Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3685: Lei Lin Kendo

"It's raining."

At the main hall master's study room, the main hall master of the wind brake opened the window door, and his smile just flickered after hearing the wind and rain, but his smile suddenly stagnated.

The breath of the rain made his nose sore suddenly.


In the courtyard.

In the closed room.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged and started practicing with closed eyes.

All he had to do was to restore his cultivation base in the past six months, and to stabilize his cultivation base after his martial arts comprehension.

More, it is the thoroughness and precipitation of martial arts perception.

This is not difficult for him, who has an extraordinary talent for martial arts.


A stream of primordial power emerged voluntarily throughout his body and then circulated endlessly.

In the small world inside the body, one complete martial art is shining brightly.

Among them, four are the most dazzling.

It is the four signs of martial arts.

The first one, **** indifferent, is the killing kendo!

The second, like the invisible wind, is the Jiefeng Kendo!

The third is the appearance of a sword, but there are countless stars in it, it is the sword of Zhanxing!

What Xiao Yi did was not to rebuild, but to restore his cultivation base. Following his previous martial arts insights, he stepped on his footsteps on the road of martial arts.

Every step he took was extremely difficult, but every step was extremely practical.

The martial arts path he chose for himself and the complete martial arts that he took and absorbed were all the martial arts that were most suitable for him, so there was no need to rebuild at all, and there was no need to choose another path before.

And these three symbolic martial arts are also the three symbolic kendos that suit him the most after he has thought about it before.

Killing Kendo, needless to say.

This is a gift from an old friend, and its meaning lies there.

At the same time, he was also the former master of this slaughter martial art, completely tearing open the barrier of contact between him and the ancient forces.

The Nine Desolates changed into the sky, born because of Xue Jialuo, and ended with the fall of Xue Jialuo.

It was also at that time that Xiao Yi had really contacted Eight Sects and Jiuhuang.

In addition, the symbol of martial arts needs to be integrated.

Killing kendo is the fusion of slaughter and kendo.

Kendo is not only one of the four battles of heaven, but also the one that Xiao Yi himself is best at.

Killing martial arts originated from Xue Jialuo, and it is already a martial arts that surpasses the inherited martial arts of the eight emperors.

The fusion of the two, the resulting killing kendo, can be ranked among the top marks of kendo, and its power is amazing.

The second Jiefeng Kendo is also of great significance to Xiao Yi.

He stepped into the middle domain, and the first to join was Fengsha Temple.

His journey, growth, and everything in the middle area also arises from Fengsha Temple.

This Jiefeng Jiandao marked the bit by bit he had once, and the sword on this road was small and sharp.

The road of martial arts of the warrior must be walked out by himself.

The road to martial arts is also the road to the heart.

The third slashing star sword, not to mention, the power and level are there, and it corresponds to the many abilities of one's own body.

As for the fourth...

Xiao Yi looked inside.

It was a blue martial art with endless rage, the kind of blue, dazzling blue, blue majestic, but blue extremely pure, extremely comfortable.

That kind of violent, also with majesty, like the roar of an angry beast.

In other words, the whole martial arts is fierce, sharp, and violent.

The fourth sign marks Kendo, Lei Lin Kendo!

Yes, Leilin Kendo, a symbolic kendo from the fusion of Qilin Thunder and Kendo.

Everyone knows that the unicorn is an auspicious beast. If you encounter it, you will have a chance.

And what you get is extremely earth-shattering, enthusiastically envied by countless warriors.

At that time, the oriental unicorn awakened the spirit of the unicorn. It can be said that the entire Dongfang family was shaken, and even the Eight Palaces and one of the Eight Sects, the Dongfang family, looked highly at it.

It was only the shadow of the unicorn martial soul, not the real martial soul of the unicorn.

And it is better, it should be said that talent is as terrible as Beiyin Wuwei, and 80 million years of experience have only been able to carry the real Qilin Wuhun.

These are all unpredictable chances.

However, the greatest opportunity that belongs to it is the true recognition of Qilin Ruimon.

Qilin Rui Beast, although it is named ‘Beast’, is not a real creature.

Although he has his own spiritual consciousness, it is transformed by the martial art of heaven and earth.

Its recognition is also to follow the operation of a certain law of heaven and earth, without reservation.

The grant of Lei Lin Seal allows the grantor to have the blood and abilities equivalent to the Thunder Kylin.

The most important thing is possessed by Lei Lin's seal, which belongs to the complete martial art represented by the Thunder Kylin itself.

To put it more simply, except for the huge power of this lightning unicorn, almost everything that belongs to this lightning unicorn has been given the approvers through the Lei Lin seal.

And this complete martial art is the martial art of heaven and earth that constitutes this thunder and lightning unicorn.

What a martial artist can comprehend through this world martial arts depends on the martial artist's own ability.

Lei Lin Kendo is the Lei Lin Kendo created by Xiao Yi through this complete world of martial arts in the past six months, fusing his own kendo!

In terms of level, it should be a symbol of the pinnacle of kendo, more than killing kendo and cutting star kendo.

Lei Lin Kendo is also the only Xiao Yi in the world.


There was a sudden clang in the closed room.

Xiao Yi's closed eyes suddenly opened, as they burst into light.

The Purple Lightning Sword rose instantly.

The sword moved, thunder and lightning surged for a while.

However, it was no longer a purple thunder and lightning, the sword body was blue, and the thunder went wild.

"Lei Lin Kendo, drink." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The Lei Lin seal on Xiao Yi's arm instantly shined brightly.

Zi Zi Zi...

Above the sword, blue thunder burst out instantly.

The blue thunder erupted from the purple sword body first, and then skyrocketed with an astonishing momentum. The dazzling thunder and lightning light instantly covered Xiao Yi's body, and then continued to spread.

In an instant, the thunder had swallowed thousands of miles.

And above the sword body, in the most dazzling part, the thunder hasn't stopped erupting, instead it has accumulated and compressed.

When the blue thunder on the sword has accumulated and compressed to an extreme point...



There was a loud roar, and then a furious roar.

Amidst the violent thunder of the sword body, the sword energy melted into a unicorn angry beast, roaring inexplicably.

The roar, violent, added a touch of fierceness.

"So powerful." Xiao Yi was secretly horrified.

With a radius of thousands of miles, it has completely become a world of thunder and lightning. This is just the power of his sword.

Of course, this place is already a special place.

The retreat room of the main hall of the wind brake has its own restrictions. If too strong power erupts during the retreat of the warrior, the restriction will automatically condense a sufficiently large independent space.

This is the reason why Xiao Yi specially came to the retreat room today.

Otherwise, if it is in the courtyard, I am afraid his side courtyard is now in ruins.

The power of Lei Lin Kendo is undoubtedly much stronger than the previous three signs of Kendo.


In the main study room of the main hall.

The master of the wind brake raised his hand and touched the coldness on his face.

So, is it rainwater coming in through the window edge?

No, he knows, it was a tear that he shed inexplicably.

The master of the wind brake shivered suddenly.

For many years, he can't remember how long he has never shed tears.


Second more.

Update today, over.

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