Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3749: Kui Meng Clan

"Sen Luo Law, does it fit in Wuxin Kendo?"

Xiao Yi looked at Luo Tian, ​​but didn't say a word, only thought to himself.

He hasn't cultivated Wuxin Swordsmanship, and he only knows the existence and probabilities of this kind of Swordsmanship, but he doesn't know it well.


Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed again, making the Law of Sen Luo in the air more intense.

But for a few minutes, the vast world seemed to have become a land of Senluo Law.

According to the Law of Sun Luo, he has long been fulfilled.

With his current cultivation base, it is not difficult to condense to such a strong point.

Since Luo Tian, ​​this kid, has an epiphany of Senluo's Law, then the stronger the law that exists here, the stronger the epiphany, and the easier it is to comprehend.

The vast world, the laws of martial arts are as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, endless.

But there are strengths and weaknesses in the martial arts laws.

Third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, and even the most powerful martial arts.

Of course, there are also signs of martial arts, as well as the law of longevity, such as the most powerful martial arts that can only be possessed by the world.

In this vast ocean of martial arts, marking martial arts is like a beacon in all martial arts.

Those with advanced cultivation will also be more sensitive to these powerful martial arts.



Above the high altitude, the space trembled violently.

Boom boom boom...

Three violent roars in a row, sounded one after another.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, "Seal."

A stronger barrier immediately fell to Luo Tian's surroundings, isolating these violent roars.

"What a strong breath." Xiao Yi looked up after doing everything.

The space above the high altitude is already shattered.

When I saw it, there was a fit, and inside, an inexplicable breath seemed to erupt from the vent of a storm.


A burly figure suddenly shuttled out of the space.

The figure is burly and dark, with a hideous armor on his skin and a single horn on the top of his head.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"It's not a human race, and it's not a monster."

"Non-human or demon, where does the monster come from?"

"It's still the pinnacle of the Sovereign Realm."

At high altitude.

The figure lowered its head and stared, that domineering and fierce gaze suddenly collided with Xiao Yi's gaze.

"Huh? Human beings?" The figure, no, the monster, actually vomited.

"My uncle is the leader of the Kuimeng clan, so I won't get in the way."

"A little ant of the fourfold Sovereign Realm, don't you go away?"

The shadow of himself appeared for a moment, and Xiao Yi had already locked the figure instantly.

Such a non-human, non-demonic monster, and still at the peak of the Sovereign Realm, how could Xiao Yi let it mess up.

This is within the middle area, and near the center, and near the main hall of the wind brake.

It would be a disaster to let such a monster run rampant.

"The Kuimeng clan? What the hell?" Xiao Yi frowned even more tightly.

Moreover, he could clearly see that this monster seemed to be wounded on his body, and his dark hideous skin was overflowing with blood.

"An ant dare to stop this uncle? Get out." The monster shouted angrily, and then forced to break through the lock.


Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, and instantly rose from the sky, blocking his way.


The purple electricity in the hand appeared out of thin air.

"Ant, you're looking for death." The monster yelled and punched.

Before the fist arrived, the terrifying sound of breaking through the air had already blasted the space all the way.

"Sure enough, it is the pinnacle of the Sovereign Realm." Xiao Yi's eyes condensed.

"Thang Long."

"Five Jue True Meaning."


Xiao Yi's momentum broke out instantly.

In the explosive momentum, there seemed to be a flame dragon rising into the sky.

The monster blasted with a punch, Xiao Yijian thunder surged, and the same punch blasted out.

Boom... A terrifying roar.

Xiao Yi didn't move, but the monster was bombarded.

The increase of Thang Long and Wu Jue Zhenyi is the overall increase.

In other words, Xiao Yi now is not only equivalent to the physical strength stepping into the peak of the monarch realm, but also the cultivation base stepping into the peak of the monarch realm.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned again.

The monster was blasted back.

But to be honest, the thunder and lightning that blasted the monster's body only made the monster numb, and failed to damage the monster.

"A strong physical force." Xiao Yi was slightly surprised.

This sword, although he did not use his full strength, was not weak anymore.

His sword didn't hurt this monster any bit.

But now this monster is wounded.

Who hurt this monster?

The monster looked at Xiao Yi in horror, "Yan...Yanlong...?"

At the same time, behind him, in the already shattered space, another astonishing breath came.


Xiao Yi and the monster spit out at the same time.

Xiao Yi looked straight into the broken space.

The monster suddenly turned around and looked into the shattered space, and at the same time his face changed drastically, "No, the Spirit Devouring Race is chasing..."

Before the words were finished, the monster had no time to be horrified.


On his body, a pair of blue wings suddenly appeared, and then suddenly.

Xiao Yi was shocked again, "Huh? Birdman?"

Xiao Yi's voice just fell.


In the shattered space, there was a violent and astonishing impact.

Before the impact, the hurricane generated by Yu Wei, Xiao Yi, who was already blowing high in the sky, seemed unstable.

"Cut." Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed, offsetting the gang wind.

But in the next instant, Xiao Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

High above the sky, the already broken space is now ten times bigger.

A giant beast rushed out in an instant, and its huge body filled the entire shattered space.

The monster was supposed to spread its wings and leap, but...

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, cold sweat on the palms of his hands.

The monster was already in the beast's mouth, and the beast swallowed it, and the monster's bones were gone.

"What the hell..." Xiao Yi calmed down his mind, his expression horrified.

The giant beast in front of him filled the entire shattered space.

The behemoth is white all over, resembling worms and not worms, with a mouth wide open and densely fangs.

That amazing aura is definitely the level of Invincible Monarch Realm.

"What kind of monster is it?" Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

The behemoth's ferocious gaze suddenly fell on Xiao Yi, with greed and desire in his eyes, that...hungry desire.

The behemoth opened its mouth.

The space is constantly spreading and shattering...No, it is not shattered, it is simply turned into nothingness, as if it has been swallowed.

Together with the power of the surrounding space, the power of heaven and earth, and even the power of martial arts, they also turned into nothingness and were all swallowed by giant beasts.

"Swallowing the martial arts power of heaven and earth? You are looking for death." Xiao Yi instantly turned cold, ignoring a lot of horror, and a thunder and lightning sword aura shot out in the air.

Jian Qi just came out.

Xiao Yi frowned first.

On the sword, the thunder suddenly disappeared, and replaced by an ice white flame.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed by.


The behemoth dismembered instantly.


A strange flame of ice white color erupted from the body of the giant beast.

The behemoth looked unharmed on the surface, but in fact, everything inside was burnt to ashes.

Until the sea of ​​ice and white fire, the body of the giant beast was completely submerged.

Phew... A breeze passed by.

The behemoth turned into ashes.


Luo Tian suddenly woke up, "The legendary third kendo in the world, Bingming kendo?"

Luo Tian looked at Xiao Yi high in the sky in surprise.


Third more.

Update today, over.

Uh, Kui (kui), it shouldn't be a rare word.

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