Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3839: One enemy ten thousand

Although the mad sword emperor did not damage a few points, his palm was still exploded with blood in the explosion of the seven flames.

The mad sword emperor didn't care, he just looked directly at Xiao Yi coldly, and looked at Xiao Yi's body that he recovered from his injuries in an instant, "What a weird method."

"It's a pity." Crazy Blade Emperor sneered, "Zi Yan, you made the biggest mistake."

"I can't help myself, I'm going to fall here today."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

He could already feel the cold eyes cast from all directions.

It was a wave of eagerness, trying to swallow his gaze.

These powerful creatures did not dare to attack the mad sword emperor, but naturally dared to attack Xiao Yi's idea.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently.

"Yi is in a hurry, so come on."

"Rampant." Master Fuhai Qiang shouted coldly.

The strong from all sides all face cold.

Yes, rampant, rampant to the extreme.

Faced with the siege of so many powerful men, how dare you say "Hurry up" and "Come on all"?


Above the sea, violent wind and fire aura went away.

A sacred fire giant and a sacred wind giant appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi glanced around, "This treasure of the floating world belongs to me."

"Whoever wants to grab it, just come and be arrogant."

"Huh? Demon Dao?" Each of the strong men looked shocked.

"Magic Way?"

"Magic Way?"

The creatures in the heavens and all realms recognized at a glance that this was a magic way.

"It turns out to be a strong magician, no wonder he is so confident, no, so arrogant."

"Hmph, what about the strong magical path." Crazy Blade Emperor snorted coldly and took the lead.

The mad sword emperor seems to be a domineering person, a person of extremely bad temper, but obviously he will not be a fool.

He knew even more that as long as he took the lead, he would definitely be able to spur all the strong here to make a move.

In his opinion, facing the siege of so many powerhouses, he might not be able to support it for long. This Ziyan is afraid that it will be blasted out in an instant.



The kamikaze giant raised his hands together and shook the golden sword.

Although the kamikaze giant was cheated a bit, and the air aura on his body was also split a little, he finally blocked the knife.

Just like Xiao Yi's own judgment, although he could not equal the emperor's combat power, it was not difficult to reluctantly confront and resist for a period of time.

The eight masters he cultivated are in balance.

The fire control team has this strength, and the Yufeng team has this strength.

It's just that the remaining six musts, and now there is no means to use them.

In other words, eight powers in his body, any one is enough to explode the ultimate power of the monarch realm.

Of course, the fire control has the increase of the law world skill in the sunny sky, so it can be stronger, and it is the peak combat power in the ultimate kingdom.

Zi Zi Zi...

When the second sword of the mad sword emperor fell, the kamikaze giant started to break apart.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi secretly said, "Magic body, increase."

Boom... the wind aura on the **** wind giant was instantly solidified, comparable to that of the **** fire giant.

This is the benefit of the magic body, and the strength of Bajue.

Bajue, the path that Bafen cultivated is independent, and each has its own strength.

Shenfeng Vessel and Shenhuo Vessel consume the power contained in oneself.

The same is true for immortal Dao body, Shura combat body, etc.

And the demon body, the power penetrates the whole body, can be used as the power support of any magic way at any time, and can be converted at will.

At this moment, the divine fire giant is still consuming the power in his divine fire vein.

And the **** wind giant not only consumes the power in the **** wind veins, but also has the support of the continuous influx of power from the whole body.

"Yi Xiao evil thief, take his life." In the distance, the Lord Murphy and the fierce tiger realm master shouted together, and they struck instantly.

The two sides have long had enmity.

In the eyes of the two of them, Xiao Yi is now constrained by the mad sword emperor, and he may not have the opportunity to kill him.

The so-called one stone stirs up a thousand waves, there are the leader of the mad knife emperor, the violent leader of the Murphy and the fierce tiger, and the strong from all sides can't help it.

They didn't think that they could defeat such a powerful Ziyan Yi Xiao, and could defeat this powerful demon road.

But... it's not difficult to pick up the leak.

If you are lucky, or you can seize the treasure of the floating world, you may not be able to fulfill your own chance.

It's a pity that all these calculations are obviously mistyped.

These thoughts were shattered to pieces in an instant.

The strong from all sides came under siege.

Countless tyrannical palm wind, sword aura, raging attack streamer, one after another.

The scene of countless ants entangled in the elephant vividly depicts the current situation.

However, the contrasting kamikaze giant was extremely strenuous to resist the mad sword emperor; the Shenhuo giant faced the countless siege, but...

The attackers had no enemies at all, and all were blown away by the Shenhuo giant.

This is not a pure ultimate monarch, but... his Xiao Yi!

To him, there is no difference between an ultimate monarchy and a bunch of ultimate monarchy.

An invincible monarchy is indistinguishable from thousands of invincible monarchy.

The bright sun of the law world has become the best bearing point and structure point for all his signs of fire, and has become his best means to use these signs of fire.

The Shenhuo Channel has always been his strongest means of erupting the Fire Dao strength.

To Xiao Yi, the two are not like a tiger with wings, but a perfect combination.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

In the air, there were continuous explosions.

It was so exaggerated that there was not even a pause.

With my own strength, facing dozens of extreme monarchs, thousands of invincible monarchs, and tens of thousands of monarch peaks, he actually staged this farce-like battle.

This is a farce battle, because it seems so funny that countless powerful men from all walks of life are like a clown.

But this is another astonishing, astonishing battle.

This powerful flame strength, in the powerful figure under the two attribute giants, holds both hands in a virtual grip, controlling it so vividly.

This fire control skill is amazing enough.

This combat ability is shocking enough.

Xiao Yi squinted, this overwhelming powerhouse could not even get close to him, unable to break through the defenses of the God Wind Giant and the God Fire Giant.

He doesn't need to worry about the siege of the powerful from all walks of life.

What he really cares about is this mad sword emperor.

From beginning to end, the kamikaze giants were just trying their best to resist, and eventually they would lose.

"If I can't help but the power of the mad sword emperor, I am afraid that I may not be able to leave the floating world today." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

No matter how stalemate, and now it seems that the combat power is fierce, there will be a time when one's own strength is exhausted.

Although his Eight Jue and Demon Body are all at the eighth peak level of the Sovereign Realm, they can explode to the ultimate Sovereign Realm combat power under the increase of the rising dragon and the Wujue true meaning.

But in addition, it is difficult to shake the emperor's combat power.

Just like the eight extreme monarch realms, they are still vulnerable to the emperor's combat power.

"If you continue like this, you will be consumed alive by this mad sword emperor." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.


Fifth more. (Make up)

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