Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3840: Master, I haven’t been afraid of anyone

Without these countless powerhouses besieging him, even if he fought hard against this mad sword emperor, he would be able to flee without the enemy.

If there is no such absolute powerhouse as the mad sword emperor, no matter how many powerhouses there are from all walks of life, he would not take it seriously.

Now that both existed, his escape route was cut off and he was now passive.

"Do you want to use Bingluan sword?"

Xiao Yi moved both hands, controlling the Shenfeng Giant with one hand and the Shenhuo Giant with the other.

In such a fierce battle, he was still able to cope with ease.

While fighting, thinking quickly.

This time, Xiao Yi gave birth to uncertain thoughts for the first time.

If this mad sword emperor does not dodge or dodge, does not move, does not fight, and stretches out his head to let him chop, he is confident that the Bingluan Sword is indestructible and sharp, killing with one sword.

It would be hard to say if it was to use the power in the Bingluan Sword to increase the strength.

The sharpness of Bingluan sword lies in its sharp blade.

But its inner strength is hard to say.

Every time I reach the pinnacle of the realm, an iceberg and fire sea must be born in the small world, and after breaking through the big realm, almost all the power of the iceberg and fire sea will be ‘eaten’ by the Bingluan sword.

If he had already experienced the ‘Ice Mountain and Fire Sea’ at the peak of the Sovereign Realm and had been ‘eaten’ by the Bingluan Sword, he would be confident that the power in it was strong enough.

But now, he is not so sure.

Everything that exists, lacks the support of strength, is ultimately vain.

Without the power contained in the magic weapon, it is at best a sharp sword.

"The power of the Silver Dragon Emperor?" Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

Speaking of it, he hasn't practiced the six-pole imperial silver dragon for a long time.

At the time when the third and fourth levels of the monarchy were cultivated, through the six-pole imperial silver 獠 method, it could barely hold up the demonized backlash and exert the peak combat power of the nine levels of the monarchy.

Now his own demonic body and eight unique strengths have completely exceeded the previous category.

Borrowing the power of the Emperor Yinhu to increase the power of the emperor? That's probably the end of his own demonization into a monster.

"No, there is..." Xiao Yi suddenly remembered something.

In the inner view, near the heart vein, the power that supports Shura's battle body...The power of Shura is exuding shining golden light.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

These eight drops of Shura's power, which was originally dark black, now exudes a shining golden light under the promotion of the Five Jue True Intentions.

Based on the physical power given by Shura's battle body, he actually already had a battle strength comparable to that of the ultimate monarch realm.

But I didn't expect that, as a source of power to support the outbreak of Shura's battle body, Shura's power was also promoted.


No, sublimation!

Eight drops of Shura's power, as if sublimated.

"Bengjiequan." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Simply using Bengjie Fist, a drop of Shura's power is enough.

But for this mad sword emperor, one drop is not enough.

Xiao Yi squinted, and the eight drops of Shura's power in his body slowly merged.


Time passed slowly.

After half an hour.

Seven drops of Shura's power has been merged.

Eight drops of Shura's power is like eight small drops of water; now, it has become like a small ball of water, and one drop of water.

"It can be done." Xiao Yi has already judged.

This is the benefit of the various professions of initiates.

It's not that fellow practitioners have multiple paths, but multiple professions.

Fellow practitioners have many ways, just like cultivating swordsmanship, firework, and so on. The energy consumed is the same energy in the same Qi fountain.

But fellow practitioners in many professions, like him today, in addition to the power support in the qi fountain, there are also demons.

Although the Bajue are the same demon path, they are independent of each other, each has strength to support, and each can form a separate one, which is completely different from the normal cultivation system.

This is the power of Bajue.

Even if he is now spending his energy to deal with the mad sword emperor and this powerful man from all walks of life, he can still separate his mind and have another strength to make preparations.

"The eighth drop." Xiao Yigang wanted to integrate the eighth drop of Shura's power into it, but an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart.

Fatal sense of crisis.

The eighth drop of golden light of Shura's power at this moment seems to contain the meaning of death; it seems to tell him that he can't stand the eighth drop of fusion power.

"Seven drops are enough." Xiao Yinei looked at the drop of Shura's power that was already a'little water ball'.

Bang bang...

At this time, the **** wind giant and the **** fire giant suddenly disappeared.

The strong from all walks of life looked overjoyed, "This Ziyan can't hold it anymore."

At the same time, it is the eyes of the strong from all walks of life containing killing intent.

"Zi Yan, you are looking for death by yourself." The Emperor Crazy Blade sneered.

On the golden sword, suddenly wind and fire surrounded.

Nine marking knife paths, nine marking wind paths, and nine marking fire paths.

Xiao Yi didn't know exactly how the fighting power within the emperor level was exerted.

But at this moment, the mad sword emperor, the momentum on the sword obviously increased sharply.

This knife is the strongest knife that Emperor Crazy Sabre has accumulated for a long time and has been waiting for.

Not only to take Xiao Yi's life, but also to resolve the powerhouses around him.

"Crazy knife, wipe out the air." The emperor of the crazy knife slammed.

On the knife, an aura of destruction surged.

The powerhouses from all walks of life seem to be able to see Xiao Yi's fate being blasted into powder.

Just at this time.

Xiao Yi punched out, "It's been a long time, Bengjiequan!"

With a punch, the fist is full of destruction.

But this aura of destruction was much stronger than that of Emperor Crazy Sabre.

"How is it possible?" The mad sword emperor blasted with all his strength, feeling this even more destructive aura, his face changed drastically.

"How could it be..." Xiao Yi whispered in his heart, and the fist blasted out, making his whole body uncomfortable, and his body seemed torn apart.

There was an astonishing sensation of pain in his fists and arms.

However, there is no hesitation and retreat.

Knife and fist collided again.

There is no imaginary stalemate, only... one-sided crushing!

The golden light in the hands of the mad sword emperor was completely destroyed.

Xiao Yi's fist was like a broken bamboo.

With the roar, the world is only white.

After a whole number of ten breaths, the colors of heaven and earth will return to normal.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood and looked at his arm in disbelief.

This hand is already dead!

But in front of him, there is no such golden sword, nor the figure of the mad sword emperor.

In front of him, there was a void.

The vast ocean is gone.

From top to bottom, there is nothingness, looking down, you can look directly at the bottom of the sea.

The sea water in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, as deep as tens of thousands of miles, the sea disappears out of thin air, leaving nothing but nothing.

In the distance, there is no space, it is no longer normal.

In front of him, there was a void.

Extending all the way to the distance, there is a huge hole, and the outside is empty and dark.

Xiao Yi was stunned.

Bengjie Quan, this is the real Bengjie Quan!

With one punch, the boundary between heaven and earth collapsed.

"Puff." In the distance, there was an abrupt sound of vomiting blood.

The figure of the mad sword emperor appeared in embarrassment.

Holding the hand of the mad sword emperor, with only one hand, the golden light sword, wandering weakly in the void and darkness, exuding a little afterglow.

"Not dead yet?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, making no secret of the killing intent in his eyes.

"Hold on." In the distance, the mad sword emperor strongly supported his seriously injured body and shouted.

The mad sword emperor is very clear about the severity of his injury now, if the punch just now is a bit stronger, he has fallen on the spot at this moment.

Even if he is not dead, he is still a terribly damaged body.

"Zi Yan, do you know who the emperor is under?" Emperor Crazy Blade stared coldly.

"It's already a provocation to compete with this emperor for the treasure of the domain."

"If you kill this emperor, you will wait for the heavens and the world to have no place for you."

Xiao Yi sneered, "The dignified emperor has fallen into such a despicable situation that threatens to survive?"

"Who is behind you? It's just an emperor at best." Xiao Yi held up his hand, his eyes were proud and his tone was full of disdain.

"Do you feel helpless when I am susceptible to someone?"

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, without concealing his voice, "I came out to practice on the order of the master, but it was all shameless Xiaoxiao who met you."

"Before going out, Master only gave me a word."

"Which emperor of the heavens and ten thousand realms does not open his eyes. If he wants to bully the small, he may not be happy to find him."

"Endless Void, Nine Great Realms, Three Hundred Heavens, One Hundred Thousand Small Worlds, his old man has never been afraid of anyone!"

The arrogant and confident words resounded unabashedly.


Sixth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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