Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3759: The ancestor of the Xiao family, the strongest soul emperor?

After breakfast, Xiao Yi stepped out of the courtyard and headed straight to the master's study room.


As he walked, Xiao Yi chuckled unconsciously.

The feeling of walking in the courtyard like this, walking on a familiar road, is actually very wonderful.

I don't know when it started, but the main hall of the wind brake became his'home' in Zhongyu.

Walking on this familiar aisle, it seems that he used to walk early in the family aisle of the Eastern Xiao family.

The courtyard is like the residence of his Young Patriarch.

The main study room of the main hall is like the elder's house where the family elders live.

As he thought about it, he unknowingly walked outside the main hall master's study.

Pushing open the door, inside, the master of the wind brake is reviewing the dossier.

Today, the inside is not as usual, there are always eight old people gathered together, and whenever he comes, they always see them with a solemn look like an enemy.

Now, the head of Weifengcha's hall is alone, smiling at Xiao Yi who opens the door and enters.

"Oh, how can the shopkeeper in my family have such a leisurely feeling today?"

The Master of Wind Brake put down the dossier in his hand and smiled jokingly.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Ask some questions, maybe you can directly answer my doubts."

If the Eight Halls have their own answers, then it is naturally the fastest to directly ask the eight elderly people.

After hearing this, the master of the wind brake gave a blank look, "You kid, if you are really fine, you won't come to find the old man. If you find, you must help."

The master of the wind brake stopped and took a sip of tea, "I said, you kid, can't you go and look up the files yourself?"

"With your own authority, you can check all the files and all the secrets of our Eight Palaces."

"Our eight old guys have nothing to hide from you."

"Even the level you are in contact with today, and the secrets you know, are higher and more than the eight of us."

Xiao Yi smiled, "No, if I can know the answer directly, what else would I have to do?"

"Furthermore, if you don't have an answer to me, let you check those piles of files, it will be much easier for me."

When the master of the wind brake heard this, his old face twitched.

"Go ahead, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yi smiled and spit out four big characters, "killing the blood of God."

The voice just came out.

Xiao Yi thought he could get the answer, or it was a thought for the master of the wind brake.

But what Xiao Yi saw was...

The master of the wind brake shivered suddenly, his face instantly stiff.

The tea cup in his hand was unstable for a while, and most of the tea in the cup overflowed.

When Xiao Yi saw this, his face was startled, "What?"

Xiao Yi was taken aback.

Behind him, suddenly seven sense breaths came.

Naturally, it was the perception of the other seven masters.


In the air, old sighs came one after another.

The sigh fell, and the seven old people had already appeared in the master hall master's study, all with solemn and complicated faces.

"What...what's wrong?" Xiao Yi looked at the eight old people in surprise.

"In my judgment, this shouldn't be a secret."

"Furthermore, at my current level, there is no such thing as a chance to endanger me."

The eight elderly people did not answer.

"This day, after all, it's here." The Head of the Demon Hunter spit out sadly.

"We expected it a long time ago, didn't we?" The Master Palace Master Shura glanced at the other seven, barely squeezing a smile.

The Master Yaozun shook his head, and his smile was slightly stronger than that of the Asura Master Hall Master. "We have known for a long time that when this kid is strong and his cultivation base is high, he will naturally come into contact with these."

"It's natural to ask this question one day."

The head of the Soul Palace sighed, "I can't hide this matter after all."

"Humph." The Master Yandian snorted coldly, "I have done something bad, but now I know it's hard to live?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi looked at the eight old people in surprise.

"Boy." The master of the Heavenly Ji's Palace showed a deep guilt on his face.

"We are sorry for you. If you have something, just tell me."

"What and what?" Xiao Yi was confused.

Senior Luo looked indifferent and looked straight at Xiao Yi, "What you want to ask is your family's business."

"I will tell you directly, we are the one who destroyed, killing almost none."

"My family?" Xiao Yi's face was startled, and he took out a bunch of life cards in his hand.

The life cards are all intact.

"Senior Luo, what are you kidding?" Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "My Xiao family has a good life card."

"Furthermore, you can't pass the Ice Saint restriction, and you can't go to my Eastern Region."

The Master Fengcha shook his head, "It's not your little family in the Eastern Region."

"It's your original home."

"If you guessed it correctly, your Dongyu Xiao family should be a family that separated from your home before the ancient war."

"Before the Ancient War?" Xiao Yi was shocked and inexplicable.

Before the ancient war, that means it happened thousands of years ago.

But the history of his Xiao family is only a few hundred years old.

And the strongest person in the history of the Xiao family, heard from the elders, is a cave profound realm, once dominated Ziyun City.

"Wait a moment, a moment." Xiao Yi said hastily. "What we said doesn't seem to be the same thing."

"What is my family? I separated from the Xiao Family of the Eastern Region?"

The eight old people frowned upon hearing this.

The Master Palace Master Shura was the first to react, "It seems that you still don't know about your family?"

Xiao Yi blurted out, "Of course the Xiao Family of the Eastern Region knows it."

The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head, "It's not your Eastern Xiao Family."

"No matter, you want to know this after all."

The Lord Shura paused, seeming to sort out the thoughts in his mind.

After a long while, Fang said slowly, "Countless years ago, in the ancient years, it was the era of rampant emperor realm, you know."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The main hall master of Asura continued, "Your ancestor is the most amazing and brilliant among countless emperor realms, and one of the generations of soul emperors.

"My ancestor?" Xiao Yi was shocked.

"Don't interrupt." The main hall master of the hunting demon stared.

Xiao Yi stopped talking.

The Master of Asura said in a deep voice, "The ancient years are very long. The soul emperor who has experienced more than several generations was born and fell."

Xiao Yi nodded and said nothing.

The ancient years are said to be wonderful and short-lived; in fact, they are just compared with the ridiculous years of Yanlong's deep sleep.

At the same time, it is also compared with countless times of ancient reincarnation.

So it seems short-lived.

Really speaking, it is absolutely terrifying to be able to experience a whole period from the birth of countless creatures to the rampage of the emperor realm, and the fall of the last batch of the emperor realm.

"The period when your ancestors became famous on the mainland should be near the end of the ancient years."

"That is after the first generation of the crown fell, and then to the second, third, and fourth generations...several generations or more."

"Your ancestor was the soul emperor of that period, and at the same time the strongest soul emperor who has grown up."

"And the most important thing is..." The Master of Asura increased his tone, "He is the inheritor of the first generation crown."


First more.

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