Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3758: Bloodline of Killing God

Xiao Yi continued to ask, "Shenxian Dao Ancestor and I said that the two demon ancestors are the fall of their own choice."

The person nodded.

"It's the answer just now."

"All I care about is this world."

"What they care about is this colorful and wonderful world."

"They did choose to fall, and they will return to the earth with all their strength."

"If you say, I am the sky of this continent, and they are the deep earth."

Xiao Yi asked, "You know that the magic brake gun is under 20,000 miles under the sea."

The person still nodded, "Under the confinement stone is the connection point of another domain boundary."

"Of course, more directly, it's outside the land of our Flame Dragon Region, in the void."

"And that territory is closer to our Yanlong Territory."

"The screen of the sky, the barrier of the earth; one day, if I fall, the sky will collapse; the earth will continue to guard the creatures of this continent and have some attachment."

That person, slightly held his hand, "Anyone who knows a little bit of secrets knows these two games."

"But they all thought it was a game of two games."

"In fact, these are two independent games at all. They are also for this world, but with different purposes."

"In the disaster of the Ming Emperor, many emperor realms came under my command; like the ancient emperor, but also like the ancestors of the eight sects today, the former eight emperors were also the eight emperors of the Yanlong Eight Emperors under my command."

"These imperial realms that originally belonged to this world have died."

"When I was born, I also completely disappeared into this world in the form of'feign death'."

"The same is true for the two demon ancestors. They fall, the demon gate disappears, and the game is born at the same time."

"Between the heavens and the earth, I have left the source of heaven and earth to promote the operation of the bureau."

"The two demon ancestors have left behind the magic sky. I hope that after the collapse of the sky, the magic gate can become the last hope in this land that is already lawless."

"The magic brake spear is still on the seabed confinement stone for a day, and the earth barrier will never disappear until the power of the two demon ancestors is exhausted after a longer period of time."

Xiao Yi was completely stunned.

As the real layouter, that person and the two demon ancestors themselves knew what was going on.

But for the person who seems to promote the operation of the ‘game’, but in fact it is the heavenly origin realm and the magical spiritual consciousness of the person entering the game, the two sides are opposed.

It was the one who killed the two demon ancestors.

Xiao Yi looked suspicious, "The two demon ancestors, so fearless, so...respectful?"

The one sneered, "I guard this world because it was created by the master, and the only relic left to me by the master."

"The two demon ancestors have their beliefs, but... they seem to owe my master something."

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

That person also shrugged his shoulders like Xiao Yi, "It happened a long time ago, at that time, even before the Yanlong Region was born."

"It's been too long, maybe it's just a small matter, so long I have forgotten it."

"Let's come." Xiao Yi's face was full of unbelief, "Yanlong is just sleepiness, not forgetful."

"What about Shenxian Daozu?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

That person still answered directly, "As he said, there are only two ways to save him."

"One, grab enough source of ingestion."

"You don't have to think about it. At his level, the source of heaven and earth needed to break through the emperor realm is more than a thousand times more than normal."

"Unless you also want to be like the monster of Emperor Underworld, slaughtering the emperor realm all the way and becoming the enemy of the entire world."

"Two, the law of reincarnation can save him."

"He has become like this, thanks to Emperor Ming."

"When Emperor Hades robbed the power of reincarnation, he was the first to stop it."

"He's alone?" Xiao Yi's face was startled.

The person nodded.

"How about you?" Xiao Yi asked.

That is silent.

"Why?" Xiao Yi frowned, and asked tentatively, "What's the shocking secrets involved?"

That person, still silent.

Xiao Yi stared.

That person, his tone indifferent, "At that time, I was sleeping."

Xiao Yi's face twitched.

The person continued, "When I opened my eyes, when I reacted, he had already become like this in the strangulation of the law of reincarnation, leaving only a ray of remnant soul."

"However, he only loves to be in the world, even if he is strong, he is not good at fighting."

"Whether he succeeds or not is like this, no difference, anyway, he is idle, just exists, watching the operation of this world, nothing."

"Therefore, even if he becomes a remnant soul later, he just exists, and he is alive."

Xiao Yi looked at that person in surprise, "It's no wonder that in those long and lonely ridiculous years, you two could have nothing to do with each other."

"One is asleep and the other is idle, without even having to talk to each other."

"Come here, I'm sleepy." That person, turned around again.

Xiao Yi shrugged.

Just now at Dongfang's family, the words of Shenxian Daozu only talked about this.

The conversation with that person now happened to be here.

It's just that Shenxian Daozu depicts the whole world from birth to the present.

That person, however, painted a deeper context.

"I'm ready to go, too. It's time to start the night after calculating the time." Xiao Yi also turned and left.

"Slow." That person suddenly stopped Xiao Yi.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

The cold voice said, "If you really want to rely on this monarch realm four-fold peak cultivation base to go to the heavens and all realms, and control your bloodline power as soon as possible, that will be the only strongest reliance after you."

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "My bloodline power?"

He still believes more in his true meaning.

Under the emperor realm, he was not afraid of anyone.

That person didn't say much, and finally spit out, "Killing the blood of God."

The voice fell.

Xiao Yi was forced out of Yanlong Cave by an invisible force.

"Cut." Xiao Yi stood still.

"Kill the blood of God?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself, thinking.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and left.

Back to the main hall of the wind brake, it is just the night.

"The son." Yiyi has cooked food.

Xiao Yi nodded and smiled, "Fortunately, I rushed back at night."

Yiyi chuckled, "Is it just a small matter at Dongfang's house?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's not small, but I can't solve it, so it won't trouble me anymore."



The next day, early morning.

Xiao Yi punched in the courtyard.

"The son now gets up so early even if he doesn't have to retreat." Yiyi just finished breakfast.

Xiao Yi chuckles, "My wife really always treats me like that kind of dude, who doesn't work on all fours, eats lazily, and who always sleeps like a pig."

Yiyi covered his mouth and smiled.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "My Xingyi Quan has the effect of strengthening my body. Although it is not helpful to my current cultivation base, it still has the effect of refreshing and refreshing my mind when I hit it every day."

He still likes to play Xingyi Quan and think about things.

He didn't know what was going on with the bloodline of killing the gods.

But since that certainty was one of Xiao Yi's reliance, he didn't give an explanation to prove this doubt, he could solve it himself.

More precisely, there is an answer within the Eight Palaces.

Before he really leaves this world, he still needs enough preparation.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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