Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3687: Kirin Broken

"Anyone who dares to obstruct, punish?" Palace Master Chengfeng was the first to look angry and sneered, "What a big tone."

Palace Master Chengfeng glanced at the sky, "Meng Lao Patriarch, Murong Patriarch, Su Lao Patriarch, Gu Patriarch, Qin Patriarch, Tuoba Patriarch... All over again."

"Why? Just based on this, I think we can come to offend our Fengchao Main Hall?"

The master of the Wind Brake Hall looked straight, "My Wind Brake Hall, the last time I was besieged, I don't know how long it was before."

The voice of the master of the wind brake was extremely cold.

There is no half action, but the coldness has already let everyone know how bad the main hall master is now; the majesty and the killing intent of the waiting make all the warriors in the sky tremble.

The eight ancient temples have their own dignity.

The last time he was besieged was during the Eight Halls Civil War, when he was besieged by the same robe.

But that was limited to the civil war.

In addition, since the establishment of the Eight Palaces, there has never been anyone, never any force, who dared to besiege an ancient temple so blatantly and with great fanfare.

high altitude.

Patriarch Meng's face was cold, but there was also a deep complex color.

"Fengsha, for the sake of my old acquaintance, I will remind you again."

"Don't bear the stubborn resistance and ruin yourself, the Hallmaster Xiao Yi, you can't keep it."

The main hall of the wind brake stared coldly, "Since being an old man is an old acquaintance, tell the old man, why are all of your hundreds of strong people coming out today to kill the little thief?"

Above the high altitude, the heads of a hundred families come together, and all the elites of the hundred families come out.

So mighty, there are tens of thousands of warriors.

It was so aggressive, it was obviously about to kill, and there was little room for return.

"Little Xiao Yi is kind to your hundreds of families."

"Repeatedly save your hundreds of families from fire and water, prevent the disaster from the sky, and prevent the Central Territory from being overwhelmed."

"You have repeatedly saved you a hundred princes, more than once for this reason."

"Baijia, is this kind of grace and revenge?"

The complex color of Meng's old Patriarch becomes stronger, and he doesn't speak.

Tuoba's old Patriarch looked angrily, "Fengcha, now I have to ask about the Hallmaster Xiao Yi of the Eighth Hall."

"Repeatingly save our hundreds of families from fire and water? It is his duty to prevent the disaster from changing into the sky. If he does not stop the chaos and even charcoal in the Central Territory, your eight palaces will not be able to survive, and you will suffer heavy casualties. Saving our hundreds of families will only be incidental. That's all."

"Repeatedly save our Baijia Tianjiao? Humph, in the battle of the Demon Realm that year, if he hadn't captured Diro first, how could he have attracted the Yaozu Tianjiao's revenge."

"As for the next thing, if it wasn't for him and the water girl to have hatreds, and our Baijia believed in him and your Badians, how could that water girl spread his anger on our Baijia? The word'save' at the back?"

"Not only did our hundreds of families owe him, on the contrary, it was him who was cruel and vicious."

"When he acted as Xiao Xun back then, he repeatedly killed our hundreds of Tianjiao and Martial Artists. Later, when evil was repaired, he knew that our Tianjiao was taken into captivity and became one of the secret agents. He did not save people first, but Kill first to avoid future troubles."

"Our hundred families, how many arrogances, how many warriors, died in the hands of this Xiao Yi villain?"

"Today you are ashamed to say that our Baijiaen will take revenge?"

"That's right." Another Patriarch said angrily, "Xiao Yi, as the head of the Eight Palaces, should have carried heavy burdens and died for the peace of the Central Territory."

"But what did he do? Provoking chaos everywhere, lest the mainland continue, just to satisfy his own desire to kill."

"He is already a murderous, depraved evil spirit, and is not worthy to be the master of these eight halls."

"Today, we must seek justice not only for our own families, but also for the creatures of the whole continent, as well as those of the past who died because of his ambition and murder."

"Eight Palace, hand over this Xiao Yi villain quickly!"

The last shout was full of ‘righteous awe-inspiring’ meaning.


Suddenly, in the high sky, swords and swords shadow, countless cold lights against the sky.

In the sword, surrounded by wind and fire, it becomes a streamer and a dragon by itself.

For a time, the breath in the sky was extremely tyrannical.

And this is just for the old Patriarch of Meng.

I saw the master of Meng’s old patriarch emptied his hand with one hand, and the power of Meng Dao burst in his hand.

"Feng Sha, no need to say more, hand over Xiao Yi."

"Your confidence, the secret of Bajue, we already know."

"There is no Ba Jue, you are just a normal Saint Venerable Realm peak cultivation strength, and you can't be sure to deal with our hundreds of powerhouses with the eight of you alone."

The main hall of the wind brake squinted his eyes.

The old eyes of the main hall of Shura are full of deep, "Hundred martial artists, can raid the main hall of the wind brake like this, and the number is so huge, it can only rely on a large space."

"And this kind of spatial method that can be moved to any corner of the mainland at will is not like the skills of your hundred schools, but more like the handwriting of the source of heaven."

The main hall master Yaozun has a cold expression, "I can know the secrets and costs of Bajue. If I want to come, I will tell you from Heaven and Earth."

"Xura, Yao Zun..." Seeing these two sharp gazes, Patriarch Meng gritted his teeth and spit out, "I'm sorry this time."

The voice just fell.


The Yuan Li in the sky raged, already completely violent.

The old Patriarch Meng shouted loudly, "According to the order of the Emperor, to punish the sinners of the mainland, Xiao Yi the evil thief."

"By handing over Xiao Yi, today's war will be avoided, and the warriors of both sides will be spared heavy casualties."

"Otherwise, your Eight Palaces will follow, which will completely become mainland history."

The icy voice resounded through the main hall of the wind brake with the increase of Yuan Li, and it also reached the ears of everyone present.

This is obviously the final warning.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

With a burst of momentum, each warrior was already ready to take action.


At the same time, somewhere in the main hall of the wind brake, a burst of light burst, and then, the light flashed one after another.

"Huh?" The main hall of Fengcha looked at the sound, his face suddenly changed.

Palace Master Chengfeng shrank his pupils, "Is it a distress signal from all over the place?"

Yes, there is the place where the wind brake main hall placed the communication saints, but it is the place to send and receive the messages from the Middle Domain Million Cent Hall.

Every flicker of light represents a transmission and reception on the sacred vessel.

The amazing flashing speed nowadays represents...

The main hall of the wind brake completely showed his murderous intent, "Hundred schools, do you dare to separate your Highness from each place?"

The main hall of Asura's eyes were cold, "It is the shuttle of the heavenly realm of the source of heaven, and it can open the space channel to any place in the mainland."

The Master Yao Zun squinted, "The only people who are here are the Patriarch of the Baijia and the elite of the Baijia, and the rest of the Baijia..."

"Not bad." Meng's old family said in a cold tone, "Hundred Clan members have already come out."

Hundreds of hidden families, from the middle of the ancient times, have been passed down for a long time, and the clansmen are so huge.

A hundred companies add up, but it is a terrible number in a million.

Today, the members of the Fengcha Main Hall are only the Hundred Family Clan, as well as the elites of the Hundred Family Elders and Deacons.

The remaining members of the Hundred Clan, although not of ancient combat power, are still among the top of the world.

Such a top combat power, coupled with a huge number, can swept across the major branches of the Central Region in a short time.

"The Eight Palaces are guarded at the western line of defense. The eight of you are delayed by our wait."

"Although the first law enforcement team and the master of the retreat hall of the main halls are strong, they are lacking in skills, and it is impossible to rush to help all the halls of millions of points under the main halls."

"If the battle begins, within a short period of time, Baijia can destroy the foundation of the Eight Palaces." The old Patriarch Meng issued a final declaration.

"Main Hall Master." The Hall Master Chengfeng exclaimed and looked at the Hall Master Chengfeng suddenly.

In a short period of time, the distress signal from the sacred vessel of the messenger was probably over ten thousand.

Senior Luo's eyes suddenly cold, "Kill them all quickly, end the battle, and rush to the major branch halls."

The war broke out in an instant.

Just at this time.


Three sounds sounded almost instantly.

One is Jianming.

The second way is the sound of space.

The third way is the roar of the unicorn.

The space in all directions collapsed rapidly.

"Kirin Broken Kong?" The head of the Hunting Demon Hall looked at Gao Kong, his face was startled.


Second more.

Update today, over.

I wanted to ask for leave, but after thinking about it, I didn't ask for it.

For the time being, I will have a few more days of stealing lessons from other authors.

The third watch will resume in a few days, good night everyone.

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