Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3841: Mysterious Two Tianjiao

The arrogant words shook the world like a presumptuous.

In all directions, the expressions of the strong from all walks of life changed drastically.

In front of Xiao Yi, there were thousands of miles to the left and right, and the endless range in front of him, the sea disappeared and nothingness.

And behind him, although it is not the direct explosive point of Bengjiequan, it is also within the scope of the aftermath.

Behind him is a million li, the waves are rolling, sweeping thousands of li high and not falling for a long time.

In the raging waves, wreckages drifted with the waves.

Thousands of things!

Or the ultimate monarchy, the invincible monarchy, the peak of the monarchy, nothing is spared.

The power of that punch was terrifying.

But it was just a punch, and the rest of the strong from all walks of life in all directions, no one dared to shoot.

At this time, listening to Xiao Yi's presumptuous and arrogant words, all his expressions changed drastically.

"The master of Ziyan?"

"Let me just say, the origin of this purple inflammation is so mysterious, how can it be a general generation."

"This guy seems to have gained fame in just a few years, and his talent is terrifying. Is it really a big man standing behind him?"

"I wonder which emperor's disciple is?"

"No, maybe someone outside the world?"

"Listening to his words so domineering, all the emperors are not paying attention to it, can it be said...Which Void Supreme is?"

"No, no, no, this guy is cultivating the devil's way, is it a person from the ten thousand demon heavens? That high disciple of the Devil Emperor?"

"It doesn't seem to be, it seems that I haven't heard that the Devil Emperor has any disciples."

"Anyway, to be able to teach such a powerful disciple, he must be at least a great emperor, or even a pinnacle emperor."

For a time, strong people from all walks of life talked and curious.

However, no one had even the slightest doubt, and they all believed these words without hesitation, and directly guessed who the master behind the "Purple Flame" is.

In the distance, the embarrassed and badly wounded Emperor Mad Saber's face changed drastically.

"I don't know where is your honorable master?" The mad sword emperor endured the severe injury and discomfort, gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Yi, and asked respectfully.

"Humph." Xiao Yi grew colder and arrogant, "My master's name is taboo, and there are some cats and dogs who can ask?"

Xiao Yi had been paying attention to the expressions of the powerhouses from all walks of life and the mad sword emperor. He couldn't help but bloom, but his eyes did not change. He was still cold and arrogant.

In his words, the master who ‘is not afraid of anyone in the heavens and all realms’ is nothing but nothing.

Perhaps that Yanlong can do'not fear any creatures in the heavens and the world', but that one is definitely not his Xiao Yi's patron.

Before leaving the Yanlong Continent, the one who urged and warned several times, once he left the Yanlong Continent, that person would no longer be able to protect Xiao Yi.

Even if he Xiao Yi died in the heavens and ten thousand realms, that person could not help him.

He Xiao Yi can only rely on himself.

But at this moment, his hand was abolished, and his combat power was greatly reduced. The Shura battle body, Shenfeng Vein and Shenhuo Vein on which he could fight in his body were almost exhausted. Although he could still fight, he couldn't support it. One hour and three minutes.

The remaining Five Jues in the body are still powerful and still in their peak state, but they have no means to use.

The immortal Dao body can be used as life-saving, and it lasts for a long time.

But the Six Frightening Demon Swords didn't have a sword in his hand, and he couldn't reach the fighting power of Huo Dao now.

If he doesn't want to save his life, he can no longer deal with this huge number of powerful people from all walks of life with his current state.

As for the current nonsense, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, there is a ghost mask, and no one can perceive his breath, which means that unless he takes off the mask himself, no one can detect his identity.

His identity as "Yi Xiao" will always be like a ghost in the heavens and ten thousand realms, no one can know the depth.

The'bigger' the lie is, the more it can create momentum.

This kind of indeterminate lie, let Xiao Yi open his mouth, dare to blow as much as his heart is.

"Get off." Xiao Yi spit out two big characters coldly, not only looking at the mad sword emperor, but also scanning the surrounding powerhouses.

"Keep it in mind, I'm not deceiving someone, but I'm not afraid of those old monsters who bully the big one."

"If you have the ability, even if you come to trouble me, but please be prepared to fall."

"Yes, yes." Many strong people from all walks of life spoke again and again.

The mad sword emperor heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, at least his life was saved.

However, looking at the bright thing in Xiao Yi's hand, he was still unwilling.

After gritting his teeth, the mad sword emperor finally dashed away, regaining the golden broadsword floating in the void, and then disappeared into the dark void.

The strong from all walks of life also retreated one after another.

The mad sword emperor had already left, and they also asked themselves if they had the ability to grab something from this "Purple Flame", let alone offend the "invincible" master behind him.

In a short time, the strong from all walks of life all retreated.

Above the vast sea, only Xiao Yi was left.

The sea water below our feet is constantly filling up, majestic and magnificent.

The world that has turned into a void is constantly being repaired.

Heaven and earth, with their own power, will automatically repair their damaged self.

"Huh." Xiao Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This crisis can be considered a solution.

And this treasure of the floating world is also considered to be in hand.

Xiao Yi glanced at the bright thing in his hand, and was delighted.

Just about to flash away, but...

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly cold, but his heart was startled.

Not far away, dozens of steps away, a figure rises above the sea without knowing when.

It was a young man, dressed in a blue-and-white son's uniform, with a chuckle, looking straight.

"Good skill." The young man chuckled slightly with surprise, "I just showed up, and you felt it instantly."

"You are not bad too." Xiao Yi squinted and stared coldly, "I can hide my perception and get close to such a distance."

The young man smiled, "Brother Yi is injured after all, and since the war has just ended, I should relax and let my guard down."

Xiao Yi still had cold eyes.

This nickname of'Brother Yi' will not let Xiao Yi relax.

"You want to make the idea of ​​this thing in Yi's hand?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

The young man, without disguising, nodded.


Suddenly, on the other side of the sea, another figure appeared out of thin air, standing above the sea.

The figure is a woman in Tsing Yi.

After the woman appeared, she first glanced around her eyes, and then her gaze fell on Xiao Yi.

To be precise, it fell on top of the treasure in Xiao Yi's hands.

"Huh?" The woman's face was cold, and she narrowed her eyes. "It seems that we are a step late, and the war is over."

"I missed some excitement, but the treasure is still there, it's not bad."

The woman finally stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

"Here is another one." Xiao Yi's eyes grew colder and colder, "Is it also an idea to fight Yi's treasure?"

"Asked knowingly." The woman's tone was rude.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, "Then it depends on your abilities."


Wujue's true meaning condensed again, and seven flames burst out instantly.

Seven fierce flames wandered around the dragon, eating away at the two.


First more.

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