Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3837: Emperor Zhan

Every strong man showed indignation, but no one retreated.

"Huh, how about the Four Great Wars?"

"Sell you face?"

"I sell your grandma."

"Want to get the treasure of the realm right now? Xuanling Sword Sovereign, do you have as great a face as an emperor?"

One by one the strong spoke angrily, no... it was a bunch.

Obviously, most warriors or friends join forces, or even if they are not friends, they have agreed before.

"Lao Tzu sees whether you can withstand the siege of all our strong men in addition to the four invincible monarchs."

At the same time, there are still countless strong people from all directions.

At the beginning, no one knew where the treasure of heaven and earth came into the world, so in every corner of the entire floating world, there were strong men sitting and waiting.

Now that the treasure is finally born, in addition to the closest powerhouse here who can instantly make a move, the powerhouses everywhere have rushed from all over the distance.

The gaze of Xuanling Sword Master also noticed the distance in all directions, and his brow wrinkled instantly.

Once surrounded by all the powerhouses, even if he is the ultimate monarch, he is not certain that he can keep this heaven and earth treasure.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

Each strong man violently violently again, one after another violent shock streamer, took the Profound Spirit Sword Lord straight away.


Suddenly, Xuanling Sword Lord suddenly looked into the distance.

An old man suddenly appeared, a big formation, running instantly.

The figure of Xuanling Sword Master suddenly disappeared in place.

First, it disappeared in the surrounding densely surrounded by strong men, and then appeared in the distance billions of miles away.

"Huh? The space is freed up?"

"Damn, this guy has a back hand, and a formation mage behind his back?"

In the distance, the Sword Master Xuanling appeared behind him and flew into the sky instantly.

As long as you leave this realm world and enter the void, then the sky will be high and the birds will fly.

In the void and darkness, as long as you get rid of the pursuer, you can no longer be caught up.

"Oh, this guy is going to escape..." One by one the strong, gritted their teeth.

Just at this time.


Above the sky, a black figure appeared out of thin air, appearing on top of Xuanling Sword Sovereign's head.

Before Xuanling Sword Master could react, the figure was already back pressured with a heavy leg.

On his legs, purple flames lingered, and a golden flame filled them.

This leg is sharp and explosive.


There was a roar.

The Sword Master Xuan Ling had only time to block his head with one hand, and then he felt like his wrist was kicked to pieces, and his figure thundered down from high altitude.


The figure in black caught up in an instant.

The Xuanling Sword Lord reacted extremely quickly, and the sharp sword in his hand came out as the figure fell.

The figure in black was like a snake, but it seemed to see through the sword blockade of Lord Xuanling Sword in an instant, so he could easily avoid the sharp sword and go up.

"How could it be..." Xuanling Sword Sovereign looked surprised.

Seeing that the black figure grabbed the bright thing with one hand, Xuanling Sword Master was about to resist but felt that his hands were surrounded by flames and he couldn't move.

The figure in black is Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi snatched the most precious treasure, and then the purple flame fire wings flicked, and instantly leapt into the distance.

With cold gaze, he glanced below.

Below, this is a region.

But now, this area is already in ruins.

The impact force that all the strong men had joined forces to blasted the Xuanling Sword Sovereign just now immediately flooded this area after the explosion.

In this vast region, all creatures are dead and no one survives.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and flew quickly.

"Not good." Behind him, Sword Master Xuanling's expression changed.

The strong men showed shocked expressions, "Good ability, can you grab something from the mysterious Sword Lord?"

"Huh? That guy is... Zi Yan?"

"Hurry up."

Countless strong men chased in an instant.

At the same time, the strong who came from all over the place also changed their goals and chased Xiao Yi.


A sword gas across the sky broke through the sky.

Xiao Yi's figure jumped, and instantly dodged.


One after another, the flames roamed the dragon, chasing continuously behind them.

Here, there is no shortage of strong people who control the fire.

Xiao Yi didn't make any other movements, but only dodged during the leap.

The chasers are densely packed, attacking streamers, countless, overwhelming.

Xiao Yi was like the agile figure among the enemy's armies, fierce and simple, and escaped and hid in such a gorgeous way, without losing half of his mark.

Ten minutes later.

At the end of the floating world, there is a vast expanse of land.

Xiao Yi's figure was finally stopped.

A huge sword aura that smashed across the sky, clearly fell from the sky, but seemed to block all directions.

Before the sword qi arrived, the terrible feeling of oppression had already made him feel uncomfortable, and there was a burst of qi and blood in his body.

"Emperor's combat power." Xiao Yi was startled.

It was a judgement, and felt a pain in his chest, and a golden sword struck hard.

Xiao Yi had only time to condense the flames in front of him.

The big knife blasted the flames away with ease.


Xiao Yi's figure was blown into the air with an ear-splitting roar.


The explosion sounded one after another.

Xiao Yi's figure swept across the sea for hundreds of millions of miles before stopping.

"Um." Xiao Yi snorted, a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

The bright thing in his hand has already been taken away.

Above the sea and high in the sky, a figure holding a golden sword stood proudly, looking down on all sides.

"Crazy Blade Emperor." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and let out a cold voice.

The eyes of all the strong also fell on the mad sword emperor.

But...Everyone's faces were filled with a much stronger jealousy than before, and no one even dared to take it anymore.

No, it's not that I didn't dare to shoot, but I didn't dare to...take the lead.

Xiao Yi stepped on the surface of the water and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but in no rush.

With sharp gazes, he glanced around, and his eyes were shocked.

Today, the powerful creatures from all sides who have come to the floating world to fight for the treasure have all gathered on this sea.

There are tens of thousands of strong people in all directions.

All the strongest, the weakest are at the peak of the Sovereign Realm.

This kind of scramble, under the peak of the monarch realm, is not qualified.

Looking around, there are no fewer than dozens of Extreme Sovereign Realm.

The invincible monarch realm is actually above thousands.

What is this concept?

Rao was Xiao Yi, and now he was taken aback by such a battle.

Dozens of Ultimate Sovereign Realm, thousands of Invincible Sovereign Realm, and tens of thousands of Sovereign Realm peaks!

Even if it was the eight schools of one hundred schools and the powerhouses of the source of heaven and earth, they besieged him in the main hall of the wind brake, it is far from the situation at that time.

Under this kind of formation, even the emperor's combat power is enough to eat a pot.

Although no one dared to make a difference for the time being, it would be impossible to say that Emperor Crazy Sabre had secured this treasure of heaven and earth.

Xiao Yi waited quietly, standing above the sea without moving.

Many strong people around have shifted their eyes.

Either it fell on the mad sword emperor, or fell on the four war princes, of course, a lot of them fell on Xiao Yi, a notorious spirit hunter who could **** things from the mysterious spirit sword lord.

Only those dozens of Extreme Sovereign Realms are truly qualified to take the lead.

"Is it worth losing my life for a treasure of heaven and earth?" The majestic words of Emperor Crazy Blade suddenly resounded through the world.


Third more.

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