Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3757: Purely strong first

"Yes, in this darkest, coldest, and deadliest world, Emperor Underworld was born."

That person's voice has become solemn.

Xiao Yi's expression was startled, "A dark, cold, and dead place where no life can be born under the blessing of such a law of longevity, life is born."

"What a powerful creature would this be?"

The person nodded, "It was born like a monster."

"In such a cruel world, it can still be born, which means that it itself is a terrifying creature, far surpassing any creature in the heavens and all realms, and even surpassing me."

"That's why all the creatures who knew about it later couldn't help calling it a monster."

"Its body is not something, it is what you see."

"Those beast hands and beast feet in the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace?" Xiao Yi asked.

The person nodded, "If you ask about its family, then it is Emperor Underworld."

"What is its body, that is also Emperor Underworld."

Xiao Yi suddenly said, "The so-called ontology, the so-called family, there is no such thing."

"The Emperor Underworld is Emperor Underworld."

"It is it, the only existence."

The person nodded solemnly, and continued, "As far as all living creatures know, the underworld will only be a place of eternal silence, and no creatures will be born."

"So when it was born, no one knew."

"It lives and grows alone in the nether realm where it was nurtured."

"It seems to be born with only one desire, that is strength, and becoming stronger, which seems to be its natural instinct."

"It looks like it is not wise, it is growing subconsciously, lurking, but it is also becoming stronger at an astonishing speed."

"And when it really reveals the eyes of all the creatures in the heavens and the world, it..."

The face of that person was instantly cold, "He is already invincible to the entire world of the underworld, and even like me, has the ability to contend with the laws of the entire world."

"And before all the powerhouses of the heavens and the realms react, it...has already forcibly seized all the power of reincarnation in the entire heavens and the realms."

Xiao Yi's face was startled, "You mean, all? Not only the world of the Yanlong Region, but also the other eight heavens, three hundred heavens and one hundred thousand small worlds?"

The person nodded solemnly, "From that moment on, there will be no reincarnation in the heavens and worlds."

"It is completely immortal, and it has become the only creature in the world that touches the edge of the martial arts."

"It started a crazier way of growing up, butchering!"

"There is no way to grow faster than to kill the strong in the emperor realm, plundering the origin and turning it into oneself."

"It seems to be instinctive, in order to become stronger and stronger, sweeping all the emperor realm powerhouses in the entire heavens and ten thousand realms.

"During that time, all the powerful emperors who should have been high above all fell into panic, and the heavens and thousands of realms were full of rumors."

"The original strong and invincible imperial realm powerhouse, at that moment, all became weak and trembling ants."

"It has become the only nightmare of the heavens and all realms."

The one raised his head and stared, as if staring at the whole world.

"During those years, the heavens and myriad worlds were in chaos."

"Yes, heaven and earth have their own order to maintain."

"When a crisis is born, chance will be born."

"In the endless void, in the source of the stars, a supreme treasure has emerged at the historic moment...Xing Luo Divine Cone!"

"There are arrogant people who have obtained this treasure and treat it like an invincible thing, trying to kill this monster."

"The consequence is..."

"Overlord." Xiao Yi blurted out, "End, tragic death."

"Death? Huh." The one sneered. "One move was defeated and fell on the spot; the dignified overlord was reduced to the dissipated consciousness, the spiritual sense was detained, and another enslaved creature under the underworld.

"There is no reincarnation in the heavens and all realms; the Emperor Underworld put all the power of reincarnation into the underworld, making the underworld the only place of reincarnation."

"All the heavens and all realms, all the dead, as long as their spiritual consciousness is not eliminated, they must go to its underworld and become the creatures of its underworld."

"In a short period of time, the deadly place where no living beings could have been born has become the most powerful universe in the world, and there are countless strong people."

Xiao Yi blurted out when he heard the words, "That's why there is your shot, you and the first generation of soul emperor."

"Otherwise, let the Emperor Ming go, all heaven and earth will fall."

The person nodded, "What happens after that is as I told you six months ago."

"Only my physical body can resist this monster's means, and only my dragon flame can hurt it."

"After that, only the first generation of soul emperor's god-killing ability can really do nothing to its flesh."

"The Emperor Underworld was defeated in its underworld; the first generation of the Soul Emperor divided its body, and I sealed it with the eight-stranded life dragon flame."

"Later, the first generation of soul emperor paid the price of fall. I paid half the cost of my lifespan. I drove the laws of the entire world of the heavens and the world to disperse its spiritual knowledge and become countless fire-controlling beasts. From the strongest to the weakest scattered by countless."

Xiao Yi nodded, he knew all this.

He only wanted to ask about the origin of Emperor Ming, after all, this is his martial soul, and it is a golden martial soul that has absorbed the origin of the four ancestors and is already detached.

But never expected that Emperor Ming's origins were so terrifying.

Xiao Yi sneered suddenly, "Born from the cruel world, step by step to become the strongest."

The person said in a deep voice, "If many factors are left behind, it is indeed a strong person who is pure to the extreme, becoming stronger purely for the sake of becoming stronger, without many reasons and distracting thoughts."

"It looks very much like you." The one staring at Xiao Yi, suddenly let out a sound.

"The difference is far." Xiao Yi shook his head, "I want to become stronger, there are many reasons."

The person shook his head, "Abandoning these many factors, you are also a pure warrior."

"A creature that has pursued the martial arts step by step in the long road to martial arts, and walked step by step to today."

Xiao Yi shrugged and no longer argued about the matter.

"What about the latter? The ancestors of Shenxian Dao talked to me, but that's more." Xiao Yi asked.

"Magic Ancestor?" the one asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Why didn't they deal with you? It was not your tripartite cooperation that year?"

The one replied directly, "As you and I care about differently."

"Two demon ancestors care about creatures."

"All I care about is this world."

"The first generation of the soul emperor was the first to find them, and they also took the lead to ask them a question, Ming emperor, should I kill or not."

Xiao Yi listened carefully.

The person said in a deep voice, "The answer of the two demon ancestors is, no."

"All creatures are equal, no one should kill or die."

"It was this answer that made the first generation of soul emperor dispel the idea of ​​collaborating with them."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes. "At that time, Emperor Underworld was already sweeping across the heavens and all realms, and the underworld itself was growing stronger and the situation was precarious."

"And the decisive battle with Emperor Underworld, if there is a half-point difference, it will be the end of at least one of the strongest combat powers falling; if so, it will be impossible to resist Emperor Underworld afterwards."

"And the two demon ancestors' ambiguous answers naturally made the first generation of soul emperor worry."

"Yes." The person nodded, "So the first generation of soul emperor came to me."

"Because I can't have a difference."


Second more.

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