Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3732: Latent Blood Kaluo


Xiao Yi looked at Spirit Consciousness coldly and squinted at the same time.

"The son." At this moment, Yiyi woke up with his eyes open and called out.

"Yiyi." Xiao Yi nodded and looked at Yiyi, "Does this old monster hurt you?"

Yiyi shook his head and replied, "After Senior Yanlong brought me here, he didn't say anything, just portrayed the Dao seal for me."

"Just now I heard that the son was outside until the ninth breath, and Senior Yanlong drove out."

Xiao Yi didn't doubt that person's ability.

After all, that person, but Yanlong, the longest living creature in this world, is also the strongest creature in the mainland.

Although Yiyi was taken abducted, and then he rushed to the source of heaven, plus the ten breath time of the threat, and the hesitation in the thick fog, all added up to no more than ten breaths.

But with that person's ability to portray a small mark, it can be done with a wave of hands.

But now, according to Yiyi's words, this Taoist seal actually took a lot of effort?

"It's okay." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Yiyi is the best.

However, Yiyi has been by his side for the past six months, there is no abnormality at all, how can he fall on the spot a few days later?

With his Xiao Yi's ability, how could this be hidden from him?

Who is just being alarmist?

The old man squinted his eyes as he listened to the three words'old monster' blurted out by Xiao Yi.

In his capacity, even during the battle six months ago, this young man did not call him that way.

Today, it blurted out.

Seeing Xiao Yi frowning, the person spit out, "See it more seriously."

Xiao Yi frowned and was suddenly shocked.

He suddenly reacted, but his ability is amazing.

A monstrous combat power can even reach the peak of the Emperor Realm.

But that is just combat power.

And his level of refining medicine, the highest level, but the category of Master Yao, far from the emperor realm.

Compared with this Yanlong, it is a far cry.

Could it be that the blood gallo in Yiyi's body really changed?

Xiao Yi's eyes of the Taiyin Sun have been condensed, quickly perceiving and staring at Yiyi.

While staring at the probe, he said seriously, "Are you in a serious problem, or half uncomfortable?"

No matter how powerful outsiders are, after all, they are not as good as the martial artist himself to know his body better.

It may not be possible to know what the problem is, but whether the body is unwell is the most intuitive judgment.

Yiyi shook his head after hearing this.

Xiao Yi frowned more tightly.

Not long.

Xiao Yi's face changed suddenly.

Under his gaze, Yiyi's eyes were sealed by a magical path.

That was what he personally gave Yiyi back then.

And within the ban, there was a sea of ​​blood deeper in Yiyi's eyes.

In the sea of ​​blood, there is a huge blood kaluo, entrenched, standing still, as if sleeping.

This sea of ​​blood, as well as this blood gallo, were all the forces that entered Yiyi's eyes when the nine famines changed into the sky.

"Nothing unusual..." Xiao Yi squinted.

"Yiyi has nothing to fear, and my perception of heaven and earth has not found abnormalities..."

That person, the indifferent voice came again, "As cunning as blood galore, if you can't even fool your own host, how can you fool you with the ability of the soul emperor?"

When Xiao Yi heard the words, he was slightly guessing.

"Naughty animal, wake me up." Xiao Yi yelled abruptly.

In the eyes, two rays of light burst out.

One is as hot as fire, and the other is as cold as an abyss.

In the blood sea, the light fell on Xue Jialuo, and the'sleeping' Xue Jialuo opened his eyes instantly and hovered up.

The hideous blood-colored eyes suddenly looked directly at Xiao Yi, as if they were about to wipe out all the killings.

Xue Jialuo hovering in the sea of ​​blood is so fierce, so fierce, and seems to be sleeping.

"Damn, I've been pretending to be asleep." Xiao Yi suddenly suddenly.

In the past six months, no, perhaps even earlier, Xue Jialuo has not been asleep, just pretending to be asleep.

"Um." At the same time, Yiyi snorted.

With a pair of bare hands, he couldn't help covering his eyes, his face was full of pain.

A drop of blood and tears slowly dripped from his beautiful eyes.

In the eyes of the blood galore, a sea of ​​blood suddenly appeared, and he wanted to swallow Yiyi.

"Naughty animal, you are looking for death." Xiao Yi's face changed drastically.

At this moment, a fiery red mark appeared between Yiyi's brows.

There was a sea of ​​blood in the eyes, and it was still momentarily.

The blood gallo also seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to move.

In the sea of ​​blood, Long Yan boiled and boiled.

The painful color on Yiyi's face disappeared, and the unstable aura returned to normal.

But Yiyi was already sweating, and his face paled.

"Don't be afraid, everything has me." Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi.

Yiyi shook his head, "The son is here, Yiyi is not afraid."

"Go back first, I will find a way to solve this wicked animal." Xiao Yi will leave with Yiyi and return to the Fengcha Main Hall.

Discuss with the eight main hall masters to see if there is a way to deal with this blood gallo.

But Xiao Yi also reacted suddenly. Instead of looking for the help of the eight main hall masters, it was better to... Xiao Yi looked at that one.

Heaven and earth, who can be better than this one?

"Xue Jialuo, why is there such a sudden change?" Xiao Yi asked.

This man, after spending time and effort to talk to him today, something will happen naturally.

He is also ready to pay a certain price for this to help.

However, the one who just spoke indifferently and directly replied, "Do you think that in the eyes of this girl is just a bunch of power?"

"Within the days of the Nine Desolation Change, the people of the Wuyue tribe sacrificed the true blood moon at the cost of the blood of countless creatures in the Nine Desolation based on the blood moon law they controlled."

"The birth in the blood moon is the real blood kaluo."

"What the Moonless Clan and Yuehuang were doing that day was to resurrect the Blood Kaluo."

"Therefore, the one who entered the eyes of this girl is also one of the real ten wild beasts, Xue Jialuo!"

Xiao Yi squinted without interrupting.

That person continued, "Fortunately, the Nine Desolation Change of Heaven was prevented, and the death and injury of the Nine Desolation creatures are limited, so the strength of Xue Jialuo's recovery is also limited, only in the category of Invincible Monarch.

"Furthermore, his own spiritual wisdom is also between the initial birth, like a baby."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I know that."

What Yiyi saw was a real blood kala, but it was also like a blood kala in a ‘baby’ state, with low strength and weak intelligence.

"These monster beasts with strong bloodlines need extremely long years to grow."

"For half a year, as far as the Taihuang Ten Beasts are concerned, I am afraid it will only be in one day."

"At such a moment, how can Lingzhi grow to such a fierce state with the blood in Yiyi's eyes?"

That person, looking towards Yiyi, "Then I have to ask what this girl did."

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi.

Yiyi lowered his head and said like a mosquito, "I just want to help the son."

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at that person.

The indifferent said, "After you used Sky Burial more than half a year ago, during the period of retreat, this girl stopped her practice and only tried to control the power of Xue Jialuo."

Xiao Yi was taken aback, already guessing something.

At that time, after he used the sky burial, his cultivation was almost lost.

In Yiyi's view, the days of the world without emperor, as long as she completely controlled Xue Jialuo, had the invincible monarch realm, and was not afraid of the power of the heavenly monarch, she could help him, and even... protect him.

That person continued, "The Ten Wild Ten Beasts are different from many other ancient monsters and other creatures."

"The ten wild beasts are the only creatures of heaven and earth, and there will always be only one in heaven and earth."

"Her control, tame, and haste, will only make Xue Jialuo's spiritual intelligence grow faster."

"The stronger her control, the stronger the spiritual intelligence of Xue Jialuo will grow."

"The blood kala, who has already greatly increased his spiritual intelligence, will never be willing to grow without power alone to increase his spiritual intelligence."

"So, with the enhancement of its wisdom, it will absorb power autonomously."

"The power of the host is its first ‘food’."

Yiyi shook his head, "But I didn't find out."

The man nodded, "The ten wild beasts are all cunning and fierce, and Xue Jialuo is the most fond of killing."

"Although it has greatly increased its intelligence, it still lurks, waiting for opportunities, and its power is hidden."

"When it is confident enough to'hunt' you and'swallow' you in one fell swoop, it will violent."

"But then, even if you find out, it's already too late."

Xiao Yi suddenly.

To put it simply, during the period of his retreat, it was equivalent to Yiyi taking the initiative to'awaken' the blood kaluo and greatly increased his intelligence.

However, in the battle half a year ago, Yiyi used the pressure to use Xuegalo's power to explode, which directly awakened Xuegalo's killing instinct.

After that, everything was calm, but the cunning Blood Kaluo pretended to be'sleeping' and lurked.


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