Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3760: That terrible family?

The Master Palace Master of Shura said in a deep voice, "Since the fall of the first generation, no warrior or creature has the ability to kill God."

Each generation of Soul Emperor has its own special abilities.

The ability to kill gods was exclusive to the first generation of soul emperor.

"Finally, your ancestors, the ability to kill gods, reappear the world again."

"It stands to reason that the soul emperors of the past dynasties have different abilities because of their different spirits and different symbols of the soul emperor."

"Therefore, the ability of each generation of Soul Emperor cannot be copied at all."

"But your ancestors did it."

In the tone of the main hall of Shura, there was surprise and admiration.

"Why?" Xiao Yi couldn't help but asked.

"Bloodline." The Master Palace Master Shura replied.

"Your family is a very special existence between heaven and earth. The family is born with extremely powerful bloodline power."

"This powerful bloodline allows every race to be born with a powerful talent, far surpassing normal human beings."

Senior Luo answered, "Perhaps, we should call the monster more accurately."

"Baby, born with smooth meridians, is a nearly perfect physique for cultivation."

"A three-year-old child, without practice, can break a rock with one punch and lift a mountain with both hands."

Xiao Yi's face was shocked, "Such a talent is even more against the sky than the ancient power Tianjiao who has been nurtured since childhood and cultivated by countless treasures."

Senior Luo nodded, "So your clan, every clan member is a monster."

The main hall master of Shura continued, "Your ancestors are the monsters among monsters, the one with the strongest blood."

"That's why he awakened the strongest spirit of that time and became the soul emperor of that generation."

"At the same time, he had already inherited the first generation of Soul Emperor, including the Divine Slayer and a martial arts mantle."

"Your ancestors, based on this terrifyingly powerful blood, forcibly awakened and gained the ability to kill God."

"According to the rumors, although he is not as good as the first generation crown, but his ability to kill gods is full of power."

"According to this, he became the strongest man in those years."

"Also known as the strongest emperor at the end of ancient times."

"What about this family?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

The Master Palace Master Shura was silent for a moment.

The main hall master of the hunting demon said in a deep voice, "No matter how strong the creature is, it will eventually fall."

"However, no one knows how your ancestors fell. This is the mystery of our entire Yanlong Continent."

"It just seems to have fallen into this world suddenly, and the top family powerhouses of that era have also fallen to nothing."

"Later, your family was still strong, but it was only strong for a while."

"After all, without your ancestors' waiting for the most powerful combat power, and your own family's top powerhouses, the family itself will naturally not be green and yellow, and look like a decline.

"Thanks to the perverts of your family, a large number of powerful people have been born in a short time and have survived."

"Yes." The Master Palace Master Shura said in a deep voice, "You know, the bloodline power will continue to fade with the passage of time."

"Naturally, one generation will be worse than one generation."

"Of course, because the bloodline itself is too strong, sometimes people with strong bloodlines are born occasionally and become the helm of the family in that generation."

"In short, since your ancestors fell, your family has continued to multiply and inherit for a very long time."

"But during this period, I have also experienced countless crises."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Everyone is innocent."

"But they are born strong, it is sin."

"Could it be that…"

"Not bad." The head of the Palace Shura nodded, "Since your ancestors fell and the entire family fell."

"On the mainland, countless powerhouses are eager for this family."

"One is because of the Excalibur."

"The ability of Killing God Sword, you know better than us, is the nemesis of all soul power methods."

"With this sword, a person with a little bit of strength can defeat all soul masters in the world."

"With this sword, the ambitious can capture countless soul masters in the mainland for their own use in a short time."

"The second is the bloodline ability of this family."

"On the mainland, countless powerful people want to understand the mystery in this bloodline, and even obtain it."

"These two reasons are enough to make this family become the target of the entire continent after the fall of the strongest."

"So this family was mostly low-key for many years to come, and didn't involve the affairs of China."

Xiao Yi listened and thought.

The mystery of the fall of the strongest soul emperor was a mystery to the eight main hall masters, but to that one, it should not be counted.

But that person didn't mention it to him specifically, proving that this so-called mystery is probably not a mystery at all.

The ancient years are marked by the end of the imperial realm.

During that time, it was also the time when the heavens and ten thousand realms began to covet the Flame Dragon Region.

I am afraid that this strongest soul emperor died from this reason.

"What about after?" Xiao Yi asked.

"After..." The eight old people, at the same time, their faces darkened, looking at Xiao Yi with ashamed expressions.

After all, it was Shura's chief palace master who opened his mouth again, "Such a terrifying family, even if it is low-key, will never be forgotten."

"Of course, no one dares to mess with it."

"Although they are not involved in the Central Territory, they are left alone, like a powerful but low-key transcendent force on one side."

"Of course, no matter how powerful the family is, it will not be able to match the passing of time."

"Especially in the ancient years, this terrible family was born suddenly without blood."

"Although the people of the tribe still have blood in their bodies, they seem to have greatly reduced their strength and their talents."

"Beijing does nothing." Xiao Yi squinted.

Although the eighth tone of Yanlong, the birth of Beiyin Wuwei, only appeared decades ago.

But its real birth was more than 80 million years ago.

Of course, Xiao Yi could not be sure of this matter, this answer.

However, in these ancient reincarnation years, the only event that could be linked to the mysterious lack of talent was the birth of Lin Yin's son, Bei Yin Wuwei.

"Perhaps, we don't know the reason." The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head.

"In short, this family quickly declined in the ancient years."

"But thousands of years ago, that is, after the end of the ancient times, the strength of this terrifying family has fallen into the ancient level."

"Although there are still strong monarchs in the family, the overall strength of the family is not as good as before."

"After that, a few million years have passed..."

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall sighed, "The Eight Halls Civil War broke out."

"The real reason for the outbreak, the real place, is for this family."

Xiao Yi suddenly said, "You also want to get the Sword of Killing and the blood secret of this family?"

The head of the demon hunter nodded, "At that time, our Eight Palaces were also considered to have been destroyed after the ancient war."

"And all of our chief hall masters, except for those with the surname Luo, are all in danger."

"Underworld invasion, the mainland is in danger, we have to have this idea."

The main hall of Shura's face instantly became cold, "But it was Luo who really provoked and even detonated this civil war."

The Master Palace Master Shura looked at Senior Luo coldly.


Second more.

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