Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3747: Unintentional Monster

"Luo Tian." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and nodded.

The young man, Luo Tian, ​​stared straight at Xiao Yi.

In his eyes, there was a sense of war, and his face was arrogant.

But in an instant, these were all washed away by his hot gaze.

Looking at Xiao Yi's eyes, only hot.

Xiao Yi chuckles when he sees this, "Do you want a battle?"

Luo Tian nodded first, then shook his head abruptly.

"Your breath is so strong that it makes me seem to be facing a violent storm."

"And myself, I am an ant facing this violent storm."

"Even a drop of rain in the breath can drown me."

"This should be what the master told me, the legendary monarch realm."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "You should follow the unintentional rule."

Xiao Yi had heard a little about Luo Tian, ​​and of course he also knew that he was a disciple of Wuxin.

However, Wuxinzhu is only a respectable peak cultivation base, belonging to the hidden world level.

The monarch realm was something he had never touched before, and for his disciples, it was a legendary existence.

The monarchy, in the secular and in the hidden world, is already an unattainable level.

The emperor of martial arts, surpassing the gods of the ten thousand ways, marks the martial arts in his palm, and is truly the emperor on the road of martial arts.

Luo Tian nodded, "Except for the surging weather on your body."

Luo Tian suddenly condensed, "My instinct tells me that you are stronger than I thought."

"It's far more terrifying than the breath you show now."

"Good eyesight." Xiao Yi nodded, "Martial artist's intuition for life and death has also been sharpened."

"Let's go."

Xiao Yi led Luo Tian down from the sky and stopped on a high mountain.

"If you don't fight, let's relive the past."

"By the way, to correct you, I am not the Lord of Ghost Sha, I am not taking over."

Luo Tian nodded, "I know."

"Master told me that you are just throwing your hand at the shopkeeper, you are out of sight, come and go without a trace."

"Heh." Xiao Yi chuckled and looked at Luo Tian, ​​"If you can point me to..."

Xiao Yi paused and looked carefully.

After a long while, Fang whispered, "Wuxin Sword Dao is a fusion of Magic Dao and Ken Dao."

"This kendo is known as the most weird, but the most unpredictable kendo."

"Practitioners, it is unclear whether they will be completely consummated; but when they are truly accomplished, they have many unpredictable capabilities."

"Your Master Wuxin is the master. Although you call yourself'Wuxin', you don't hold Wuxin Swordsmanship."

"On the contrary, you, followed him, cultivated the demon way, relying on your own kendo talent, realized this unintentional kendo."

The six evil spirits of the black devil repaired the six frightening swords.

Wuxin is the master, the head of the six swords, the sword of the heart.

Whether it is the Six Conquering Demon Swords or the Conferring Heart Sword, they belong to the top category of kendo and are also top demon roads.

However, they are not as good as Wuxin Kendo.

The six evil evil spirits, including Senior Luo, are considered to be practitioners of the magic way, half of the disciple of the magic way.

Of course, Senior Luo was the pinnacle of the black demon, so his path belonged to the ancient emperor who stepped into the demon way on his own and had profound accomplishments.

If it is said that Wuxin holds the master, it is considered a beginner in the magic way, and is still struggling on the edge.

So, Luo Tian, ​​although his cultivation is not as good as Wuxin, he has already blazed a new trail and walked out of another path of magic.

Taking the sword as the defense, breaking through the edge of the magic way, walking on the heartless sword road in the fusion of the magic way and the sword way.

The future martial arts achievements of this son will be limitless.

Xiao Yi was silent at this time.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, "City Lord, but I think that I will cultivate this unintentional swordsmanship, and I will be determined to be not a good kind in the future, so now I am eager to talk and stop, and I have scruples?"

"Oh? Why did you say this?" Xiao Yi asked with a chuckle.

Luo Tian suddenly looked cold, "I walked all the way, but it was a sea of ​​corpses and bones, killing countless people."

"Above the Middle Territory, although everyone marvels at my talent against the sky, everyone fears me to kill countless people, calling me unintentional Yama."

"My enemies are all over the Middle Territory."

"Even in the ghost hunting city, apart from Master and a few uncles who treat me well, other ghost hunters also call me a stranger, and fear me."

"Willless kendo, mindless kendo, ignoring everything in the world, and everything in the world, it is difficult for my cold heart to touch half."

Luo Tian said each sentence, his face became colder and colder, and gradually became indifferent like a cold ghost without emotion.

Xiao Yi watched, listened, and said nothing.

This young man is so similar to him.

No, it's almost a copy of his growing up, like a mold.

"City Lord..." Luo Tian looked cold and spit out, "Farewell..."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Wuxin Swordsmanship is indeed the most indifferent of all Swordsmanship."

"But what is good or bad?"

"What is the kind, the non-kind?"

"The creatures I have killed are ten thousand times more than you. Are they bad? Are they good?"

"I have guarded countless creatures in this middle domain, so is it a good person? Good kind?"

Xiao Yi patted Luo Tian on the shoulder, "This question, just like when I was as young as you, I asked and wondered."

"It's just that I only asked and doubted, but I never cared."

"In this world, there is no absolute good or bad, whether it is good or not, just follow your own heart."

Xiao Yi shook his head again, "I am not going to preach to you."

"On the road of martial arts, I can point to you and lead you, but after all, you need to go and realize it yourself."

Luo Tian just wanted to say something.

Xiao Yi said first, "I was silent just now because I couldn't guide your unintentional swordsmanship."

"I haven't repaired this kendo."

"In addition, Wuxin Sword Dao is a fusion of Magic Dao and Ken Dao; but the fusion of the two is quite strange."

"A demon repairer must be physically strong and incomparable."

"Swordsmanship, or fierce, infinitely forward; or gentle, ethereal and endless; Kendo, the most changeable."

"The Wuxin swordsmanship that the two merged is extremely weird, gentle, and invisible."

Xiao Yi paused, "I've seen your information on several battles. The people you kill, even those whose strength is equal to yours, died silently."

"Opponent, I didn't see you with a sword, but you were killed."

"Your task completion rate is 100%."

"That's why you have the title of'Willless Yama'. Yama wants people to die for the third watch, and never keep people to the fifth watch."

"Your sword is just like your heart, what your heart thinks, the sword moves instantly, killing people invisible."

"Such a weird and almost incompatible fusion kendo is as difficult as the fusion of ice and fire."

"Finally, it is your martial soul." Xiao Yi looked directly at Luo Tian.

"I saw you for the first time, helped you, and gave you a chance because of your martial spirit."

"The unintentional monster, one of the ten wild beasts."

"To be honest, even me, I don't know much about this monster beast."

The ten wild beasts, even the dossier records of the Eight Palaces, are not many.

Therefore, Xiao Yi only knew the name of the Ten Wild Ten Beasts, and probably knew the methods of this monster beast.

More, but I don't know.

The only one who truly understands the ten wild beasts, and even preserves their remains, is the Heavenly Origin Realm.


First more.

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