Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3702: Battle of Crushing

Xiao Yi scanned the eight heavenly monarchs coldly.

"Your goal is the Eight Absolute Relics?"

Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered and said nothing.

Wu Hei Tianjun said solemnly, "There are only eight relics, we don't care about it yet."

"Today, just by the order of the ancestors to take your life, Xiaoyi Xiaoyou."

"Everything is just..."

"No Hei Tianjun." Misty Tianjun glanced indifferently, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

No one knows how long eight days you have lived.

Eight people, claiming to be the guardians of the mainland, the enforcers and defenders of the laws of heaven and earth.

The eight people have seen all the vicissitudes of this world and the vicissitudes of life in this world.

It's impossible to arbitrate from these old monsters unless there is a special reason.

Batianjun, sometimes he was so indifferent not like a living being, but more like the indifference law of this world.

But Mr. Wu Hei Tian was willing to let go of his guard, sometimes with shame in his eyes, but he didn't know the reason for the time being.

Xiao Yi thought secretly, taking in everything below.

My heart, first secretly horrified.

The combat power of the eight main hall masters completely exceeded his imagination.

This is also the first time he has seen the eight masters of the palace call all the eight relics, exploding combat power.

Eight people, fighting hard against the ancestors of a hundred families, among which Senior Luo was still the master to block this area, and only part of the combat power was allocated to participate in the battle.

Hundreds of ancestors, the all-chance monarch realm above the nine-fold peak cultivation base.

Moreover, the ancestors of the Hundred Schools are not ordinary warriors.

These hundred people who founded a hundred schools and created the splendor of martial arts during that period of gloomy martial arts are all the most amazing and brilliant.

Contrast the Basong ancestors who relied on the long years of sect heritage, as well as the gifts and inheritance left by the ancestors of the emperor realm, and became the old monsters of the heaven and earth strong; The suzerain level is stronger.

The gap between the two can be seen.

These hundreds of people are all those who rely on their fists to forcibly break the barrier of the martial arts, leaving a solid footprint on the long road of martial arts.

He had just been able to recognize these hundred ancestors with his martial arts aura so easily, for two reasons.

One is the time when the ancestors of the hundreds of families became famous. In fact, the distance is not as long as imagined.

It seems to be called an ancestor, but in fact, it is just a warrior in the middle of the ancient times, and counted years, it is also a strong man in Luo's era.

The second is that these hundred people are too amazing to be stunning and too famous.

History cannot obliterate the traces and brilliance of these hundred people.

Moreover, these hundred people seem to be a sign of ancient times.

But now, such a hundred terrifying heaven and earth powerhouses, under the joint hands, have been crushed by the seven masters.

The battle that broke out from mid-air to high-altitude within 10,000 miles is a battle of crushing; seven people, crushing a hundred people!

He himself can be considered a thousand tempered, and he has experienced many battles at this level of combat power, so he has enough vision.

According to one's own judgment, if the Eight Heavens Sovereign were not protected by the Law of Life Origin, even if the Eight Heavens Sovereign held Long Yan and fought with the eight main hall masters, the result would only be crushed and killed by the eight main hall masters.

The eight main hall masters, their cultivation bases are nothing, but the fighting power is basically the ceiling under the emperor realm.

No wonder that from beginning to end, the eight main hall masters are always so confident.

It's no wonder that in the trembling battle thousands of years ago, even the Tianyuan realm that claimed to have destroyed the powerful demon gate could only be compromised in the hands of the eight first-generation masters.

It's no wonder that Badian, since its establishment, has been hailed as the cornerstone of the eight continents!



The Master Yao Zun pointed out suddenly.

Seven Kill Sword Master's sharp and mysterious sword snaked out.

Suddenly, the Seven Kills Sword Master's face changed, his body became stiff, and the Seven Kills Sword in his hand suddenly froze in midair, "How could it hand..."

"Starting from the fingers, the blood flows backwards, flowing away from the heart."

A finger from the main hall master Yaozun came in an instant, focusing on the chest of the Seven Killing Sword Sovereign.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

As if a thousand waves were stunned by a single stone, the Seven Kills Sword Lord's body exploded repeatedly, bursting out a cloud of blood mist.

"Puff." Sword Master Seven Kills spouted out blood.

"This Sword Sovereign fights with you for only a few dozen breaths, but you can slightly injure all the acupoints and meridians in this Sword Sovereign body's limbs."

"This last finger provokes all injuries. If it weren't for this Sword Master to protect his heart with seven kill sword qi, I am afraid that all the blood in his body would flow back, and his heart would burst and die."

"Sure enough, the one who is best at saving people is also the best at killing."

"The physical body of the monarch realm inherently contains countless profound mysteries. Because of the different martial arts cultivated by each martial artist, the circulation and operation of the breath in the body are different."

"In addition to the differences in the strengths of various martial arts, the ways of mobilizing the vital energy to the meridians in the small world are different, the circulation is different, and the focus of the five internal organs and the six fu organs and the acupoints are different."

"The body of the monarch martial artist is so complicated that it is equivalent to the vast knowledge of martial arts."

"Your medicine is real, but you can see through it all at a glance."

The Master Yao Zun laughed lightly, "Yes, Sword Lord Seven Kills, you are in my eyes, you are full of weaknesses."

Seven Kills Sword Lord's face was full of shock, "With the undead relics, you can fight in close hands unscrupulously; with insight into weaknesses, any warrior is full of flaws in your eyes."

"Fighting with you in close combat is basically any warrior who is trying to find his own way."

"It's true that there is no crude drug for three feet, so it is."


At the height of a hundred miles above the air, there was a sudden explosion.

To be more serious, it was the Head of the Hunting Demon Hall who raised his knee and hit Bukong Mengjun's chin heavily.

Bukong Mengjun was struck by lightning, and his face was stained with blood.


Before waiting for Bukong Mengjun to stand firm, the figure of the main hall of the hunting monster has disappeared in place, and instantly appeared behind Bukong Mengjun, with a shot of his leg, the Bukong Mengjun who was still flying in the air was turned back. Back.

"Mengdao, trapped in the air..." Bukong Mengjun couldn't help stabilizing his figure, and quickly put out his hands.

However, as soon as his hands were out, and the strength of his hands was condensed, the figure of the head of the hunting demon palace had arrived again in an instant.

The old palm was actually full of strength, and he shook Bukong Mengjun's hands back, making two clicks, and Bukong Mengjun's hands were completely twisted.

"Um..." Bukong Mengjun cried out painfully.

"Broken." The head of the Demon Hunting Hall shouted coldly.

Bukong Mengjun's pupils shrank, his already distorted hands were held back, and a pair of arms snapped in an instant with a click.

"Asshole." Bukong Mengjun glared wide.

The head of the Demon Hunter General Hall looked indifferent and punched with his backhand. Bukong Mengjun felt severe pain in his face, and another punch was blown into the air.

This time, Bukong Mengjun only felt a moment of stunned head, full of smelly mouth, and a sense of leaking mouth. In mid-air, a few silver teeth instantly turned into dust.

From beginning to end, the main hall master of the hunting monster did nothing fancy, let alone the martial arts that would shake the world.

One punch and one kick, one move and one move, it couldn't be simpler, but it was all sharp and fluent.

Since the two fight, Bukong Mengjun has not even had a time to fight back.


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