Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3776: To go without waiting

One month later.

Within a certain area.

The night sky, shooting stars splash.

That meteor shower is extremely gorgeous.

Xiao Yi and Yiyi sat next to each other, quietly watching these one by one flash by.

After half an hour.

The meteor shower ceased.

The darkness was restored by the night, but the traces that once pierced the darkness remained for a long time.

Yiyi, smiling.

Xiao Yi's expression was tired.

Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, "Is the son unhappy?"

"Or don't you like this meteor shower?"

Xiao Yi chuckled and nodded, "I once liked it, and once disliked it very much."

"As you know, many years ago, when you were taken away by the sage, I just left the Xiao family and came out of the house."

"The first time I saw a meteor shower, but also the first time I felt restless, thinking of you irresistibly."

"I rejoice in the splendor of the meteor, just as the splendor you gave me."

"But, I don't like the fleeting moment of the meteor, just like in the past... you disappeared by my side, so caught off guard."

"Sigh." Xiao Yi sighed unconsciously, seeming to laugh at himself.

"As you know, there was a time... back then... no, it's longer."

"I, Xiao Yi, have never been a sentimental person."

"I live alone, only for myself, only for my faith... live."

"I am like a wandering ghost with no emotion but no attachment to Dao."

"Who knows..." Xiao Yi smiled knowingly, "My wife, when the cardamom was in his prime, she clearly had no cultivation skills. She was just an ordinary person, but she could easily catch my ghost.

"The ghost is strangely cold, but you are never afraid that your little hands will hurt from the cold. You always cover it, and warm up this cold ghost."

Yiyi was stunned, his face glowing with sweetness, and then he smiled, "The son can always speak sweetly and seriously."

"However, this meteor shower is so gorgeous, I still hope my son will like it."

"The meteor is indeed gorgeous, but it disappears briefly."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "I hate this beautiful but short-lived feeling."

Yiyi shook his head, "Meteor, not a thing of this heaven and earth, but flying from outside the sky."

"Why do they have to go through hardships and cross the endless void, even if they know that they will end up as ashes in the flame."

"But... just show off the fleeting brilliance that belongs to them?"

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"I don't know either." Yiyi shook his head, "but I think it must be meaningful."

"Perhaps... Pursuing?"

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded.

"The world that every creature thinks is different."

"Those who are outside of their own world, do not hesitate to rush into their own world by moths fighting the fire, just to emit such a glorious light in this world, even if it is only to give this space a little joy.

"What is pursuit?" Xiao Yi asked.

"I don't know either." Yiyi still shook his head.

"But I think it's worth it, it's the pursuit."

"Worth it?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself, and was silent for a while.

After a long while, he smiled, "Madam taught, I have been taught for my husband."

Quiet night sky.

After all, Xiao Yi spit out, "I'm sorry, this trip will stop again."

Yiyi shook his head, as if he had expected it, and smiled softly, "Go home tonight?"

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.


The two figures disappeared silently.

This also means that this short trip of several months is over.

With the cultivation base of the two, if they traveled and walked comfortably, they didn't travel much in a few months.

However, it is only a short period of time to return to the Wind Brave Hall with the strength of the cultivation base.


The next day, early morning.

The main hall of the wind brake is inside the courtyard.

Xiao Yi rarely stretched his waist today.

After half an hour.

In the courtyard.

On the stone table, Yiyi had prepared early.

Xiao Yi ate quietly, rarely saying anything.

Until eat.

Yiyi got up and had to clean up.

Xiao Yi, Fang slowly opened his mouth, "I..."

Yiyi took the lead, "The son is going out."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

Yiyisu's hand trembled, even if he had predicted it, it was still somewhat inexplicable.

Xiao Yi was shocked, got up quickly, caught Yiyi's bare hands, "I'll clean up later."

Yiyi Shaojiadi did not raise his head to look at Xiao Yi, but lowered his head, "The son is going to the dangerous worlds, right?"

As the person who was in Yanlong Cave that day, Yiyi naturally knew these secrets too.

And the mind is as exquisite as her, naturally she has guessed the reason for these months of travel, and guessed everything.

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Yiyi also go." Yiyi blurted out.

"No." Xiao Yi looked serious.

The dangers of the heavens and worlds, even he himself is not sure, how can he carry Yiyi.

"Yiyi wants to go." Yiyi, who rarely listened to Xiao Yi's words, did not nod as well as before and agreed.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "I promise, I will return as soon as possible, you are waiting for me in the main hall of the wind brake..."

"No." Yiyi blurted out and interrupted.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "If I change to another place, I certainly hope that my wife will follow and stay with me."

"But the heavens and the world are too dangerous."

Yiyi still didn't look up, "If he changes to another place, even if the son walks alone, Yiyi will not stop him."

"But the heavens and the world are too dangerous."

Almost the same words and the same reasons made Xiao Yi's tone stagnant.

The atmosphere was silent and embarrassed for a while.

Xiao Yi couldn't react for a while, and did not anticipate Yiyi's stubbornness today.

However, Xiao Yi was Xiao Yi after all, and in an instant, it was on his mind.

"That's it." Xiao Yi took Yiyi's shoulder seriously and stared at it seriously, "This is the last time, not as an example."

"I'll go to the heavens and worlds to explore the situation first, and I won't keep practicing there until I return to the emperor realm."

"I'm afraid it will take too long, and I can't bear my wife."

"I'll go to investigate the situation first, and then I will return, and then I will take you there and practice together, okay?"

Yiyi's face was somewhat relieved, just about to say something.

Xiao Yi opened his mouth quickly, and did not give Yiyi time to think and talk.

"My biggest purpose in going to the heavens and all realms this time is not to cultivate, or to break through the emperor realm, as the one said."

"But catch the **** back."

"This time, I think those old guys in the Xiao family still have any words to prevent us from getting married."

Xiao Yi's words came out in a sincere tone.

"A few days ago, I promised you that I will return to the Eastern Region to marry you as soon as possible."

"It's not going to happen, it will always be a rock in my heart, and it is uncomfortable."

Xiao Yi's breathing felt a little bit light.

Yiyixiu's nose was lightly frowned, and she quickly reached out and stroked Xiao Yi's slightly undulating chest, "You don't have to be uncomfortable, Yiyi can wait."

"I don't want you to wait any longer." Xiao Yi said seriously.

"Be obedient, I'm leaving today, let me go more at ease."

"After catching that guy, I will come back immediately."

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded obediently, smiled sweetly, but also leaned worriedly on Xiao Yi's chest.

Xiao Yi's expression was the same, but his heart was smiling.

In terms of cunning, Yiyi is obviously tender compared to him.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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