Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3746: The fourth kendo in the world

Wind brake main hall.

Partial courtyard.

Xiao Yi took a sip of Yiyi's freshly soaked tea, his face was flat, but anyone knew that this flatness was more solemn and solemn than ever before.

In the eyes of the eight old people, there is no evil to repair evil on the mainland, and there is no evil evil.

The mainland is peaceful.

As for the Eight Palaces themselves, although they had just experienced a crisis of almost annihilation.

However, Xiao Yi defeated the ancestors of a hundred families and defeated the Eight Heavenly Monarchs.

Even that person, the dignified Yanlong, showed up in person, but failed to kill Xiao Yi.

In today's world, Xiao Yi is invincible.

This kind of combat power, coupled with Xiao Yi's youthful age, has undoubtedly supported the Eight Palaces, and it will be the most powerful guarantee for the entire Central Region.

Therefore, the eight old people finally let go of all their worries.

This is the first time.

In the past, even after the end of the crisis, the eight old people did not have much smiles. After all, their faces were solemn and worried about the future. They needed to be arranged everywhere, just to arrange everything for Xiao Yi and Badian.

They knew where the real secret of this world was, it was that one.

But now, even that person is no longer able to do so.

The deepest secret has also been solved.

They naturally let go of their hearts completely.

At this time, Fang, like an ordinary old man, was worried about his own kid.


They know the existence of that person, but they don't know the real crisis facing this world.

With countless thoughts in Xiao Yi's heart, he sighed secretly.

This trip to Yanlong Cave really subverted many of his past.

Compare the excitement, anticipation, and thinking after knowing the secret in the past.

This time, he completely exceeded his expectations and completely caught him off guard.

The real whole world is actually huge?

Here, the Yanlong Continent is just the Yanlong Region?

In the void, there are countless realms?

Nine heavens, three hundred heavens, one hundred thousand small worlds!

Valkyrie did exist, and he was the master of Yanlong.

The Valkyrie has indeed fallen.

This world, in the ancient years, has been unable to give birth to a new emperor?

This piece of heaven and earth, after the end of ancient times, is there a period of time in which there have been countless times of ancient reincarnation?

An ancient time is about 80 million years.

Countless times, what a terrible time this should be?

Under the heaven and the earth, all the creatures are actually the game set by the Yanlong that even the mainland is named, the chess pieces in the game?

Who, what you want is the big waves to wash the sand, and the creatures will be stronger under the cruel law?

This central region, known as the tomb of Tianjiao, is known as the continent where the weak eats the strong and the strong respects the strong. Are they all led by Yanlong?

Now, there is not much time left in this world?

The last source of heaven and earth contained in this piece of heaven and earth, contains the secret that may lead to the end of the martial arts, so it has become the sweet pastry and coveted thing in the eyes of all the creatures of the heavens and the world?

He Xiao Yi could not step into the emperor realm at all in this world.

Can only enter the emperor realm in other worlds, but have to face the danger of the special creatures in the void, the countless powerful creatures in the heavens and the world?


Everything actually made even Xiao Yi feel helpless.

Yanlong gave him a complete explanation, and also gave him a complete picture of the long scroll from his birth to the present.

Everything makes him somewhat unacceptable.

He has not made a decision so far, and indeed has no decision.

"Hey." Xiao Yi shook his head, put down the tea cup in his hand, and got up.

"Is the son going out?" Yiyi asked.

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi, his irritability and heaviness, and the ice disappeared instantly.

Going to Yanlong Cave is not all trouble and worry.

The biggest gain, of course, was that the blood kala in Yiyi's eyes was completely sealed.

The Yanlong seal placed by Yanlong himself, no matter how special and fierce the blood gallo is, there is no possibility of harm to Yiyi.

In the future, the existence of Xue Jialuo, Yu Yiyi, is no longer a crisis, but only an opportunity.

Yiyi can take control slowly from now on.

"Yes, I'm going to Dongfang's house." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"I promised Dongfang Danran before."

"Today I took advantage of my leisure time to see what was going on."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I hope it won't be any trouble."

After all, Xiao Yi stood up from the sky.


Out of the wind brake area.

Xiao Yi rushed all the way to Dongfang's home.

He did not drive at full speed, but was flying normally.

Bian Yukong was also thinking about the many thoughts and chores in his mind.



A figure jumped up in the sky ahead.

A sharp sword in his hand pointed directly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly as he looked at the figure.

But in an instant, Xiao Yi lowered his brows and chuckled lightly.

"Long time, no see."

The figure is a young man in his early 20s.

His face is stern, dressed in black, with extraordinary momentum.

"Do you remember me?" The young man had a cold tone, but he was still a little surprised.

"Of course." Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Yi looked at the young man and chuckled, "In the past few years, the ghost hunting king who has risen the fastest in the ghost city has been hailed as the most resolute method, the most resolute, the fastest to complete the task, and he never missed the task. Reaching 100% is even more unintentional that everyone fears."

"In addition, above the Central World, the most dazzling and famous swordsman Tianjiao in recent years, Wuxin Sword Emperor."

"It's so thunderous and famous. I, Xiao Yi, of course, have heard and known it."

"Um." The young man was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly arched his hands, "The city lord is down."

The young man just arched his hands, but there was a flower before his eyes.

Xiao Yi, who was high in the distance, has disappeared out of thin air.

When he reacted, Xiao Yi was already beside him, patted his shoulder with a powerful arm.

Feeling the steady palms on his shoulders, the young man was so blessed with joy on his face.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "Back then, I could still pat your head."

"Now a dozen or so years have passed, and I am as tall as I am, so I can only slap you on the shoulder."

"You still remember me." The young man's face was full of joy.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Let's talk about it, what can you do to find me?"

The young man, his face condensed, "You said that back then, I am not qualified to let you know your name."

"Today, come and ask if you are eligible now."

Xiao Yi shrugged and said with a smile, "Then it depends on your ability."

The young man nodded.

Qiang...The sharp sword in his hand shakes.


The sword sound is clear and ethereal.

In an instant, the sound of the sword seemed to pass through the world.

Everything in the world, flowers, trees, and air, cheered and danced for an instant, sometimes muffled.

Sometimes the vitality is exuberant, and sometimes the vitality is low.

Wait until the sword sound falls.

With a radius of thousands of miles, there is a dead silence, the flowers and trees are all withered, the air is silent and depressed.

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction, his eyes also filled with surprise.

"The fourth kendo in the world, Wuxin kendo!"

Xiao Yi looked at the young man sternly, "Now, I should call you the Unintentional Sword Master."

"At a young age, I already have a triple cultivation base of respect."

"The heartless swordsmanship in the palm of the body; Wuhun is one of the ten wild beasts, a strange monster of the wild.

"tell me your name."

Yes, the young man, it was the child who was outside the city, in front of Youran Village!

The young man, Leng Ao spit out two words, "Luo Tian!"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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