Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3838: Treasure

One's own words seem to suppress the world.

Xiao Yi frowned.

To be precise, this was the first time he faced the emperor's combat power and felt this terrifying and domineering imperial aura.

"You can't say that." Xuanling Sword Lord took the lead with the momentum and coercion, gritted his teeth slightly, and looked directly at Emperor Crazy Blade.

"The preciousness of the heaven and the earth, you know the emperor Crazy Blade."

"If you just want the powerhouses of our various domains to retreat with just a word of yours, the Emperor of the Crazy Blade would be a little foolish."

"Huh?" Crazy Blade Emperor's face instantly became cold.

His gaze also instantly fell on Xuanling Sword Sovereign.

How does it feel to be stared directly by an emperor?

The emperor's pressure that filled the world suddenly disappeared, and all fell on the Xuanling Sword Lord.

How does it feel to be targeted by an emperor alone? I am afraid that only Xuanling Sword Lord himself knows.

"Puff." Sword Lord Xuanling spit out blood.

Before fighting, hurt first.

Is there such a huge gap between the emperor’s combat power and the ultimate realm?


In the air, there was only a flickering sound.

A golden sword had appeared in front of Xuanling Sword Sovereign in an instant.

"So fast."

"So fast…"

Ben and the other three warlords side by side with Xuanling Sword Lord, only felt a flower in front of them.

The Sword Master Xuanling was blown into the air like a broken kite, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the sky was stained with blood.

"So strong..." Xuanling Sword Sovereign held the sword in one hand and forcibly stabilized his figure, but his internal organs seemed to be completely displaced, which was extremely difficult to suffer.

When the strong from all directions saw it, all colors changed.

In the nearby star field, no one knows that this mad sword emperor has a very bad temper and extremely domineering.

"This is the end for those who stop the emperor." The cold words of the mad sword emperor were full of killing intent.

The strong from all directions took a step back.

The Extreme Sovereign Realm is not the enemy of One He, and it is severely wounded by a single stab; these invincible Sovereign Realms are afraid that a single slap is the hatred on the spot.

"Huh." Crazy Sabre Emperor snorted coldly, and he wanted to leave.

Just at this time.


A figure rose into the sky.

The mad sword emperor has killing intent in his eyes, and his face is ugly.

If no one stopped him at this time, he would rely on this deterrence, even if only counting his breath, it would be enough for him to go away.

"Dare to make a second?" Crazy Saber Emperor slashed out.

The incoming person blasted out with a punch, and seven flames burst out violently.

Above the sea, the sky was instantly filled with red clouds and flames.


Knife and fist confronted.

The mad sword emperor did not move, but Xiao Yi was shaken back.

The two of them blasted Yuwei, and the seawater evaporated in a radius of a million miles.

The strong from all sides retreated quickly.

Xiao Yi steadied his figure and glanced at his fist. There was a blood stain on his fist, blood flowing.

"Cut." Xiao Yi cursed in a low voice, and then looked directly at Emperor Crazy Blade.

"Thunder was shocked, and wanted to swagger away? A joke."

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid.

If he can take the mad sword emperor's sword, he can prove that he can take the second sword, the third sword, and more.

He is now more certain of his strength.

Although not comparable to the strength of Senior Ice Sage that can easily defeat the emperor, in the ultimate monarch realm, he is definitely considered the top and even the pinnacle category.

I dare not say that I can beat the emperor's combat power, but it is not difficult to reluctantly fight.

"Zi Yan?" Crazy Blade Emperor narrowed his eyes, his eyes were serious.

Even if the strong fight against each other, even one move is enough to judge the opponent's strength.

"Amethyst Lingyan alone is nothing."

"But the six most powerful fires of heaven and earth, and this black dragon fire, you are Yi Xiao...Zi Yan Yi Xiao, the spirit hunter who has risen to fame recently."

Mad Sabre Emperor, staring at Xiao Yi closely.

The strong man in the Quartet continued to cry in surprise, "Is it this guy?"

"I don't know where it came from."

"But it looks very young."

"It hasn't been a few years since he became famous in the nearby star field."

"Now that you have the ability to call the mad sword emperor?"

The mad sword emperor opened his mouth again, "The spirit hunter is a dangerous but simple profession."

"Receive money and eliminate disasters for others."

"Willing to accept this task is one thing, and it's one thing if you can't afford the price."

"Make a price."

"Yes." Xiao Yi blurted out, "One million high-grade spirit veins, this hire is accepted by Yi."

When the mad sword emperor heard the words, his face instantly became cold, "One million high-grade spirit veins? Ziyan, should this emperor state say that you lion open your mouth, or take advantage of the fire?"

"Neither." Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently, "Yi has always done business with clear prices, and he is not foolish."

"Taking your money, I am worthy of your money."

"If you lose a point, you won't; if you have a point, don't take it."

The ugly color on the face of the mad sword emperor became a bit rich, "a million high-grade spirit veins, almost close to the price of a heaven and earth treasure."

"According to your statement, are you consciously confident that you can seize this treasure of heaven and earth from this emperor?"

"Not bad." Xiao Yi also blurted out.

"Rampant." Crazy Blade Emperor sneered coldly.

"Then there is no need to say more." Xiao Yi said indifferently, "see the real chapter under your hand."


Xiao Yi suddenly violent, and went straight to the mad sword emperor.

"You're looking for death." The mad knife emperor slashed out, and the golden light surged on the knife.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, holding virtual hands in both hands, and the seven fierce flames instantly wrapped around the mad sword emperor.

"Although the heaven and earth are strong, but your strength is limited, you can't hurt this emperor." The mad knife emperor didn't care, and blasted with all his strength.

Xiao Yi didn't dodge or dodge, and bullied him forward.

"Huh?" Crazy Blade Emperor frowned. Seeing Xiao Yi's actions like this, he seemed to be able to see the result of his smashing his body.

Sure enough, the golden sword slashed on Xiao Yi's shoulder heavily, and then slashed all the way down.

Most of Xiao Yi's body above his chest was completely split by this golden sword.

But at the same time, the mad sword emperor did not notice that the seven flames surrounding him had already converged between his palms with a mysterious force.

And in the palm of his hand, I don't know when a faint but icy wind filled it.

Gang Feng caused a crack in his palm.

The place where the seven flames converge is precisely this fissure.

What an exquisite fire-controlling and wind-controlling ability is this in order to be so meticulous and silky.

But Emperor Mad Saber obviously didn't care, his sword was enough to take the life of this Zi Yan.

But in a flash.


Xiao Yi grinned at the corner of his mouth, and spit out a cold character, "Blast."

The seven flames gathered and exploded in the gap in the palm of Emperor Mad Saber.

At the same time, Xiao Yi clenched the golden broadsword in one hand and forcibly pulled it out.

The golden broadsword was slowly held up.

"Huh?" The mad sword emperor was shocked, "a lot of strength."

In his feeling, what he was facing at this moment was like a body with tremendous strength, more like...a dragon with infinite strength.

To be more serious, behind Xiao Yi, a black dragon phantom seemed to be looming.

The golden sword was forcibly dragged out.

The flame in the hands of the mad knife emperor exploded in an instant, and it did not damage it too much, but it happened to blast and separate the light group that contained the treasure of heaven and earth that he held tightly.

Everything happened almost simultaneously, and it broke out almost instantly.

Everything is clearly in Xiao Yi's calculations.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, took over the bright thing, and then the figure retreated.


The horrific wound that had been split from the shoulder and spread to the chest continued to recover directly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immortal body!


Fourth more. (Make up)

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