Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3733: There is an answer

Xiao Yi thought for a moment.


"Even if the blood galore is a special creature, it is never possible to increase your intelligence in a short time."

"The life of the human beings is far inferior to that of the demon. That mere one or two years is nothing."

"What's more, for a blood kaluo in a'baby' state?"

Xiao Yi looked straight at that person.

The face was indifferent, he paused, and Fang slowly said, "If the blood kala is special, and the host is also special?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

The indifferent replied, "What others can't do does not mean that this girl can't do it."

"The control and taming of this girl has increased the spiritual wisdom of Dexue Kaluo every day."

"Impossible." Xiao Yi blurted out.

The indifferent said, "Do you still remember that in the Nine Desolations Changed into the sky, the blood galore just appeared, and the body can increase by a thousand feet? The strength increases every day?"

Xiao Yi nodded, Shen Ning said, "But that's because Xuejialuo is special, and Wuyue Siming who controls it also holds a special law. Wuyue clan is transformed by the law of killing."

"No month's life and it happen to be the best fit."

"The law of killing itself carries the body of the blood kala, which makes it grow by a thousand feet."

The indifferent asked, "How do you know that the relationship between this girl and the blood kaluo is not as special as the Wuyue clan and the blood kaluo?"

Xiao Yi was about to ask.

The one who took the lead and said indifferently, "Do you still remember that the girl of the Wuyue clan died in your arms during the Battle of the Nine Desolations, but what can you do?"

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

On that day, he really couldn't save Wu Yue Si life.

Wu Yue Si Ming and Xue Jia Luo are already one.

In that limited time, he could only watch Wu Yue Si Ming finally turn into nothingness in his arms.

Who knows everything.

He knew everything and every detail in the Nine Wilderness Wars.

"You mean..." Xiao Yi's face was cold and gloomy, "After Yiyi's situation, will it be as if there is no moon?"

The indifferent said, "It will only get worse."

"When the girl of the Wuyue clan became one with the blood kaluo, she knew it and was once led by herself, so she had time to react."

"Now, between this girl and Xuejialuo, Xuejialuo's spiritual wisdom has become established. When it bursts, this girl has no chance to react."

"Only fall on the spot."

Xiao Yi Ning asked, "Is there a solution?"

How could he rest assured that there was such a cunning and dangerous beast in Yiyi's eyes.

The person said indifferently, "It has been resolved."

"Already resolved?" Xiao Yi squinted.

The person replied, "The flame dragon mark on the center of her eyebrows is enough to suppress the blood galore."

"What she has to do is to continue to improve her cultivation base and control this blood galore more and more."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "In other words, this flame dragon seal has become a talisman to **** Yiyi and Xue Jialuo in the future."

"There is no danger in Yiyi's continuous control of the blood kaluo."

That person nodded.

This is that person's ability.

For other creatures, other existences, troubles and crises that can't be resolved, that one is only something that can be resolved within a few dozen minutes.

It seems to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, but in fact, as long as there is no danger in it, then the rest is only a matter of time, and Yiyi can slowly control it.

The crisis has also become an opportunity.

"Thanks." Xiao Yi arched his hands.

That person, his expression still cold, obviously didn't care about Xiao Yi's "thank you".

"Now, can we start talking?" the indifferent asked.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Aren't you already talking about it now?"

"You don't even have to ask this sentence, it has already been brought into the conversation, but you have not yet brought out the righteous."

That person, there was a slight smile.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"People are good, ghosts and spirits, living long, there are still considerable benefits."

"Like the Eight Heavens Lord, not only is his strength monstrous, he is also a profound and countless existence in the eight cities."

"Reading everything in the world, seeing all the vicissitudes of life, countless things, enough to make them smarter than anyone in addition to their strength."

"Not to mention you, not only live a long time, but also know everything in the world."

"In other words, you have not only removed your strength, but also your mind is unparalleled, you are basically like a perfect creature."

"If I confront you with words and calculations, I will only be boring myself."

That person smiled for the first time.

"Is that why you never come to my Yanlong Cave?" the person asked.

"What do you mean by not coming?" Xiao Yi asked back.

"Half a year ago, you didn't have any injuries." The man said, "After recovering from your injury, you would rather spend your time in the courtyard instead of coming to my Yanlong Cave."

"Are you spying on me?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"There is no snooping, just as you said, I know everything." The indifferent said.

Xiao Yi's coldness faded, and he chuckled, "But it seems to me that you and other ancient creatures don't seem to have much time left."

"But it doesn't take much time. It's a long time in itself."

"You are the one I have ever seen. Shouyuan's trajectory is the deepest, so profound that I don't even know the existence."

"In my eyes, you are nearly as old as this world."

"In my feeling, even if it is 80 million years, put it in your terrible longevity track, it is almost only a moment."

"80 million years is a joke; then there is not much time for you, how long is it?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "So in my opinion, half a year is nothing at all."

"It's the same when I find you a hundred years later, it's the same after a thousand years, ten thousand years later, and even millions of years later, it's the same."

That person, with a smile, "Is this called verbal confrontation?"

"So sharp teeth."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "It's just that I know that'long time' will always be the common point of you old monsters, and it's also a painful spot."

"Just tell me." Xiao Yi put aside his smile, his face straightened, "It took pains to force me to come to Yanlong Cave, what is going on?"

From beginning to end, this person's spiritual consciousness was strangled in the invisible vortex condensed from the eyes of the lunar sun, and it was also suppressed by the power of reincarnation.

And this one has never said a word to let Xiao Yi release his spiritual sense first.

Even when Xiao Yi asked about the solution of Xue Jia Luo in Yiyi's eyes, this one did not hesitate or threaten.

For some reason, Xiao Yi suddenly felt that the so-called "little man" among the population of Huantian and Guiyi did not seem to be a real villain.

That person, whispered, "Before this, don't you think you have a lot of doubts to ask me?"

I don’t know when, that person no longer called the ‘own ancestor’, but simply called ‘I’.

"Doubt?" Xiao Yi sneered, "What am I asking?"

"Why did you kill the Demon Gate back then? Why did you kill the two Demon Ancestors?"

"Ask why you cheated to die these years?"

"Ask why you are looking for eight first-generation chief palace masters to take over the posts of Heavenly Sovereign?"

"Or..." Xiao Yi sneered, "Ask why you are blind, why you allow Beiyin Wuwei and Shui Ninghan to ravage the mainland, playing with and applauding countless creatures, all based on their own selfish desires?"

"Ask you, why you should be so shrewd, but so confused, letting the two **** let the mainland creatures be charcoal, causing countless deaths and injuries?"

"Don't you want to know?" The one asked back.

Xiao Yi sneered, "I have an answer long ago, what do I ask?"


Second more.

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