Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3704: The collision of times

Boom boom boom boom... boom boom boom boom...

Above mid-air, the altitude range of five thousand miles is the densest place of fighting in the entire battlefield, and it is also the densest place of aura raging.

Nearly eight hundred percent of the ancestors are in this range.

However, the three strongest Invincible Sovereign Realm among the ancestors of the Hundreds, as well as the top Sovereign Realm pinnacle among them, were even so embarrassed.

What's more about a bunch of nine layers of monarch realm?

Therefore, nearly 80% of the ancestors of the hundred families seem to be large in number, but they are crushed more thoroughly in the hands of the four masters of the main hall of the wind brake, the main hall of the flames, and the main hall of the heavenly machine and the main hall of the soul.

The hurricanes of the sacred fire giants and the sacred wind giants are like the ‘gates’ at the height of five thousand miles, and there are very few people who can pass through this gate.

But most of the ancestors of the hundred families who were blocked by the gates were subjected to the constant bombardment of the Ten Thousand Array, as well as the fierce ravages of the giant ice dragon.

This is just a more thorough battle of crushing.


On the sky.

Xiao Yi watched the fight everywhere, while horrified, while secretly worried and worried.

The eight main hall masters are now overwhelmingly powerful, and it is not fake to crush a hundred ancestors.

Even if it hadn't been for the cooperation of the ancestors of the hundred families, now the Head of the Demon Hunter Palace had already killed those Invincible Monarchs.

However, the eight main hall masters can only maintain this combat power for a few minutes at most.

Once these few minutes are exceeded, it will exceed the limit of the law of bounds. By then, the eight main hall masters will be the end of the collapse of their bodies.

Of course, the eight main hall masters can also fight for this price, even if their bodies are broken, they still maintain their combat power, which is enough to kill all the ancestors of the hundred families.

However, this is the end result, how could Xiao Yi be willing to see it.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth secretly, "The battle must be ended within a few minutes."


At the same time, Ba Tianjun frowned.

"It seems that the three minutes judged by Lord Bentian is still too high." Misty Tianjun's majestic face is full of ugly colors.

Gu Yuan Tianjun looked at the Dongfang Patriarch, Beiyin Old Palace Master and others with cold eyes, "Still stunned?"

The group originally planned to follow the impact of the ancestors of the hundred families and break through the blockade.

However, as a group of people watched this crushing battle, how could they still join it?

Therefore, the Eastern Patriarch and others were completely stunned in the high altitude range.

At this time, after hearing a cold drink from Gu Yuan Tianjun, he did not act immediately, but swallowed.

Gu Yuan Tianjun's face sullen, "Anyone who violates orders is equivalent to violating heaven and earth, and will be regarded as a person who provokes Tianwei."

"Even though Er Deng is the blood of our eighth heavenly monarch, the eight of us will not be selfish."

The Eastern Patriarch gritted his teeth and had to answer, "Yes."

The group of them has the invincible monarchy of Beiyin old palace master, and the peaks of the monarchy, such as Dongfang Patriarch, Dongfang Taishang and Beiyin Taishang.

There are also nine powers in the monarchy, such as Jinhuo Sect Master, Liuhe Sect Master, and Qiongyu Sect Master.

They are already good at fighting, and coupled with the eight emperor realm inheritance methods, they can affect a part of the battle.

Gu Yuan Tianjun looked at the eight sects and nearly two million martial artists in the sky, "What about you?"

"If you can't leave the world and the remnants of the other seven halls, they will join the battle below."

"By hitting the big battle together, you can also play a strong combat power."

"Hundreds of families, originally as one, can fully display the combat power equivalent to that of several ancestors."

"Go ahead."

"Yes, Tianjun." Patriarch Meng and others gritted their teeth, but they could only nod their heads.

The Eight Heavens Lord was so indifferent and could be persecuted with his own descendants' blood, not to mention being soft to their hundreds of families.

Each of the eight teams, relying on a combined attack, can display a combat power comparable to that of its own suzerain.

Of course, the premise is that all the elders of the monarchy, as well as one hundred thousand elite disciples, are all in the combined attack.

As for the hundreds of families, the combined attack of each family alone would be the most powerful battle power comparable to that of the monarch realm.

However, if a hundred families are one, and the combined attack of each other can be connected to each other, then it is the combined attack of a million warriors, and it is likely to be no less than the combat power of several ancestors.

This, I am afraid it can really turn a part of the battle.

"Bad." Xiao Yi was startled.

"One hundred families?"

Xiao Yi was secretly surprised.

But also at this time.

In the distance... a huge sword energy pierced the sky.

Looking away, the sword qi was so huge that it was impossible to see the whole picture.

To be more serious, the huge sword energy is basically condensed by the dense group of warriors.

So mighty, so dense...

Headed by the Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign and all the disciples of the Supreme Sword Sect.

The huge sword qi came in an instant.

The Six Devils sealed the sky, sealed the inside but not the outside, and the Sword Sect team came, and there was no obstacle.

"Jiuxiao Sword Lord." Gu Yuan Tianjun frowned.

Sword Lord Jiuxiao glanced at Xiao Yi who was trapped in the Eight Dragon Lock Sky, and chuckled, "I'm sorry, Palace Master Xiao Yi, Jiuxiao is late."

"Before my Supreme Sword Sect sealed the mountain, Jiu Xiao had only time to invite a few juniors and 30,000 disciples in the sect to join the battle."

"Enough." Xiao Yi smiled with joy.

Sword Master Jiuxiao glanced at the audience coldly and nodded.

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign, from a non-generalized generation, knew the current situation instantly.

"The method of combined attack? Huh, within the eight sects, which family's combined attack ability can compare to our Supreme Sword Sect?"

"All the disciples listened to the order, combined to attack the big formation, and competed against each team."

"Junior Brother Chi Xiao, you will lead it."

After the words fell, the figure of Sword Master Nine Heavens disappeared into the sky instantly, attacking the Eastern Patriarch and others.


There was a blast of swords that shook Jiu Xiao, and the proud Jiu Xiao Sword lay in front of Dongfang Patriarch, Beiyin Old Palace Master and others.

"Before all the main hall masters are exhausted, Lord Sword guarantees that none of you can participate in the battle."


Sword Lord Jiuxiao suddenly burst out of sword intent, and his momentum soared.

The aura of the peak of the original Sovereign Realm is now in the category of the Invincible Sovereign Realm.

"Force into the Supreme Sword Realm?" Dongfang Patriarch frowned.

The old palace lord of Beiyin squinted his eyes, "Compared with the strong entry during the Nine Desolation Wars, the Sword Master of Nine Heavens is now more advanced in kendo, so it is easier to enter, and will be more powerful after entering."

"It deserves to be the number one disciple of Old Jianjun."

Sect Master Jin Huo gritted his teeth, "This guy was able to block even the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign for a few minutes, we...?"

"Just do your best." Dongfang Patriarch said solemnly.

Sect Master Qiongyu said coldly, "He took the head of Sword Sovereign Nine Heavens, the right to be confessed to the heavenly monarchs."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to affect even the half of the battle, and you will know how Tianjun will pursue me afterwards."

Except for Dongfang Tai's disdain, everyone nodded.

Whoosh whoosh...

At the same time, above the sky, another figure cut through the space.

However, it was not the old monsters who came here, but a group of Tianjiao juniors.

"Brother Xiao, sorry for being late." Su Cheng's face was ashamed.

"Old Xiao, I'll help you." Murong Lingyun said proudly.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi." There were two voices.

It was Mo You and Qinglin.

"Brother Xiao."

"Xiao Yi."

Finally, Ye Liu, Ran Qi, Meng Piao Piao, and several hundreds of Tianjiao.

The Patriarch of the Hundred Clan, who was also in the sky, looked at the incoming person, his expression changed drastically, "Su Cheng? Ling Yun? Piaopiao?... You..."

"Old man, I'm sorry." Su Cheng looked at the old Patriarch Su, "I have practiced as much as I want, so I have to choose to come here today."

"Old man." Murong Lingyun looked at Murong's old Patriarch, his expression full of dissatisfaction, "I said that you trapped me and took away my Seven Killing Sword, but you actually gave it to the ancestor."

The old Patriarch Murong's face was pale, "You dug your ancestor's grave, and you still have reason?"

"Don't roll back to the family?"

Meng Piaopiao glanced below her eyes, "Bukong Mengjun, is that the ancestor of my Meng family?"

"Now, it should be our time, but the old monsters have come out of the world, huh... Then what are we young people?"

Ran Qi glanced around, "Tsk tsk, so many powerful people, it's really spectacular."

Such densely packed figures, with millions of figures at every turn, made people feel shocked.

Ye Liu sneered, "It's just a bunch of villains."

The strength of these young arrogances is far inferior to that of the Nine Heavens Sword Sovereigns, but they are here alone, and they don't have to pull a large number of disciples like Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign.

So the two sides arrived here almost at the same time.

Misty Tianjun's majestic and indifferent gaze swept, "Many arms act as a car, and the mayfly shakes the tree. This is no better."

"A group of people who are up to the sky but can't attack the Sovereign Realm three or four times, and are also mixed with a few little guys of the eight or nine layers of the Holy Venerable Realm. Can they come here to die?"

"Send to death?" An old voice that was more indifferent than Misty Tianjun came from a distance.

Senior Luo sneered, "Tsk tsk, this last battle, the old monster has added some little guys to the battlefield, it's interesting."

"Okay, I will give you a chance."

"Black Spirit." Senior Luo waved the magic sword in his hand.

For a time, above the sky, among millions of warriors, black wind surrounded, as if countless ghosts rushed into it.

Hundreds of schools attacked the big formation, and instantly collapsed.

Senior Luo sneered, "Dozens, hundreds, or even nearly a thousand warriors can be stable in a large array."

"One hundred families? One million warriors sit in one body and mind, sharing each other's energy? Dreaming."

"Really, these million warriors are all devilish evildoers?"

"Venerable Luo." Gu Yuan Tianjun looked coldly, his face ugly.

Senior Luo grinned, "Tianyuan, you are doomed to fall short today."

"Thousands of years ago, why couldn't you have the Eight Palaces? Ten thousand years later, the same is true today!"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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