Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3697: Eight Dragons Locking the Sky

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, it's been a long time."

Liuhe Tianjun and Jinhuo Tianjun spit out at the same time, their voices are majestic and cold.

"Hmph, it makes you Xiao Yi little thief live a year or two longer." Misty Tianjun was cold and angry.

"Batianjun? How could it be?" Xiao Yi saw the eight people clearly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Xiao Yi was horrified to the extreme.

Let’s not talk about Gu Yuan Tianjun, Beiyin Tianjun, Wuhetianjun, and Wushang Tianjun.

These four heavenly monarchs were obviously seriously injured by his celestial burial more than half a year ago, and they have left the wounds of the free swordsmanship on their bodies. It will be difficult to recover from their injuries for ten thousand years, but at this moment, they are obviously without injuries, and they are in a state of prosperity.

Let's talk about Liuhe Tianjun, Golden Fire Tianjun, Holy Moon Tianjun, Misty Tianjun.

These four heavenly monarchs were trapped in the illusion by the magical emperor's ‘illusion into reality’, and would never be unconscious.

And now he has also woke up, and he is in the peak state?

Although Huantian only had a ‘virtual shell’, it was once a magician guardian, a generation of powerful emperor realm, with unpredictable methods.

At that time, Huantian had exhausted the eight icebergs and the sea of ​​flames he had prepared for a long time, and he had recovered the imperial realm category by discussing only the elemental strength level.

He fought for the price of falling and backlash, and Fang Shi's "illusion into reality" was completely unsolvable.

Furthermore, according to what was said before the fall of Huantian, ‘the illusion becomes reality’ is already imprinted in the law of heaven and earth, becoming a part of the law of heaven and earth.

The coma of the four heavenly monarchs is stipulated by heaven and earth, and no one can reverse it.

If you want to get rid of it, it is the same as going against the sky and turning the tide.

Then, it is similar to the old "Senior Luo" life limit has come, and God wants him to die, and Xiao Yi suffered a backlash for him with the Yiyuan Wuji Formation.

However, Senior Luo's life seems to be long, but it is only in the normal category, but it is not as terrible as the endless years of these eight heavenly monarchs, which surpassed more than 80 million years.

There is not even the old palace lord of Beiyin and Dongfang Taishang, which spanned 80 million years of antiquity.

Therefore, Senior Luo's backlash was not as huge as imagined.

At the same time, Xiao Yi also paid ten thousand years of life in exchange for the price of Senior Luo for a few more years.

Because of this, Xiao Yi had completed an almost impossible walk against the sky at that time.

Of course, just as Xiao Yi used the Emperor Soul Fruit to administer the Master Palace Master to offset the backlash of the Law of Limits half a year ago.

At that time, Xiao Yi himself did not lose; but the price was wasted the emperor soul fruit.

In other words, the backlash and the price will exist, but it is the emperor soul fruit itself.

What about these four heavenly monarchs?

It will only be harder for them to wake up.

The illusion performed by the magical emperor who has recovered a certain amount of power in the emperor realm has become a reality. It is already going against the sky to rescue the four great heavenly monarchs, and the backlash and cost contained therein should be huge?

Who can have such an ability to easily reverse the universe, and even walk in the same way as the world?

Yes, if you want to awaken the four heavenly monarchs, it is almost equivalent to let this sky wake up the four great heavenly monarchs personally.

"You seem to be surprised?" Shengyuetian Jun looked at Xiao Yi with dignity.

Around, the eight sect masters and warriors, at this time Fang reacted.

"See ancestors."

"See Tianjun."

A large area of ​​high altitude, densely crowded figures of warriors overwhelmed the sky, bowing now.

That kind of battle is so magnificent.

This is the majesty of Tianjun!

Acting on behalf of the sky, the one who holds the law to save the world!

"Are you surprised?" Xiao Yi grinned instantly.

Even when he was besieged or seriously injured by the Eight Sects before, he never showed the hideous appearance that he was going to'cannibalize' at this moment.

"How about Tianjun?"

"I killed them all."


The purple electric shock in Xiao Yi's hand.

At this moment, his fighting power is overwhelming.

Even Tianjun would never want to walk three swords in his hands.

There is not much difference between one heavenly monarch and eight heavenly monarchs.

The Eight Heavenly Monarchs reacted extremely quickly.

Gu Yuan Tianjun suddenly yelled, "Shoot."


The surging dragon flame blasted out in an instant, and burned everything along the way, and the space instantly turned into nothingness.

Xiao Yi looked at the blasting Long Yan, his face was full of disdain, and a sword blasted out instantly.

Furious and thunder, like a broken bamboo.

In the battle between Long Yan and Qilin's Fury Thunder, it was Long Yan's victory in the end.

But at this moment, it is one of Gu Yuan Tianjun's body strength that supports Long Yan's power.

And what supports the power of Qilin's rage and thunder is the thunder formation condensed by sixty thousand spiritual veins, which has reached the category of the ultimate monarch realm.

Roar... roar...

Two loud roars.

Within the dragon flames, there seemed to be a giant flame dragon, and the roaring sound shook the world.

Amidst the thunder and anger, it seemed as if a giant unicorn beast had condensed, and the roaring voice was domineering.

The two clashed, and there was no stalemate. Instead, the giant unicorn beast moved forward and the giant flame dragon continued to collapse.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

At the same time, there were seven shocking roars, and seven dragons with different breaths rushed forward.

Batianjun, since he appeared, he is surrounded by all directions.

At the same time now, the eight-stranded dragon flame blasted from all directions.

Xiao Yi frowned.

The Eight Heavenly Lord has the power to control the dragon flame.

Long Yan is the strongest fire in the world.

If alone, Xiao Yi could easily solve a heavenly monarch with his strength suppression.

But in the face of Batianjun's siege, he wouldn't be stupid enough to carry the eight directions dragon flame.

Xiao Yi's sword shook, and the thunder ran away on him, so he wanted to escape.

He didn't need to hold the Eight-Face Dragon Flame forcibly and fight against the Eight Heavenly Monarchs, he could take some time to kill them one by one, just like before when he was fighting against the Eight Sects.

However, Xiao Yi's figure just moved, but he suddenly stagnated.

"Huh? What?" Xiao Yi's heart was startled, his figure seemed to be blocked and frozen.

"Lei Lin escapes from the sky." Xiao Yi cried secretly.

The unicorn beast has the ability to control space.

Lei Lin escapes from the sky is one of the means of the thunder and lightning unicorn given in the Lei Lin seal.

With the current combat power, the Eight Heavens Monarch could not surround him at all.

But at the moment...

"How could it be..." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

"Why, can't you escape?" Misty Tianjun sneered.

"Eight Dragons Locking the Sky is our strongest banning ability."

The eight-legged dragon flame completely blocked Xiao Yi at this moment.

Liuhe Tianjun said coldly, "You don't have to struggle, you are trapped in the Eight Dragon Lock days, even the emperor can't break free, can't escape."

Xiao Yi's heart was shocked. At this moment, he only felt as if the whole world trapped him.

The eight-stranded dragon flame failed to blast the thunder on his body, and failed to hurt him.

But the eight-legged dragon flame seemed to be self-contained, completely fitting the whole world, but also blocking everything, including the space, and Xiao Yi inside.


Inside the main hall of the wind brake.

"Eight dragons lock the sky..." The head of the soul hall narrowed his eyes.

"The Eight Heavens, after all, used this method."

"You know?" The Master Palace Master Shura frowned, "How come we haven't heard of this method before?"

The head of the soul hall said in a deep voice, "That's because there has never been a crisis of heaven and earth that would allow the Eight Heavens Lord to use this method."


Second more.

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