Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3748: The heavens and all worlds, smash into pieces

"I just probably know that the unintentional monster is the strangest among the ten wild beasts, and can even be called the first of the ten beasts."

"Compared with other creatures, the talent of the monster beast is that powerful body."

"But the unintentional monster is unintentional and invisible, without flesh, it is extremely strange."

"Therefore, the unintentional strange monster itself is a special and conflicting existence, just like the unintentional swordsmanship."

Xiao Yi said a few sentences.

"But." Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "you don't have to worry about it."

"The weirdness of your swordsmanship and the weirdness of martial arts are indeed extremely difficult problems for outsiders."

"But, Wuhun, no one can understand better than the martial artist himself."

"The kendo and martial soul you cultivate are both conflicting existences; but the two are also compatible existences."

"From now on, you can rely on your martial soul to control this kendo."

"If you truly blend in kendo, you may have a much easier time going forward."

Luo Tian, ​​listening carefully and thinking about it carefully.

After a long while, if there is some understanding, he bows his hands, "be taught."

The atmosphere was suddenly silent, and then fell into embarrassment.

Luo Tian's young face was indifferent, but also a little shy.

"That..." Luo Tian broke the silence first.

"Actually, I went down to look for the city lord, not for guidance."

"It's just..." Luo Tian paused and looked at Xiao Yi seriously, "Completing the promise that year."

"There is...there is..."

Luo Tian suddenly lowered his head, his face was shy, his eyes were hot again.

Today, he is the unintentional Yama of the foreign population, a strong man who is on his own, and an arrogant sword repairman who is often indifferent.

But in any case, many years ago, he was just a child, a child with a grudge.

As for him, Xiao Yi, who suddenly appeared back then, was powerful and invincible, just like a **** of war, an indelible looking up figure imprinted in his childhood memory forever.

"What else?" Xiao Yi asked softly.

Luo Tian was silent, silent.

"A secret that can't be told?" Xiao Yi asked with a chuckle.

Luo Tian shook his head, "It's not a secret, I just want to see the city lord."

He is like a warrior who has realized that he has achieved success in his cultivation and is already outstanding enough. After all, he wants to get a compliment from the ‘god’ he has been worshiping all the time.

Sometimes, this kind of thinking is so strange.

"Heh." Xiao Yi let out a laugh, "If you want to see me, go to the main hall to find me later."

"By the way, if you don't give pointers, then it will still be nostalgic."

"Tell me, what did you go to Youran Village alone back then? What have you been through these years?"

Xiao Yi sat down at will.

Luo Tian politely sat down in front of him and replied, "Back then, I had blood feuds. My parents, grandfather, all the elders and clansmen in the family, their hatred was the reason why I had to enter Youran Village."

"That's what my grandfather told me before he died."

"Only after entering Youran Village, the enemy family dare not look for me, and I am safe."

"Only when I enter Youran Village can I grow up, become strong, and take revenge in the future."

"Have you reported it?" Xiao Yi asked.

Luo Tian nodded, "Reported, this blood feud was reported a few years ago."

"In the following years, my only motivation was you, the lord of the city."

"If anything I have been through in the past ten years, it's as long as a piece of cloth."

"However, it can be summed up in a few words. After the weather and the dangers, there is the unintentional Yama of the nine dead today."

Xiao Yi nodded.

He didn't press on.

Zhongyu is so big, there are countless grievances.

There can be no more blood feuds like this.

And there are countless young men and young people like this who can walk in the middle domain with hatred on their backs.

However, there are very few that can really blaze a trail for growth.

The air is quiet again.

Luo Tian, ​​do not speak.

Xiao Yi looked at the sky beyond the mountain, thoughtfully, "Parents, relatives, are dead, this world, only himself."

"That kind of loneliness is very uncomfortable."

"The kind of unwillingness, grief, and self-blame, will never go away."

"If you were not a child, but the unintentional Yama you are now, you can protect your parents and relatives."

Luo Tian finally showed grief, and the wind and frost on his face turned into depression.

Xiao Yi looked up at the sky, seeming to want to see the sky completely and thoroughly.

"I said, that kind of unwillingness and powerlessness, I will never suffer a second time."

"It seems that I still have to go outside and kill all these bastards, and your world will be quiet."

Xiao Yi suddenly smiled knowingly, remembering what he saw today.

Seeing Yiyi so unrestrained, even rare to tease him, smile so comfortably.

Seeing those eight old people, it was no longer the solemn expressions that needed to be calculated and arranged everywhere in the past, but like ordinary elders, worrying about their own kids.

"The heavens and myriad worlds, I will give you a blast." Xiao Yi suddenly had extremely cold eyes.

The sky ran away instantly.

Heaven and Earth seemed to be trembling under this cold gaze.

"City Lord?" Luo Tian was shocked aside.

"Is this the true strength of the city lord?"

"I was angry, and the sky trembled."

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, then got up and looked at Luo Tian, ​​"Well, I'll be your senior. Although I can't point you, I can give you a chance."

"But whether you have any gains or not depends on your own ability."

Luo Tian stood up and shook his head, "Thanks to the city lord, but now I am..."

Xiao Yi interrupted softly, "The unintentional dominance is like a legend in the world."

"However, the martial arts training after you will only mislead others."


Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed, a force of law surging in the air, and then wandered away on his own.

After a long while, the law wandered over and turned into a light group.

Xiao Yi looked at Luo Tian, ​​"This is a letter condensed by my Law of Sen Luo, you take it and walk all the way west."

"Cross the western end, pass the demon realm, and then step into the nine wasteland."

"Don't worry, with my laws and blessings, all monsters dare not deter criminals, and they will retreat thousands of miles."

"You have arrived in a wild land, and the lord of the wild has seen my message. He should sell me a bit of thin face and give you some guidance."

This is just a letter condensed by the law, inside, probably said the matter.

It wasn't even Xiao Yi's request, but it was just about telling the situation with the Lord of the Alien Desolate. It is not known if the Lord of the Alien Desolation will help, or how much it will help.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi said, but seeing Luo Tian's eyes widened, he was stunned, looking directly at the law in the air to spread the letter.

"Episode?" Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then smiled.

"It seems that Sun Law's law is an opportunity for you."


Xiao Yi punched a sword-qi barrier in his hand to protect Luo Tian, ​​who had fallen into a state of enlightenment, and then stood on the edge of the cliff with his hands and waited quietly without interruption.


Second more.

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