is no way to transform these arrogances into the power of the underworld?

Wu Ming looked at Xiao Yi, his face suddenly surprised, "Wang hasn't re-held the law of reincarnation?"

"No wonder the king can't take back the power of these envoys by himself."

"Bad." Xiao Yi was startled.

If you speak too much, you will lose, and there must be flaws.

"Fine." Xiao Yi let out a cold voice.

Wu Ming, as well as those dozens of figures who were about to leave, paused and looked at Xiao Yi together, with doubts in their eyes.

"Since the king has returned to the Netherworld, don't he control the law of reincarnation first?" Yuan Xing asked doubtfully.

"For Wang, it's just something that can be done with a wave of hands."

"Why is the king the body of this human being?" The chilly tone was extremely cold.

Xiao Yi swallowed without a trace.

"Presumptuous, but you want to die?" Wu Ming glanced at everyone coldly, but in the end, the doubtful eyes still fell on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi did not move.

"Wang Wang Wang, a ghost." Xiao Yi cursed secretly.

Although I don't know why this group of underworld monsters admitted him wrong.

But he is a human being, how could he be the former Underworld Emperor.

If my fake ‘king’ is really seen through, it’s a question of whether he has his life out of this dark world.

"The law of reincarnation, return." Xiao Yi suddenly cold eyes, looked up at the sky, and shouted.

He pretended to drink so violently, but with his hands behind his back, the handprints together, one hand formed the ancient tripod seal, preparing to put a lot of Tianjiao into the dawn bell, and the other hand was the seal of the water ancestor escape from the sky.

Mind, the Bingluan Sword and the Holy Disk of Heaven were connected in an instant.

His own means broke out in an instant, and he should be able to hit this group of monsters in the underworld by surprise, and then immediately took away the clock with others, and left in the air.

This is the only escape method Xiao Yi can think of today.

The fingerprints of both hands suddenly condensed.

Everything broke out in an instant.

However, before this moment, certain existences or powers were obviously faster, far surpassing Xiao Yi's reaction, and far surpassing Xiao Yi's speed of sealing.


In the dark sky, the law of martial arts went wild.

The vast Netherworld, the endless abyss, this moment seemed to become a huge reincarnation vortex.

The power of Tao Tao law landed on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi stared at the sky with horror in his eyes, "Heaven and Earth in the Underworld, reincarnate by themselves, palm my hand."


In all directions, the voice of respect, this time really resounded through the world.

Not only from this neighborhood, but also from the entire world.

In the eyes, the endless black figure pressed down, crawling and trembling.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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