Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3756: Origin of the Emperor

Xiao Yi finally made a decision.

That person, finally heard the definite answer.

However, the expression on that person's face was much more solemn than before.

"Heaven and Earth hope, and now it is tied to you, I can't force it."

"Since it is your own choice, I will follow you."

"But you will also bear the consequences. Once you fail, the brilliance of the world you want to protect, including the entire world, all living beings, and things you care about, will also vanish everything."

"This is my last warning."

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Go back." The one withdrew his gaze, withdrew the gaze that seemed like endless years.

That person no longer sat cross-legged, but got up and went deeper into the hole.

There is his body.

Perhaps this is the nap of his last years.

"Go back?" Xiao Yi asked.

That person, paused, turned his head, "Why, you want to start now?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Not yet, but it is also a matter of these days."

Hearing the words, he turned around completely, his face was gloomy, "You dare to go to the heavens and ten thousand realms? You want to die."

"Let's go back."

"When the cultivation base reaches the peak of the emperor realm, when it can hit the emperor realm, I will open the barrier of this world and let you go."

"Hopefully, within a few decades, you will have this cultivation."

The meaning of that person could not be simpler.

To attack the emperor realm, whether it is to directly absorb the origin of heaven and earth, or to condense the origin of the emperor by yourself, you need to have the cultivation of the peak of the emperor.

Rather than going abroad for risk, I don't know how long it will take to condense the origin of the emperor realm.

It's better to cultivate in the safe Yanlong region first, and after the peak of the monarch realm is cultivated, go directly to other worlds to attack the emperor realm, perhaps, you can successfully return in one or two years.

In this way, there will be less danger.

"Decades of years? Too long." Xiao Yi shook his head.

He has no doubt about this person's judgment.

Moreover, this person's judgment is still high.

According to Xiao Yi's own judgment, if it is to cultivate as hard as possible, without other opportunities or hardships, to cultivate hard behind closed doors, I am afraid it will be difficult to cultivate at the peak of the Sovereign Realm for a hundred years.

The realm of the emperor, but the real one can be called the ‘Emperor’ in the road of martial arts.

The Holy Venerable Realm alone blocked ninety-nine percent of the huge creatures between heaven and earth, and only truly powerful and talented creatures could reach it.

But the monarch realm stopped ninety percent of the talented creatures.

Even in these enchanting years, looking at it, how many Tianjiao can enter the path of the sovereign? Can there be a monarch realm cultivation base now?

If it is placed in the past years, those eight elders and the like, all have spent hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer, before they have the cultivation base of the late King Realm.

In the path of the monarchy, the enlightenment, selection, and control of every sign of martial art are extremely difficult.

Marking the insight and control of martial arts is also the difficulty second only to the condensed imperial realm on the road to martial arts.

Even if it is Xiao Yi, although he can proudly claim that there is no martial arts, he only lacks training resources; but he is really behind closed doors and immersed in the understanding, afraid that it will be tens of years to achieve the pinnacle of the sovereign.

That person frowned.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "You said, you won't force me."

"This is my own choice."

He heard the words and said nothing.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

After a long while, Xiao Yi broke the silence first, "Before I came to Yanlong Cave, I went to Dongfang's house and met Shenxian Daozu."

That person nodded, "I know."

Xiao Yidao, "Shenxian Daozu said, if you want to ask the Emperor Ming who made the wonderful ancient years short, I still have to ask you."

The one squinted, staring at Xiao Yi, "Are you interested in Emperor Ming?"

Xiao Yi shrugged, "That is not only a secret to me, but also my martial soul."

"No one can understand his martial soul better than the martial artist himself."

"Except me."

Yes, except Xiao Yi.

His two great martial arts spirits, he is still at a loss.

Needless to say Bingluan Sword.

But the secret of Bingluan Sword, one day he will find out after repairing it.

Controllable fire beast, but he has no clue.

Both of the two great martial spirits are missing, and this is the reason why he, the martial spirit owner, cannot fully understand these two spirits.

Xiao Yi looked at that person, "You know everything. You know what I said to Shenxian Daozu at Dongfang's house when you want to come."

"If Shenxian Daozu didn't say anything, you can take it on, okay?"

The person nodded, "In the wild years, except for the ten beasts, the years are passing in peace, there is nothing to say."

"The peace of the ancient years was broken by Emperor Underworld, and what it broke was the order of the entire heavens and all realms."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "What the **** is Emperor Ming? Or, what is his body?"

The indifferent replied, "Although there are nine great universes, three hundred heavens, one hundred thousand small worlds, countless creatures, countless families, and even the voids that are not connected between the realms will give birth to special Strange creatures."

"However, no matter which world it is, from its birth to its reproduction, it must experience the baptism of years."

"Every domain, from its birth to its glory days, is just like our Yanlong Domain, experiencing a calm and unborn wilderness, and then to the ancient years of the birth of creatures under the laws of heaven and earth, and so on. "

Xiao Yi frowned, "When the world is born, it will only be desolate, and the world will continue to improve as the years go by."

The person nodded.

"The Emperor Ming..." Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

The person directly replied, "The Emperor Underworld is a creature born in the Underworld."

"But the underworld is the most peculiar realm."

"It is completely different from other heavens, other heavens and small worlds."

"All the big heavens, the three hundred heavens, and all the small worlds can slowly give birth to creatures as the years go by, and their laws flow."

"But Mingyu, it should have been impossible."

"Because Hades is a place of dead silence."

"The other realms, when the world was first formed, were just desolate, and Liao had no life."

"But the world, when the world was first formed, it was directly dark, endlessly cold, and completely dead."

Xiao Yi thought a little bit, "The Underworld is so peculiar because it has different laws of heaven and earth?"

"No." The one shook his head, "The way of heaven is the public, and you people in the world know that heaven and earth are never partial."

"The heavens and all realms are fundamentally operating in a complete and larger law of heaven and earth."

"The laws of heaven and earth in all major domains are almost the same."

"What is different from each other is the difference in the slight special laws of each domain."

"If our Yanlong Region has the strongest law of life, but other territories will also have laws of life, but it's not as good as ours."

"Just like the qi and blood you cultivated together, in one hundred thousand small worlds, there is a small world called'Blood Realm.' beginning."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Since the laws of heaven and earth in all major realms are almost the same, why is Ming real..."

The person shook his head, "So the Netherworld is very special. It is extremely dark, extremely cold, and extremely silent."

"Even though there is also the law of longevity there, it is impossible for a creature to be born."

"There, it is destined to be a place that is always quiet and empty from birth to death."

"Unfortunately, one day, Emperor Ming was born."


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