Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3698: Hundreds of ancestors

"Heaven and earth crisis?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall sneered, "Whether it is a crisis, it depends on their Eight Heavenly Kings opening their mouths."

"Old man." The head of the Soul Palace looked at the head of the Heavenly Secret Hall solemnly.

"Don't you know what this represents?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall frowned upon hearing this.

Senior Luo's expression was cold, "Back then, the confrontation above the sea on the east side, except for the descendants of the direct bloodline of the Eight Heavens Monarch, which is the Basong, all the mainland powerhouses stood on our side."

"The eight first-generation chief hall masters, although they are the same as us today, are only at the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm, they are the eight masters of creation and enlightenment, and they are also consummates. How amazing are they and how powerful they are."

"In addition, the predecessor of Ice Saint who turned out to be born, is known as the uncrowned king."

"Our side, how good the time, the place and the people."

"But even at that time, no Eight Heavenly Sovereign appeared, and no Eight Dragons Locking the Sky was displayed."

The head of the demon hunter squinted his eyes, "And today, eight schools and one hundred schools have all stood on the opposite side of us."

"We are almost unprepared, only the combat power of a wind brake main hall."

"Adding to the eight of us, we are only those who are close to Consummation at the peak of the Eight Jues."

"Today, we don't even have the help of strong people like Senior Ice Saint."

"But today, the Eight Heavens Sovereign came out, the Eight Dragons Locking the Heavens."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall instantly looked cold, with awe-inspiring killing intent, "They are here for Xiao Yi."

The Master Palace Master Shura's face was solemn, "To be precise, all of this was prepared by Xiao Yi alone."

The Master Yao Zun also squinted his eyes, "I came out like this, and I tried my best, only for Xiao Yi."

"Little Xiao Yi has a lot of weight in their hearts, but he surpasses the Eight Halls, and surpasses the level of Senior Ice Saint."

The head of the Soul Palace has a complex expression, "It also means that they are determined to kill Xiao Yi today."

"The eight heavens are all out, and the eight dragons lock the sky is displayed, without exception, it is equal to the will of heaven."

"This sky is going to make Xiao Yi boy fall today, who can do it?"

"We." The Master Hall Master Fengcha and the Master Palace Master Yandian spit out at the same time.

Senior Luo grinned for an unprecedented time, "As the last battle of my life, the old man is very confident."


The head of the hunting monster was speechless, only flicked with his big hand, took off the robe, revealing a strong outfit.

The Master Yao Zun laughed lightly, "After all, I have come to this step."

The Master Palace Master Shura's expression returned to plain, "To be precise, we were forced to this step after all."

"We have known for a long time that even if we don't move, there will always be an invisible big hand pushing us to move this sky, right?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall grinned completely, "Last time, we just wanted to end everything with our own hands, and create a new world for him, so that he has enough time to grow safely while isolated from the ancient level."

"But now... hehe." The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall smiled, "This kid, but a world powerhouse who has completely grown up, what else are we worried about? What can't let go."

Eight people, their faces are full of confidence.

Today's situation seems to be clearly not that decisive.

But the eight people know that today, there is no room for return.

They thought that what came today was only a violent storm, but this violent storm had no sign.

But now it is certain that what is here today is simply the world collapsed!


High in the sky.

Xiao Yi's face was filled with shock.

Ba Tianjun appeared in his heyday, and now he was suddenly blocked and trapped by the eight-legged dragon flame, making him unable to get out anyway.

Xiao Yi was shocked.

Everything seems to have been premeditated and prepared.

Everything was never as simple as he judged at the beginning.

Intuition tells him that today's game is a general situation, a bottomless game that is enough to destroy him... and even the entire Eight Palaces, a slaying game.

"It can be regarded as waiting until you use the spirit pulse to increase the amplitude." Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered while controlling Long Yan with both hands.

"It is a skill to be able to compromise with the support of the Eight Sects and the Hundred Schools for so long before you are willing to use the spiritual pulse to increase." Misty Tianjun said indifferently.

Can you wait?

"You have been here long ago..." Xiao Yi was shocked again.

No, it's not right.

No one can hide from him and hide silently in the dark.

Xiao Yi was suddenly stunned.

The Eight Heavens Lord did not come early; instead, he always knew what was going on here, and then used the heavenly path to shuttle from the Tianyuan realm to appear here instantly.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Wu Hei Tianjun's face was a bit ashamed, but his face was majestic and cold for a moment.

"Perhaps, you have never been a demon who is really willing to go frantic and stir up lives."

"But, you act indefinitely, and everything depends on your own good."

"If you touch your scales, you will not hesitate to kill, and you will not stop killing, and pour out your anger at will; in order to keep the people you want to protect, you can go against the will of God and let those who should have a longevity stay in the world forcibly."

"Everything, you are all based on your own preferences, do you know that this is lawlessness?"

Wu Hetian paused, "Perhaps, your heart is not dark, after all, there is a pure white."

"However, the scale in your heart will not become a measure of heaven and earth."

"The whiteness of this world is ultimately carried, measured, and guarded by the laws of this world."

"This Tianjun can only be here, sorry for you."

After all, there is no more words for Wu Hei Tianjun, and all the dragon flames controlled by his hands are poured out.

Xiao Yi grinned, "False feelings, a bunch of villains."

"You Long Yan, you can't hurt me."

"Wait for me to cut you piece by piece later."

Gu Yuan Tianjun stared at Xiao Yi coldly, "Let's watch everything next."

"We do not participate, and you cannot participate."

Misty Tianjun's face was indifferent and majestic, "Those who are against the sky are trying to create variables. We must let all the variables dissipate and restore the order of heaven and earth."

Bei Yin Tianjun sneered, "Everything you did in the past will only become a dream bubble and no longer exist."

"Show yourself." Shengyue Tianjun shouted violently.

Huh huh huh...

Above the sky, the space surged rapidly.

A group of figures appeared out of thin air.

The silhouettes are full of breath, but they are different.

Xiao Yi looked coldly, his eyes suddenly frozen on one person, to be precise, the sword in one person's hand.

"Seven Killing Sword?" Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.

The sword holder is an old man, but he has a strong breath.

When the space surging stopped, it was a hundred figures who appeared in the sky.

Thousands of miles away, Baijia knelt down in the air, "see ancestors."

The identity of these figures is self-evident.

Xiao Yi's eyes were filled with surprise, "Sword Lord Seven Kills, Murong Wuming."

Xiao Yi glanced over, looking at the martial arts aura exuded by the silhouettes, he was shocked.

"Beihai Sword Master, Xu Shu."

"The Daoist Master, Su Yan."

"Don't be empty Mengjun, dream as you like."

"The first strong gunner in ancient times, Yuwen's domineering gunner, Yuwen broke the army."


Hundreds of figures, all above the nine levels of the monarchy, the strong, and even the peak of the monarchy, infinitely close to the invincible monarchy.

The strongest among them is the real invincible monarch level.

In other words, this... is a powerful person above the combat power of a hundred Eight Sect Masters!

Gu Yuan Tianjun spit out an indifferent and awe-inspiring sentence, "Slay the Eight Halls!"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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