Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3703: All flaws, no flaws

Above the sky, the Eight Heavens Monarch is also watching the battle everywhere.

'Hiss', Jinhuo Tianjun looked at Bukong Mengjun, who was blasted like a sandbag, and couldn't help taking a breath.

As the invincible monarch realm, Bukong Mengjun is not weaker than him.

In other words, if he were to fight against the Demon Hunter Master Palace Master, he would end up like Bukong Mengjun.


"Meng Dun." Bukong Mengjun sighed coldly, resisting the stunned pain in his head.


Bukong Mengjun, whose body was blasted down quickly, was surrounded by a strange force suddenly condensed and wrapped, and his body became so strangely hidden.


The head of the Demon Hunter's eyes were quick and fast, and he chased him in an instant, worthy of no empty Mengjun's body. All of it escaped into the Mengdao space and caught his head.

"Get out of here." The head of the demon hunting hall pulled out another elbow.

"Puff." Bukong Mengjun spouted out **** blood, the bridge of his nose was completely sunken, and his entire head hurt like a broken bone.


Just at this time.

A figure flashed past, and instantly caught Bukong Mengjun, the figure retreated a hundred steps.

"Bukong Mengjun." The figure showed shock.

"Mr. Absolute Wind Dao." Bukong Meng Jun Qiang opened his eyes and saw the person who came, his expression happy.

Absolute Wind Dao Monarch, the ancestor of the Feng Family, the peak cultivation strength of the Sovereign Realm, second only to the Invincible Sovereign Realm.

A strength, in the hundred ancestors, undoubtedly the top.

"Is there a serious problem?" Jun Juefeng asked, looking at Mr. Bukong Meng in surprise.

Bukong Mengjun gritted his teeth, "I can't die."

In the next instant, Bukong Mengjun coldly looked at the head of the demon hunting hall a hundred steps away, his face was full of anger, but he was shocked.

"What a terrible fighting ability."

"The old man views this person's life-saving breath, it will never be thousands of years."

"But the battle he has experienced is more than what I have waited for tens of millions of years."

"This is a terrifying strong man with no flaws."

If fighting against Yaozun's main hall master is full of flaws in oneself; then fighting against the hunter's main hall master is that the opponent will never find a half flaw in his body.

Either stalemate or flee quickly, or if you fall into the wind, you will never stand up until you are seriously injured and killed by this fierce move one by one.

This opponent will never reveal a half-point flaw.

Mr. Bukong Meng had a deep hatred in his heart. He would rather fight against the famous and ruthless Venerable Luo, or fight San Chi Silent for respect, and even fight with the master of Shura, the first person in the world. Fight, and never want to fight with the head of the hunting monster.

Because in front of him, he didn't even have a chance to use his own methods.

"Humph." At this time, the head of the demon hunter snorted coldly, and his figure moved again.

"Mr Juefeng Dao, help me." Bukong Mengjun snorted coldly.

"Okay." Dao Jun Juefeng replied, the wind lingering in his hands.

But, in a flash.

"Uh." Jun Juefeng snorted abruptly, breathing uncomfortably.

A strong palm already held his throat.

Bukong Mengjun was punched again.

Bukong Mengjun was in pain, but he coldly drank, "I see how you can do it now..."

Before fighting alone, he was suppressed and could not fight back.

This time, with the Absolute Wind Dao Monarch, the main hall master of the hunting demon will be a clone of lack of skill.

However, before he finished speaking, his pupils shrank.

That nightmare-like figure in black attire suddenly appeared in front of him with a punch.

The other hand of the figure is still holding the throat of Jun Zefeng.

Whoosh whoosh...boomboomboom...

The situation of the battle has not changed.

It's just that compared to the previous Bukong Mengjun being crushed alone, this time, the master of the hunting demon always holds the throat of the Great Wind Daojun in one hand, carrying the body of the Great Wind Daojun, and then crushes it with one hand. Daojun is nothing.

"How could it be..." For the first time in tens of millions of years, Bukong Mengjun showed this look like a monster.

In the hands of the head of the hunting monster, Lord Absolute Wind Daoist had already turned purple, his hands forcibly broke the old palm, but found that he could not shake the old but powerful palm anyway.

"Let go... Let go... My lord..." Absolutely cursed and regretted in his heart, he shouldn't have participated in the battle here.

The head of the demon hunter sneered, "Hundreds of ancestors have escaped from the world, hiding in Tianyuan for countless years."

"The jumbles of the Heavenly Origin Territory didn't tell you that the masters of my previous generations of the Demon Hunting Palace are best at dealing with fierce monsters. Among them, there are many strangers, some huge and violent people, and no shortage of swarmers."

"For me, there is no difference between fighting one person and fighting a hundred people."


the other side.

Thousands of miles above midair.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

Since the beginning of the battle, the battle in this range is probably the most intense place, and the roar has never stopped.

The battle between the Master Palace Master of Asura and Su Yan, the Taoist Lord of Great Yi, was the most powerful.

At this moment, the Dao Sovereign of Ji Yi, the most astonishing talent among the hundred ancestors, the strength is almost the strongest, already like a blood man.

As for the Master of Asura, he is still intact.

"Su Yan, the Daoist of Extreme Meaning, is this what you can do?" The Master Palace Master Shura sneered.

Su Yan's body was trembling, and the palms of both hands were trembling, "What a terrible body..."

"Any methods of this lord, you can do it all."

"If you carry one point, you can find a chance to hurt this lord."

"I can't hurt you, but you can hurt me."

"There is no solution to this kind of battle that hurts people with the original; the first person in the world to cultivate, claim to be invincible in singles, that's it."

Even this Daoist Master, who is known to have mastered a hundred means, faced this completely head-on fighting method, but there was no way to crack it.

"Then die." The Master Palace Master Shura's face became cold, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

Su Yan's face changed drastically, and he quickly put out his hands, "Four Void Halberds."

Soul illusion wind and fire, the fusion of the Four Void Heavenly Dao and the Halberd Dao, one of the Four Battle Heaven Dao, the fusion of the five heavenly Dao, is his strongest method today, and it is almost the strongest attack method among the hundred schools.

The main hall master of Asura looked at the dense halberd shadow that accompanied the power of the illusion wind and fire, full of disdain.

The body was carried hard, unscathed, the figure passed through the dense halberd in an instant, and before Su Yan, the old fist blasted out.

"Puff." Su Yan spouted a mouthful of blood, staring at the old fist on his chest in horror.

This punch, punch through the body.

A blood mist sprayed out from his back, and his ribs were nearly half broken.

This punch was as if all eight emperor mountains hit him.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that within half a minute, he will fall.

The main hall of Asura's face was cold, and another punch was blasted, extremely fierce, overbearing, and violent.

Just at this time.


A long spear swept across.

"Master Spear Dao, Yuwen broke the army." The Master Palace Master Shura glanced, and blasted his backhand with a punch.

Tyrant spear came fiercely, but was blasted back with a punch, and Yuwen's ancestor Yuwen broke the army and was blasted back a hundred steps.

Su Yan, however, retreated while taking advantage of the gap.


Second more.

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