Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3861: A clue to the illusion of fire?

Xiao Yi opened the other two files and scanned them roughly.

One copy, impressively written in the three characters "Ming Wang Dian", is also dazzling.

One copy, with the words ‘Magic Chen Jue’, was bleak.

"It really is."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned suddenly. The two files, as far as he glanced at them, were extremely strange.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, and temporarily closed the two files, looking at the one-eyed bald head.

"What kind of character is this King Ming?"

"God." One-eyed bald head blurted out, and his face didn't mean to be part of a joke.

"Joke." Xiao Yi spit out disdain.

One-eyed bald head shook his head, "It is difficult for me to explain to you what kind of character this is."

"Some people say that he is all splendor, all splendor, all brilliance, all dazzling, all incredible."

"It seems that the light in the world belongs to this creature."

"In the record, it is an ancient supreme emperor who left these words."

"Some people say that he is the strongest supreme emperor, dazzling like the sky, and even the endless world can't damage his life. He is also the creature who has the best chance to rise above the endless world."

"In the record, it is not clear who said this sentence, but if you want to come, the person who is qualified to evaluate the'Ming King' is at least a supreme emperor."

The breath of the one-eyed bald head unconsciously became heavy and his face flushed.

In his eyes, there is a light of fanaticism and awe.

"In those distant years."

"Ming Wang is like a dazzling god."

"The Ming King God's Court he created is a mythical existence in the entire heavens and all realms."

"The three thousand divine court guards he has cultivated are the'taboo' of the entire world."

"And the three exercises he created are the most enthusiastic and eager thing in the entire universe."

Xiao Yi squinted, "A godlike, dazzling creature."

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

One-eyed bald head continued, "My lord, that's all I know."

Xiao Yi nodded and opened the dossier again, "Ming Wangdian."

This time, it was a closer look.

An hour later.

Xiao Yi frowned, "So that's it, this is a pill."

"No, it should be said, a whole pill."

"Ming Wang Dan, divided into three grades."

"The first product guards the sky, the second pint of reincarnation, the third product..."

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and fell into silence.

"My lord?" One-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "Three ranks, becoming a god."

"It's a terrible medicine, but is there really such a medicine in this world?"

"My lord." One-eyed bald head said in shock, "have you enlightened this pill? Can it be refined?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

The face of the one-eyed bald head changed drastically, "This is just an hour..."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I haven't finished comprehending everything."

"And this is just a prescription, but not the complete system of Ming Wanglu that includes the method of combat, the method of combined attack, the method of cultivation, etc."

Profound and complicated are two different things.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head solemnly said, "Ming Wangdian is the scary thing in the legend that really cultivated the guards of the gods."

"If you can really refine it, then we... will be able to train the guards of the gods, no, only your guards belong to you."

Xiao Yi shook his head, his eyes were cold, "Ming King Code, Heaven Defying Grade, has the effect of extremely rapid increase in cultivation, but one pill can damage half of the life of the swallower."

"Destroy one's own vitality, in order to defend against the sky; break through the cauldron and sink the boat in order to turn things around."

"It's done, but it's not done. The lightest is a serious injury, and most of the foundation is damaged."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "I have not yet understood the second-grade pill refining, but it is known from a rough view that it is the emperor grade pill that can be swallowed and digested in the emperor realm."

"But the price is to lose 60% of your vitality."

"Do you know what the cost of an emperor's realm that costs 60% of its vitality represents?"

"The representative will be the failure backlash that comes with it, and it will directly destroy this creature, even if this creature is a powerful emperor."

Xiao Yi stared coldly, "Judging by my knowledge of medicine, this pill in the Ming Dynasty Code is extremely terrifying, and it is a harmful pill at all."

"Stop here."

Xiao Yi put away the Ming Dynasty Code and opened the last file.

"Magic Dust Art."

Xiao Yi looked at it carefully.

An hour later.

Xiao Yi suddenly sat down cross-legged.

Two hours later, three hours later... Xiao Yi sat there all the time.

long time…

one day…

Three days later.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi's eyes pulsed with light, which seemed to be the light of flame.

"Disillusionment, illusion, dust and dust, even the eternal creatures, the eternal stars, will eventually die out."

"There is also a time of rebirth in the **** of fate and luck."

"Heaven and earth, all things, end up in reincarnation, endless life, not above a certain creature, but in the whole world."

In Xiao Yi's eyes, although there was a pulsating flame, the coldness disappeared suddenly, his eyes were clear, and his mind was broad and clear.

"That's it, this is a Dao Heart Technique."

"Of course, it's also terrifying and extremely mysterious."

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head, "Do you know what I saw just now?"

"Just now?" One-eyed bald head blinked, "Sir, you have been sitting for three days."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "For the past three days, I have watched this Magic Dust Secret Art, carefully comprehending it, but in a daze, as if seeing a dust."

"Although the dust is small, it continues to grow in the darkness and coldness of this endless void. After endless years, it will eventually become a huge star."

"The stars are desolate, and gradually they have vitality and life."

"The stars are dazzling, but they finally die away in the passing of the years, turning the dust again."

"I seem to have seen the entire cycle of a giant star from its birth to its death."

"This Magic Dust Art is very powerful, and it is far more profound than all Dao Heart cultivation techniques I have seen, and even almost all cultivation techniques."

"Congratulations, sir, for having this technique help." One-eyed bald head congratulated.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Unfortunately I don't need it."

"Give it to you."

What kind of Dao Heart is stronger than that one that has long been baptized by countless winds and frosts, and has been tempered by countless setbacks. It belongs to Xiao Yi's Dao Heart?

And what kind of Dao Heart, can be stronger than the heart that has not changed from the beginning, but also belongs to Xiao Yi's great free sword heart?

He didn't need this magic dust art.

His eyes instantly returned to indifference.

His heart is still cold.

It was never something or a technique that could calm his heart down, but a certain creature that had already been imprinted on his heart.

"Star Fire." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

From the birth to the death of the star, he seemed to see a flame, it was the fire of the illusion that he had pursued for a long time.

This magic dust tactic seems to have something to do with the fire of the star illusion, but the way is unknown.

Xiao Yi got up and already put away three files.

Staring at the surroundings, apart from these palaces, the place is empty and lonely.

"It seems that it was a trip for nothing, and it was a pleasure for nothing." Xiao Yi shook his head.

He didn't get anything at all.

Perhaps, this Magic Dust Art will be the clue for him to search for the "Star Fire" that is known as the most mysterious and strongest flame in the void?

However, this clue is also too vague.


Second more.

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