Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3686: Siege, the main hall of the wind brake

Retreat indoors.

In this independent space.

Zi Zi Zi...

Thousands of miles of thunder and lightning suddenly contracted rapidly, like covering water, pouring into the blade from all directions.

In an instant, thousands of miles of thunder and lightning disappeared.

But the blue thunder on the Purple Lightning Divine Sword was already a thousand times brighter than before, and the screams were intense and dense.

Xiao Yi was already bathed in blue thunder.

Except for Xiao Yi in the center and the sword in his hand, there was still thunder in the thousands of miles. Other places were blank.

But for some reason, in the void of thousands of miles, the roar of angry beasts can be heard from time to time, but the roar seems to be in every corner; sometimes, the sound of the sword can be heard clearly, but it is also invisible, and the sound of the sword is floating and hard to find.

Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed, and a flame appeared out of thin air thousands of miles away.

But as soon as the flame appeared, thunder suddenly appeared around him, swallowing it, and then violently destroyed it.

Fingertips condensed again, thousands of miles away, a star ray emerged.

But as soon as the stars came out, the sword energy raged around them instantly, crushing them into nothingness.

Xiao Yi's face was happy, and he felt the mystery of kendo.


In the main study room of the main hall.

The head of the Yandian Palace looked out the window and frowned, "How can this heavy rain come as soon as it comes, and there is not even a sign?"

"It's raining all of a sudden, the old man has seen it; but it is the first time that the old man sees it for the first time with the squally wind, the storm is so violent for an instant."

"The old man is not good at wind, can you tell me something, old man Feng?"

After hearing the words, the master of the wind brake hall turned slowly.

In an instant, the seven old people looked surprised at the same time.

They could also see the tears hanging on the face of the Master Hall Master Fengcha.

"Old man Feng, you..." The head of the Yandian Hall's face twitched, "Such a big person, you... are you thinking of something sad in the past, so sad that you can't make it?"

Not waiting for the master of the wind brake to answer.

The wind and rain entered from the edge of the window, past the master of the wind brake, blowing in the master study of the entire master hall.

For a moment, everyone's tone was stagnant, and their faces were taken aback.

"Old man..." Yandian's main hall advocated with a big mouth.

The Master Palace Master Shura has a complex expression, "What is the sadness?"

Senior Luo took the lead in flicking his sleeves before everyone could react, and wiped away tears and tears.

Even his indifferent state of mind for thousands of years is...unbearable and sad.

The main hall of the wind brake has a light and complex tone, "The wind and rain have passed, it is the sky, moisturizing things silently."

"There is no wind but rain. The living beings do it only for their own desires, either anger or joy, or sad or joy."

"Only the weeping of the sky, the rain first and then the wind, does not moisturize the earth, only compassion for the souls."

"Is it rain of martial arts?" Yandian's main hall master instantly reacted.

The master of the wind brake shook his head, "No."

"The old man doesn't know."

The main hall master of Shura stood up calmly, stared at the sky, for a long while, retracted his gaze, and looked at the main hall master of Fengcha.

"This peaceful half year, above the middle domain, is there something unusual or something?"

After hearing the words, the Master Hall of Wind Brakes thought for a moment, and shook his head, "No, it has been very peaceful."

The Lord Shura frowned and asked solemnly, "Are you sure?"

The main hall of the wind brake nodded, and said proudly, "The main hall of the wind brake, the chief intelligence, the ten main halls plus the million-cent halls all over the country, the intelligence warrior is an astronomical figure, enough to know all the information in the middle."

"In addition, the eight halls have overlapped over the years, and the intelligence is common. On the mainland, no matter the evil cultivation, the hidden dangers, crises, etc., without exception, it is impossible to hide the wind brake main hall."

The Lord Shura squinted his eyes, "Perhaps the old man puts it in another way. It has nothing to do with calmness, only abnormalities."

"Abnormal?" The Master Hall Master Fengcha thought again, and still shook his head.

"Since the kid went crazy half a year ago, the Eight Sects and the Four Clans have never dared to make a mistake, and there has not been a half-wave."

"There is no other world born in Tianyuan."

"Hundreds of hidden families, always calm..."

The master of the wind brake suddenly stagnated, "Speaking of which, the Hundred Families of the Hidden World...It seems to have been too calm for the past six months, and even a hundred martial arts have not been walking outside."

The Master Palace Master Shura said in a deep voice, "You mean, all of the hundreds of families are closed?"

The master of the wind brake nodded, "But before that, the Eight Sects had already been sealed, and the Supreme Sword Sect was completely sealed just half a year ago."

"The rest of the Beiyin Palace, Dongfang Family, Liuhezong, etc., are all silent. Even the Tianjiao seem to be locked in the sect, and there is no one going out."

"Humph." The head of Yandian Hall snorted coldly.

"This doesn't correspond to that sentence."

"If the **** of the Eight Sects and Four Clans are silent, the mainland will naturally calm down."

"Quiet?" The Master Palace Master Shura muttered to himself, and looked beyond the window edge with a deep gaze, "Look, the rain has stopped!"

The main hall master of the hunting monster also stood up, looked at the sky beyond the window edge, held his hands, and took a deep breath.

"After the heavy rain, the earth should be calm and the air should be fresh."

"But what the old man smells is so mixed and confused."

"Haha." The main hall master of Yaozun dusted his robe, "In the past, at any rate, there was the depression before the storm, although it was suppressed, it finally made people prepared."

"This time, it was a sudden storm, and there was no time to react."

Senior Luo's eyes were cold, "The one that should come is here after all."


With the main hall of the wind brake as the center, countless spatial forces surging in all directions, large arrays of space emerge suddenly.

A group of figures leapt out.

In a short period of time, in the high altitude in all directions, the warriors were dense, like locusts crossing the border, and the wind brake main hall came straight.


Over the main hall of the wind brake, an astonishing wind swept through and burst into sound.

That was the touch of the prohibition of the wind brake main hall, the sound of the alarm.

Whoosh whoosh...

In the main hall of the wind brake, countless figures leapt out.

The retreat hall master, the post hall master, and the law enforcement team immediately entered a state of battle.

But at this moment, a torrent of weather pressure came from above, suppressing all the warriors of the main hall to a moment of discomfort.

"Hand over Xiao Yi, otherwise the main hall of the wind brake will be flattened."

An old violent shout resounded throughout the entire Fengsha Hall.

Whoosh whoosh...

In the main hall's study room, eight old people came out.

"See the main hall master." The hall masters and the law enforcement team all bowed and saluted.

One after another, they looked at the eight old people with respect, admiration, and trust.

This is the Eight Palaces and the strongest pillar in their hearts.

Even if the sky collapses and the earth collapses, there are eight old people there, and there is nothing to fear.

The main hall of the wind brake raised his head and stared.

High in the sky, an old man stood with his hands in his hands, with countless warriors in all directions.

"Meng Lao Patriarch?" The Master Fengcha frowned slightly, then glanced at the dense silhouettes high in the sky.

"Hundreds of warriors?"

Yes, now it is the old Patriarch Meng who has appeared high above the Fengcha Main Hall.

Coming from all directions, surrounding the main hall of the wind brake is a hundred martial artists.

Patriarch Meng's face was cold, "Following the order of the Heavenly Sovereign, kill the thief Xiao Yi. Anyone who dares to obstruct it, punish!"


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