Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3836: Four Great Wars

"Are you not sure?" Xiao Yi asked again.

The one-eyed bald head shook his head, "The villain has never heard of it anyway."

"When I passed this floating world before, I heard that I didn't know how many billions of years the treasure was born."

"When was the last time the treasure was born? There seems to be no record. I don't know what it was."

Xiao Yi thought about it a little bit, "You mean that the treasure born in this world might even be different?"

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Every piece of heaven and earth's treasure will indeed conform to the special laws of your own heaven and earth, and it will be born out of it."

"But a sword is a sword, or something else, it doesn't have to be."

"The floating world has existed for a long time, right?" Xiao Yi asked again.

The one-eyed bald head replied, "As far as the villain knows, it is true."

"The floating world, on the side of the three evil stars, is almost the oldest world."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, no longer asked, only a solemn voice.

"Remember, if something goes wrong afterwards, you go first."

"During the war, I may not be able to protect you."

"Our warship, although the power of the extinguishing array above it is the same as that of other warships."

"But if it talks about the flying formation, it is improved by me, plus a dozen or so flying formations, it is the top in terms of escape ability."

He didn't recommend the one-eyed bald head to follow, so he only let the one-eyed bald head stay in the Yellow Wind Realm before.

Hearing the words with one-eyed bald head, he blurted out, "That's natural. If there is any disturbance, the villain will leave the ship in the first time."

The one-eyed bald head said seriously, "It doesn't matter if the villain is dead, but this battleship is your property, the lord. As a follower, the villain should take this as his own."

Xiao Yi gave a white glance and stopped speaking.

Although he knew that the one-eyed bald head was just joking, but he did prefer to do so.

At this moment, the number of strong men in this floating world already felt a burst of pressure on him, and he may not be sufficiently sure.

This is not the Yanlong Continent, nor the place where he once had several invincible lands.

He does not have the power of the four ancestors to increase.

He can only rely on himself.

This body cultivates strength, this body means.

Now, if there are enough prerequisites, as an array mage, he will be the safest choice to arrange a large array first.

He doesn't lack the spiritual veins for setting up the big formation, and he can still get it in the tens of thousands.

The emperor's combat power that shook the Nine Desolations back then, even the lord of the strange desolates did not dare to take the edge, enough to make him secure in the battle for the most precious treasure.

But now he lacks a place to deploy.

On this high mountain, it is okay to arrange a main array.

However, if the 10,000 seat auxiliary array is arranged, such a large area cannot be found at all.

The powerful people from all sides gathered in the void, and they also found a place to stay, ready to go.

If he arranges a large number of auxiliary formations, he may not be able to wait until the time of operation, and they will be destroyed first.

Xiao Yi glanced at his warship.

On the battleship, it was a safe place where a large formation could be arranged.

However, the scope is limited, if only an ordinary large formation, or even a large formation of the Star Luo Destroyer, is also limited.

With his current strength, there is no need for the invincible king realm increase in combat power given by the Star Luo Deshen Great Formation.

"Huh." Xiao Yi sighed secretly.

Although the formation mage can make the impossible possible, and although it can give the creatures a combat power far beyond its own level, the prerequisites are too complicated and too troublesome.

Everything can only rely on yourself.

Everything seemed to have no choice when he really stepped into the void four years ago.

It's the same in the past, the same today, and the same in the future; everything depends on yourself.


The next day.

The new powerful creatures and warships at the entrance to the Quartet have gradually disappeared.

Just as Xiao Yi was still closing his eyes and cross-legged, waiting quietly, suddenly...above the sky, there was a surge of power from heaven and earth.

The sky, the sky, the sky, seemed to tear the entire sky instantly, leaving the sky like a broken mirror with numerous cracks, but it was filled with brilliant and dazzling light.

Roar... roar... roar...

Nine huge transparent swimming dragons meander and soar.

At the center of the Kowloon winding room, a bright object instantly attracted the attention of the strong from all sides.

"I was born." Xiao Yi opened his eyes, and his figure jumped up instantly.

at the same time.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

In the floating world, countless tyrannical auras erupted, raging across the entire world for a time.

Countless figures of strong men shot up.

Suddenly, the figure was densely covered with the sky.

Whoosh... a figure takes the lead at a very fast speed.

It seemed to be the invincible monarch realm that cultivated the wind road, and the speed was so fast that it flashed through the sky, taking the bright thing surrounded by nine dragons.

That was an old man, and he was obviously ready to go, and came out in a burst of hurricane.

"Hahahaha, the treasure is in hand." The old man caught the bright thing and laughed loudly.

"Let go." In the air, with a loud shout, a strong sword aura shot out into the sky.

"Don't think about it..."

Boom boom boom boom...

On the sky, the streamer splashed, and countless terrifying forces burst out.

The old man even had time to stop his smile in the future, he was already swallowed by this stream of light, and there was no bones left.

The invincible monarch realm, the strong enough to dominate the realm, died in the blink of an eye without a whole body, and fell.


A strange sound of swords suddenly resounded across the sky.

All the strong people present were shocked.

Whoosh... a figure came in an instant and caught the bright thing.

The figure wielded a sword in his hand, and the power of a sword was able to withstand countless momentum around him for a moment.

"This treasure belongs to me." With a cold shout, he glanced sharply at the audience.

All the strong have a moment of stagnation.

"Xuanling Sword Lord?" An old man's face was full of jealousy.

Xuanling Sword Sovereign is not a human race, nor is it a creature in the three evil star region, but a very famous extreme monarch power in the nearby star region.

Even among the strongest players in the field, they are the ones who can rank in strength.

"Everyone." Xuanling Sword Sovereign said loudly, "Today I have sold me Xuanling Sword Sovereign, and I will have to thank you again in the future. It is better than hurting each other's faces today.

Sword Master Xuanling spoke politely, but his tone was full of arrogance and domineering.

Whoosh whoosh...

Several figures flashed to the side of Xuanling Sword Sovereign in an instant.

"Doosan Sword Master."

"The sea spearman."

"Ao Kong Jijun."

"This..." Everyone around the strong, their expressions changed drastically.

"The four strongest heavenly warlords in the nearby star field joined forces?"

The four heavenly warlords are all the ultimate monarch realm.

Xuanling Sword Lord nodded to the three people beside him, "Xuanling, thank you three for your help today."

Whoosh whoosh...

At this time, the four figures flashed to the side of the Xuanling Sword Sovereign.

These four people are just Invincible King Realm.

"Heh." Xuanling Sword Lord glanced around proudly, "This Lord had expected that this time the treasure was born, there must be countless contenders, so he invited friends to help."

"This treasure is sure to be won by this monarch, you should go back."

The harsh and domineering words resounded all around.


Second more.

Today is a total of six changes along with last night's make-up changes, and the remaining four changes are made at 3 in the morning.

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