Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3835: In the floating world, powerful creatures gather

A few days later.

In the floating world, outside the barriers of heaven and earth, warships are densely packed.

At the entrance of the Quartet, there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

Xiao Yi's warship also docked in it.

"Tsk tusk." The one-eyed bald face was shocked, "Let's say there are hundreds of warships at the entrance of this side."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, his eyes a little surprised.

On each of these warships, there is an aura of the strong, and there is no weak.

"Floating Realm, isn't there no realm master?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes." One-eyed bald head replied, "Floating Sky Realm is not the barren realm, nor is it the world that was born at the beginning."

"There are creatures in it, strong from all races."

"Naturally, there is something to fight for."

"The strongest among them naturally dominated this floating world and became the master of this world."

Xiao Yi suddenly said, "Although there is no treasure of heaven and earth, whoever has a big fist makes sense."

The one-eyed bald head nodded and said, "As far as the villain knows, this world master is an extremely powerful and invincible monarch."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "There have been many disputes in the Floating World, the realm masters who are killed out of it are naturally not weak."

"Although there is no treasure of heaven and earth, if you walk in the void together, I am afraid that the other world masters are far from the opponent of this floating world master."

"Yes." One-eyed bald head replied, "Floating Realm Master, almost the first person in the ultimate monarch realm."

"Therefore, even though there is no treasure of heaven and earth, it sits in the floating world, and the team of patrollers formed, still guards the entire floating world, and waits for the idle swallowing spirit tribe and the void plundering group to dare not come."

The two of them talked like this, the battleship has gradually come to the entrance of the boundary, and after paying the entrance money, the battleship sailed into this normal world.

Xiao Yi had a rough sense of this world, indifferent, "Yes, the creatures in this world have very strong overall qualities."

"It's a pity..." Xiao Yi squinted slightly, "I'm going to suffer."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "No way, it's just bad luck for the creatures in this world."

A small world is at least 15,000 regions in size, and its inner creatures are more than hundreds of millions.

There are also clans, sects, and other forces within it.

And today the treasure of the earth is about to be born, attracting countless strong men in the void.

After that, there is no way to avoid a monstrous battle.

For the creatures in this floating world, it will naturally be a terrible disaster that is coming.

Xiao Yi couldn't help thinking of the Yanlong Continent, and remembered the words of that person, the words that were cold but earnest.

In a world, if there is no protection from the strong, its inner creatures will only be the flesh and blood of the void creatures.

In one's own world, it is cruel, and the creatures fight more with each other, after all, there is a certain degree; but if you really lose that absolute refuge, when you suffer a crisis from the void and the world, it is likely to be a disaster.

Life died, and even the whole world became nothingness.

"If I can, I will make a quick fight." Xiao Yi muttered to himself indifferently.

The one-eyed bald head blinked his eyes, "My lord is pitying the creatures in this world?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Not really."

After all, no more words.

Xiao Yi searched for a mountain, stopped the warship, and waited.

No one knows the exact time of birth of the heaven and earth treasure, only knows that when the world is about to be born, the heaven and the earth must have a vision; after that, it will be a few hours, days, or months, but no one can determine.

But according to convention, and other territories, heaven and earth treasures birth records, the time generally does not exceed one year.

In addition, no one knows exactly where this treasure of heaven and earth was born.

Therefore, all coveters can only wait passively.

"My lord." The one-eyed bald head suddenly said coldly, his eyes slowly looking towards the sky.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, followed his gaze, his eyes were indifferent, and then he withdrew his gaze, "Don't worry about them."

On the sky, two warships flashed past the entrance of the boundary. The two figures on the ship were the Lord of the Fierce Tiger and the Lord of Murphy.

This is the territory of these two guys within the three evil stars.

On the battleship, the two also noticed Xiao Yi and the one-eyed bald head, and glanced coldly, but they also didn't pay much attention.

"Hmph, forgive these two guys for not daring to mess around at this time." The one-eyed bald head snorted coldly, but he shrank and leaned against Xiao Yi.

The news of the birth of the treasure of the floating world had already spread throughout the nearby star fields.

The powerful creatures from all sides have also heard the news.

As far as Xiao Yi felt when he entered the realm, there were no fewer than a dozen of the ultimate monarchy.

This piece of floating world, now it can be said that the gathering of the strong, all came for the treasure of the floating world that is about to be born.

At this time, everyone was eyeing and eager to move.

But no one would be so stupid, take the lead in taking the initiative, damaging their own combat power.


A few days later.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, sensing the momentum of this world.

"The breath of heaven and earth is violent, but there is an inexplicable force that always pulls it and suppresses it."

"The power of heaven and earth is gathering again."

"This is obviously a sign that the treasure of heaven and earth is about to be born, but it has not been completely born yet."

Xiao Yi frowned at Panasonic, "No matter, it's a big deal to wait for a year."

One year is not too long.

For this treasure of heaven and earth, I can afford to wait.

This is also the reason why he let 20,000 followers leave before continuing to hunt down the Spirit Devouring Race.

For one thing, to avoid danger in the three evil star domain.

The second is to avoid wasting time.

In a few days, this treasure of the floating world has not yet been born.

However, the number of warships and powerful creatures that came from the Quartet entrance had almost reached its peak.

Starting today, the number of powerful creatures that came has gradually begun to decline.

"It seems that those who should come, those who dare to come, should have come." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

"One-eyed." Xiao Yi asked suspiciously, "Haven't there ever been a treasure in the floating world in the past?"

"This..." One-eyed bald head thought, "The villain is not sure, but there should be."

"Should?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "There is no realm, no matter the heavens, no matter the ordinary world, the heaven and earth will be born in the circulation of their own laws."

"The exact time when the treasure of heaven and earth was born, but there are no rules."

"Yes, the world was born when it first opened."

"Yes, it was born after heaven and earth were born."

"Some are born in the desolate years between the two."

"In short, there are no rules. I don't know when and why it was born."

"And the treasure of heaven and earth, there seems to be a ‘lifespan’. I don’t know how many billions of years later, it will be destroyed by itself, and thus disappear."

"As for the birth of a piece of heaven and earth, the disappearance, and the next birth of the treasure, there is a period of blankness."

One-eyed bald head glanced at the sky and said, "The existence of the floating world is not too short."

"Perhaps before the extremely long years, there was a treasure of heaven and earth; now, it should be in a blank period, and this blank period is about to end, and a new heaven and earth treasure is about to emerge."


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