Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3680: Suppression of the Law of Reincarnation

"This this…"

Xiao Yi looked at the power of law in him in amazement.

A wave of legal power lingers around the body, or between the arms, or around the waist... But without exception, the journey is a reincarnation.

Xiao Yi raised his hand and stared at the power of the law surrounding his hands.

"Is this the law of reincarnation?" Xiao Yi said with a shocked expression on his face.

In his feeling, this power of law is stronger than the origin of the four ancestors and the law of longevity.

This kind of strength gave Xiao Yi the sense of true invincibility.

Xiao Yi was Xiao Yi after all, and gradually reacted from the horror, and then frowned.

"How could this be?"

"Controlling the law of reincarnation with a wave of hands?"

Xiao Yi secretly wondered.

He is not a fool, on the contrary, his mind is amazing.

He naturally remembered everything in the past, and now he can connect them together.

Back then, under the cracks in the Tianyuan, the space suppressed by the Six-Pole Golden Pill was connected to one another.

At that time, there were a large number of ghosts and demons, and Xiao Yi now recognized that it was this ghost.

But back then, when he shouted, this ghost, including a large number of monsters in the underworld, retreated like a tide.

There are also the army of the millions of underworld regions in the disaster of the demon, and the law of the underworld regions in the backlash of the law of the ghost.

Of course, there are today and today, in the wave of hands, to control the law of reincarnation.

How did you do it?

There is no doubt that he now controls the law of reincarnation.

The law power lingering around the whole body did not flow into the body, it was the power that belonged to the world of the underworld.

But Xiao Yi clearly felt that he had somehow controlled this ability of reincarnation.

That kind of control seems to be innate, from the law of martial arts violently, the power of the law lingers, and then suddenly control, everything is completely natural.

"Is it unknown what happened to me?"

"Or, it's because of another reason."

Xiao Yi thought secretly.

Of course, no matter what he thinks, there will be no answer.

At this moment, countless creatures in the underworld were kneeling down on all sides.

Through the law of reincarnation, he can even perceive this entire land of the world.

In the perception, the vastness of the Netherworld is far beyond his imagination.

At this time, in the vast underworld, anywhere, any place, all the creatures in the underworld can see the martial law surging in the sky, and feel the majesty of the absolutely suppressed law of reincarnation.

They know that their ‘king’ is back!

They knelt down on the spot, shouting respectfully, as if shouting to the sky.

Their ‘king’ is their heaven.


The same note resounded anywhere and any corner of the vast realm.

Different voices converge into this sound, which is endless.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand, and the power of the envoys on the celestial arrogances in the distance was instantly drawn out, and then overflowed into the world of the underworld.

Then, Xiao Yi stared coldly at the figures of monsters in the underworld around him.

"Although I don't understand what's going on, but now I am in control of the law of reincarnation. Within the realm of the world, I am invincible."

"This time, you should have suffered."

Xiao Yi thought coldly.


The power of the law in the hand is surging endlessly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi had killing intent in his eyes, and when he was about to make a move, he let out a surprise, and the killing intent in his eyes turned into doubt.

"Can't mobilize the power of the underworld?"

Xiao Yi only wondered for a while, and suddenly suddenly.

The law of reincarnation is not equivalent to the power of the world of the underworld.

Different from the place where the four ancestors were born, the molten lava, thunder, wind of annihilation, and the power of the sea in it all fit perfectly with their own control capabilities.

Because the four ancestors were born out of these four powers.

Therefore, their control, coupled with the power of their birthplace, burst out like invincible power.

But Mingyu is completely different here.

The law of reincarnation was originally a law that belonged to the normal world, but it was later seized by the Emperor Underworld to the underworld, and then it became the unique law of the underworld.

In other words, in the center of the earth, the sea in the east, the thunder abyss, and the airspace, he can all be the same as the four ancestors reborn.

But in the underworld, the law of reincarnation alone does not mean that he can have the power of the underworld emperor's reincarnation.

Among the laws of the underworld, the law of reincarnation is just one.

"No matter, this broken rule is no different from chicken ribs." Xiao Yi curled his lips.

Of course he can feel the terrifying mystery contained in the law of reincarnation, and can even achieve reincarnation of life and death, ignoring the boundaries.

But this premise is that he has the corresponding strength support.

Want to support the cycle of life and death, even omnipotence? What kind of power is needed? At least Xiao Yi could not imagine.

"Go back." Xiao Yi let out a majestic cry.

"Yes." Wu Ming and others, respectfully stood up.

Wu Ming said excitedly, "Congratulations to the king for re-taking the law of reincarnation."

Wu Ming even burst into tears with excitement, "From now on, this normal world will never want to block our Netherworld."

"The king relies on the law of reincarnation, and he can open the space of the world with his hand."

Wu Ming bowed heavily, "Although I don't know what the king wants to plan, but the king's order, the old slaves, and the billions and billions of people in the Ming domain all obeyed."

"After the king has made the plan, only an order will be heard, and the underworld will follow in the king's footsteps and will never regret..."

"Come on, get out." Xiao Yi waved his hand, and now he just wants these monsters of the underworld to quickly retreat.

Although this law of reincarnation is like chicken ribs, it has a great suppressing effect in the world of the underworld.

Xiao Yi did not know the reason.

However, after the spiritual consciousness falls, it will come to the underworld, and fall into the sea of ​​soul, and then pass through the other shore, just like rebirth. This is obviously the power that the law of reincarnation gives this underworld world.

The law of reincarnation seems to have a natural and absolute suppression of these monsters in the underworld.

Therefore, Xiao Yi is not afraid of these monsters in the underworld.

But... according to the law of reincarnation, can you open the space of the world at will?

Xiao Yi thought secretly.

This time, all the monsters in the underworld had not left much, and disappeared in a short time.


With a roar of the dragon, the Minglong hovered, and then fell back into the Mingyuan Lake.

Together with the breath of silence that originally filled the entire world, it also poured back into Mingyuan Lake.

Xiao Yi's eyes are quick and his hands are quick, "suck."

With both hands, under the power of the law of reincarnation, he forcibly left part of the power of the underworld.

"Fen." Xiao Yi yelled coldly.

A large swath of amethyst spirit flame instantly drowned this part of the power of the underworld.

With the effect of burning all things, this part of the power of the underworld was burned to the limit.

Heaven and Earth returned to normal.

All monsters in the underworld have disappeared.

Everything seems to have never happened.

However, Xiao Yi kept his hands in his hands, lay down one by one restraints, and pieces of spiritual veins leaped out, forming a big formation instantly.

After an entire hour, Xiao Yifang stopped.

At this time, with Mingyuan Lake as the center, all sides and high altitudes were all blocked by powerful formations.

The large array covers Thunder Road Killing Array, Fire Road Burning Array, Water Channel Forbidden Air Array, and Wind Channel Isolation Array, coupled with various complementary large arrays, and the entire Mingyuan Lake is firmly sealed off.

"I see how you **** ran out." Xiao Yi cursed coldly. He has only wiped the cold sweat from his forehead until now.

God knows how anxious he was when faced with the endless monsters of the underworld in that short period of time.

A little too late, it will be the end of the battle.

His back clothes were already wet with sweat.


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