Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3750: Return to the Oriental Home

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the blank space in front of him. The behemoth had turned into ashes.

Together with the ‘monster’ that was swallowed just now.

For some reason, when he made the shot just now, he planned to use the Lei Lin Sword Dao that he is better at.

But when he really approached the behemoth, he intuitively told him that Lei Lin Sword Dao could not kill the behemoth in a short time.

Although this behemoth is invincible, Xiao Yi still doesn't see it.

Worried, but just afraid that this giant beast would devour too much power of heaven and earth.

In the state of Wu Jue true meaning, the overall increase, he is already equivalent to truly stepping into the peak of the monarch realm.

Invincible Sovereign Realm, Extreme Sovereign Realm, and Emperor Sovereign, all three are the peak cultivation bases of Sovereign Realm, but they differ in combat power.

His Xiao Yi is at the peak of the monarch realm, and his combat power has the ultimate monarch realm category, close to the emperor's combat power.

Defeating the invincibility in the invincible monarch realm like Batianjun is easy, and it can be easily killed by relying on the Lei Lin sword to resist the law of Shouyuan.

But just now, his battle intuition did tell him that his full-strength sword could not easily kill this behemoth.

Therefore, he would dissipate the thunder in the instant of the shot, and instead use the Bingming Sword Dao.

Bingming Swordsmanship is the point where he fits between his swordsmanship strength and his firemanship strength.

Compared with Lei Lin Swordsmanship, it simply exerts the strength of Swordsmanship; while Bingming Swordsmanship can combine the Swordsmanship and Fire Swordsmanship.

Therefore, this sword is stronger.

At least it is used to kill the enemy instantly, and the power itself is stronger.

"Spirit-swallowing clan, Kuimeng clan?" Xiao Yi frowned as he thought of the monster's words just now.

The monster just now has a strong body and is at the peak of the Sovereign Realm.

But, after being swallowed by that giant beast, there was no bones left in an instant?

Yes, he slashed with that sword just now and killed the monster in seconds, but he didn't find the monster's corpse in the belly of the giant beast.

Too late to think.

Xiao Yi's gaze turned to the depths of the shattered space.

The first layer of space, that is, the space in the normal world, has long been broken.

The second level of space inside is a place where creatures escape, and it is already broken at this moment.

More inside, is the third layer of space.

As you can see, the barrier of the second space has already turned into nothingness.

Looking out, there was darkness, chaos and emptiness inside.

The third layer of space is where the Chaos Void lies.

"Feng." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The power of heaven and earth in all directions is absorbed.

No matter which level of space it is, it will automatically recover and repair under the power of heaven and earth.

It's just that Xiao Yi is now taking the initiative to absorb it, which can speed up this repair.

"Are these two guys the creatures in the heavens?" Xiao Yi frowned and thought.


Luo Tian's surprised sound came.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, no longer thought about it, and his figure landed.

"City Lord, holds the third kendo in the world, Bingming kendo?" Luo Tian looked at Xiao Yi in shock.

Xiao Yi chuckled and nodded.

Luo Tian swallowed, "Wuxin Swordsmanship is known as the most unpredictable Swordsmanship, but there are still occasional swordsmanships in the world. There are no fewer than five people in the long record."

"But Bingming Swordsmanship is known as the most mysterious Swordsmanship. There are few records in the world."

"Don't think too much about it." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, "Good students practice."

At the end, Xiao Yi's face became straight and he uttered three words, "Catch up with me."

Luo Tian's face condensed, and he nodded seriously, "Definitely."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Go."

Luo Tian nodded, accepted the letter condensed by the law, arched his hand at Xiao Yi, then rose from the sky and headed west.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, until he looked back at the figure that had disappeared into the distance.

If it is said, Bingming Sword Dao is the sword of Nine Nethers that leads to the Nether realm.

Then Wuxin Sword Dao is a sharp sword that leads to the magic door and explores the mystery of the magic road.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, then looked far away.

There, the ground sound, there is a dark token.

That was the only thing that fell from the sky after the beast was divided into pieces.

Xiao Yi walked by and picked it up.

The token is pitch black on one side and blue on the other.

The black face has a hideous monster pattern.

The blue and blue is a pattern of two wings, which seems to be ravaged by thunder.

Watching its breath, it should belong to the monster that was swallowed.

In addition, there is nothing special about this token. It seems that it should be an identity token.

Xiao Yi accepted the token and stopped thinking about it.


The figure flashed, and went to the far east home.

It didn't take much time for Yu Luotian and the two monsters to come from the Fengcha area.


But half an hour.

Just like last time, in front of the quaint gate of Dongfang Family, Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Compared to the last time I came here wearing a mask, this time, he showed his true face and his face was light.

"Xiao...Hallmaster Xiao Yi..." The two Eastern family members were still guarding the gate.

When the two saw Xiao Yi who suddenly appeared, they were startled at first, then showed fear behind them, and stepped back unconsciously.

Half a year ago, above the main hall of the wind brake, Xiao Yi showed great power and defeated the invincible posture of the eight sect masters, the ancestors of the hundred families, and the eight heavenly monarchs.

"I'm here to find your Young Patriarch." Xiao Yi directly stated his intentions.

This time, there was no waiting, even his voice fell for a moment, and a figure had already rushed out of the door of Dongfang's house.

The figure, dressed in a white robe, is an old man, his face is eager, surprised, guilty...In short, it is a complicated appearance.

"Little friend Xiao Yi."

Come, you are too high in the East.

Xiao Yi nodded and arched his hands, "The East is too high."

"Um, what happened that day..." Dongfang Taishang wanted to say something.

"It's all over." Xiao Yi waved his hand and interrupted Dongfang Taishang.

Within the Eight Sects, I am afraid that there is only this Eastern Supreme, who is still pleasing to his eyes by Xiao Yi.

Countless powerful people surrounded the main hall of the wind brake, and the main hall of the wind brake was in danger.

Dongfang Taishang knew the existence of that person, and consciously felt that the main hall of the wind brake would undoubtedly be defeated; but he still dared to withstand the pressure and speak some justice.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I'm looking for Dongfang indifferently, why don't the Dongfang be too good to lead the way?"

"Of course." Dongfang Taishang nodded repeatedly, "Little friend Xiao Yi, please here."

Not long after, the two came outside the courtyard.

"That...Little friend Xiao Yi..." Dongfang Taishang, with ashamed expression on his face after all, he said repeatedly.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "This time, if it's not for trouble, and if I have time, before going into the dark, I will go to the Eastern Taishang to make trouble."

"Very good, very good." Dongfang Tai smiled and nodded again and again.

"The old man is going to prepare now, so that you will not stop you from narrating with the young master."

Dongfang Taishang turned and left with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yi stepped into the courtyard.

Just like the last time, it was a huge side courtyard, and it was peaceful and quiet.

However, compared to the last time, it seems that something else is missing.

Same as last time, Xiao Yi walked to the pavilion, Dongfang calmly was waiting for Qinjing.


The sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Dongfang spit out indifferently, looking directly at Xiao Yi.


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