Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3777: Scarred, mottled body

Although reluctant to give up, after all, I couldn't bear to break this peaceful snuggle.

Xiao Yi still let go of Yiyi, turned around, and left.

His face is full of reluctance, that is a real expression.

Out of the side courtyard, Xiao Yi headed to the master's study room.


"Going to leave?" The Master of Wind Brake put down the dossier he was reviewing and asked softly.

Xiao Yi nodded.

The rest of the elderly arrived after hearing the news.

"Can't tell us, where are you going?" The Master Hall Master Fengcha asked seriously.

In his cognition, Yanlong Continent is just that big.

They also knew almost all the secrets belonging to this continent.

He shouldn't worry about what Xiao Yi said before, ‘go out for a long way’, just be normal.

But his instinct told him that this matter was unusual.

That kind of feeling, it was as if this young man was really going to far, far away, far away...the old guys like them couldn't touch it.

The Master of Asura looked at Xiao Yi directly, "Since you went to Yanlong Cave, there has been something unusual."

"This matter is about the greater secret."

Xiao Yi nodded, chuckled, and then remained silent.

He was thinking.

After a long while, Xiao Yi stretched out his finger and pointed upwards, "I want to go beyond this world, the heavens... the heavens and the world!"

Xiao Yi still chose to truthfully tell these secrets.

He didn't say before, because he was afraid that these old people would be in danger after being exposed to these secrets.

Now I say it because he knows these eight old people and they have a sense of measure.

Including the heavens and myriad worlds, including the greatest secrets and crises of this world, including the game set up by that person, Xiao Yi explained everything in detail.

When the eight old people listened, their faces were full of shock.

But in an instant, these shocking colors have disappeared.

Because in their hearts, everything about this young man is more to their hearts than those surprising secrets.

"Sure enough." Senior Luo's face was cold, "It's no wonder that the old man always feels everything in the world during these long years, and it seems that there is an invisible big hand pushing it."

"In this world, it seems that all creatures are free from fateful manipulation."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "That person is destiny!"

The powerful creatures in this world may not know the exact secrets, but they always have the intuition of fate.

"The heavens and the realms." The head of the demon hunting hall frowned.

"According to you, the heavens and myriad worlds are actually wonderful ancient years."

"There is an emperor realm there, with countless powerful creatures and special creatures."

The Master Yaozun laughed lightly, "This is completely a wonderful ancient era, but the heavens and worlds are even bigger."

Xiao Yi nodded, "It can be understood like this."

"If our Yanlong Domain is not in decline, the ancient years will continue to multiply so far, it will be the same as other domains."

Senior Luo said coldly, "Going here is bound to be dangerous."

"The powers of the heavens and ten thousand realms are like clouds, and there is no lack of emperor realms. That will be a crisis that can directly make you fall."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "I don't care if the strong are like clouds."

"And the Emperor Realm... I guess it might not be a slight amount, I am afraid that it would not be an exaggeration to describe the Emperor Realm rampantly."

"However, the entire heavens and myriad worlds are extremely large, and this amount is nothing if you put this amount in the entire heavens and myriad worlds."

"In other words, the emperor realm, placed in the entire heavens and myriad realms, is also a rare existence."

"I want to come, Xiao Yi will not be such a lucky person."

"That's hard to say." The eight old people spit out in unison.

Xiao Yi's face twitched, "I always seem to be lucky in the past. I always find me where there is trouble, and even trouble to find me proactively. I am restrained and dangerous everywhere."

"But the reason is that the fate of this world is targeting me, and that one is targeting me."

"When I reach the heavens and myriad worlds, I don't have any enemies, but I can't recite it like that."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace said seriously, "Well, let's go with you."

The Master Palace Master Shura chuckled, "This kid is already a strong man in the world, and his strength is far above us, and we don't need our shelter for a long time."

"Go." The head of the demon hunter also chuckled and spit out.

"The strong should pursue a more exciting future, a broader world of power."

"Yes," the head of the soul hall said in a deep voice, "If you become an emperor, you will eventually go to the outside world. You can't avoid it."

"With your strong heart, as always, overcoming obstacles."

The Master Yaozun smiled confidently, "Go ahead, I believe our kid will surely shake the entire heavens and all realms."

Senior Luo said indifferently, "Promise the old man and come back alive."

"That's right." The Master Palace Master said seriously, "Don't care about the crisis of this world, don't care about whether you can become an emperor and return alive."

"If there is something wrong, just run away. Don't listen to these guys talking nonsense."

"Don't worry, I have a count." Xiao Yi nodded.


Xiao Yi turned around, "In the years to come, this world will be very peaceful."

"And I want the peace of this world to exist forever."

"I said."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi had already walked out of the master's study room.



The space trembled, and Xiao Yi's figure had already left.


Tianyuan area, outside Yanlong Cave.

Xiao Yi walked in steadily.

That person, still in the state of spiritual consciousness, seemed to have expected it, quietly waiting for Xiao Yi.

Inside Yanlong Cave.

"Are you going to leave?" The one asked indifferently.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded calmly.

"Come with me." The one stood up indifferently, turned and went deeper into the Yanlong Cave.

The entire Yanlong Cave is so huge that it is a cave rather than a cave mansion.

When he walked to the huge body of that person, Fang paused his figure.

Xiao Yi watched quietly, with shock in his eyes.

That huge body of the flame dragon, no matter how many times he looked at it, it was always difficult for him to suppress the horror in his heart.

Even if it is just an inanimate body, the powerful aura that exudes is always so terrifying and makes people unable to feel a sense of resistance.

This is Yanlong, the real body.

Hovering, existed quietly, as if asleep.

That person, looking at Xiao Yi and the surprise in Xiao Yi's eyes, asked indifferently, "Is it powerful?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded without hesitation.

"Very strong, so strong that even my current level is unimaginable."

"Strong, I really can't think of anything other than the legendary Valkyrie that can beat this behemoth."

"Yeah..." Xiao Yi suddenly stagnated, frowning, and his expression even more shocked.

This was the first time he looked directly at this huge flame dragon body at close range.

This obviously should be powerful and invincible, the body of the flame dragon, at this moment, you can vaguely see mottled scars.

"How... how could it..." Xiao Yi looked at that person incredulously.

On this behemoth, this one can only look up, and on the invincible body, there are countless scars.

"Are you surprised?" The one asked lightly.

"Of course." Xiao Yi stared at that person incredulously.


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