Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3862: Spirit Hunting Conference

"Let's go."

Xiao Yi made a sound, his figure flashed, and he was already back thousands of miles above.

The one-eyed bald head followed closely.

"My lord," said one-eyed bald head concentrating, "this ruin must be covered up."

"As for our traces on this barren star, we must also remove them."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Cover this relic and leave it to you."

"Clear the traces, I will do it."

"Yes, my lord." The one-eyed bald head replied, and then his hands came out.


Suddenly, the yellow wind roared, covering thousands of miles.

A stream of yellow sand is covering up this relic of waking up from the beginning of the long years.

Xiao Yi frowned and stared.

This one billion mile range is not so much the remains of the Ming Dynasty, but rather the remains of the Ming Dynasty God's Court, a legend that dares to use the word "God" as a dynasty exists.

However, how could such a powerful force suddenly fall.

The huge ruins and the emptiness always give rise to an inexplicable weirdness.

Xiao Yi shook his head, no longer thinking, his figure flashed, and he left.

Covering up this well is a'hard work'.

The one-eyed bald head comes from the red desert heavens. With these wind and sand, coupled with the control of the yellow wind law, it is easier to do.

As for the meticulous work of removing traces, Xiao Yi did it himself.

after one day.

Xiao Yi returned.

With one-eyed bald head, he can stop his hand.

As a warrior, it is easy to move mountains and fill seas.

It's not difficult to cover up the "giant pit".

It is only necessary to restore this ‘giant pit’ to the point where it is intact, without any flaws, and to the appearance of a normal barren land, but it is a test of this warrior’s ability.

"Not bad." Xiao Yi glanced.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "How about you, my lord?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi turned indifferently.

One-eyed bald head smiled and said, "My lord is more reliable than me in doing things."

The two turned back along the road.

While walking, still clear the traces of passing.

The six warships left this barren star silently.

Of course, before leaving, Xiao Yi also cleared all traces here, including the traces of the Wuluo plundering group.


Six warships, sailing in the void.

The void here is even more desolate and colder.

A few days later.

The warship sailed out of the barren star field and returned to the edge of the amber star field again.

Randomly searched for the realm close to each other.

Xiao Yi was the first to go to Wanjie Commercial Bank.

He wanted those warships to be useless, so he simply sold them all.

At the trading office of the trading house, when Xiao Yi took out 29 warships and a small warship, the staff of the trading house changed a lot and immediately respected.

"My lord, wait a moment." The staff of the firm walked away quickly.

Not long after, an old man in Chinese clothes walked out quickly and came straight to Xiao Yi.

"Emperor Lingshu, in Xia, is the person in charge of this branch." The old man gave his hand quickly, "I wonder if you are?"

Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent, "Why, do you still have your real name and surname when you come to Wanjie Commercial Bank to sell things?"

"No, no," said Emperor Lingshu quickly and politely, "It's just for the little old man to call you an adult, you an adult..."

"Yi Xiao." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, not interested in wasting the conversation time.

"Yi Xiao?" Upon hearing this, Emperor Lingshu narrowed his eyes, as if thinking.

After a few breaths, Emperor Lingshu patted his hands, "Ziyan?"

"My lord, are you the famous spirit hunter near the Redfang Starfield?"

Xiao Yi had only come to the Amber Star Territory for the first time, and had never stayed in the Red Tooth Star Territory close to this star region.

However, the business of Wanjie Commercial Co., Ltd. includes intelligence, and naturally it also knows the name of "Yi Xiao" outside the farther star domain.

Of course, the premise is that outside the farther star field, the word Yi Xiao is also loud enough.

"The rumored task is 100% thoughtful, and I have never missed it."

"The strongest spirit hunter in the rumor, clearing the spirit swallowing tribe, swept all the way like a strong wind sweeping leaves."

"I'll sell things." Xiao Yi's tone had already become a bit dissatisfied.

"Well, well, the old man is rude." Emperor Lingshu repeatedly arched his hands, "Is Master Yi Xiao selling these warships?"

The warship belongs to the sub-sacred weapon class, but it is of extremely high rank.

Therefore, it can also be placed in the Universe Ring, or even the usual reduction effect, the size of a palm.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "and this thing."

Xiao Yi also took out the Wujin belt.

The greatest use of these boundary stones is to fit warships.

As soon as the battleship is sold, these boundary stones are naturally also sold.

"Boundary Formation Stone?" Lingshu Emperor, as the head of the firm, recognized things at a glance.

However, Emperor Lingshu suddenly frowned, "29 warships, a medium-sized warship, plus 29 boundary stones."

"This equipment is so familiar..."

Emperor Lingshu suddenly lit up, "This is not..."

Emperor Lingshu had the answer, and looked at Xiao Yi in surprise, "Master Yi Xiao, have you brought the Wuluo Plunder Group?"

When there was a startled sound, all the surrounding creatures stopped, or stopped what they were doing, and cast all their attention.

In the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, there are many people coming and going, and most of them are spirit hunters, solo travelers, or people from one party.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Are you intentionally wasting Yi's time?"

"Don't dare." The Emperor Lingmouse's face was already straight.

Sweeping around his eyes, he was aware of his own words and expressions, knowing that Xiao Yi did not like the situation of being watched.

"Master Yi Xiao, please, come in and talk."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The two went straight away.

But the surrounding area has already caused an uproar.

"Zi Yan? That spirit hunter?"

"Isn't this guy just taking on the task of hunting and killing the Spirit Devourers?"

"Take the infamous Wuluo plundering group?"

"How did this guy do it?"

For a while, there was a lot of discussion around.

But obviously, in Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, there are many creatures, and it can also be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes. I am afraid that these news will spread throughout the amber heavens in a short time.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether this matter is leaked or not.


Chamber of the firm.

Emperor Lingshu has long ordered people to bring fragrant tea.

"Master Yi Xiao wants to sell these battleships and these boundary formation stones?" Lingshu Emperor asked again.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Master Yi Xiao, wait a minute." Emperor Lingshu took the battleship and the Wujin belt, and probed it carefully.

Goods transactions need to be inspected.

After half an hour.

Emperor Lingshu nodded and looked at Xiao Yi, "Master Yi Xiao, it's okay."

"For these 29 warships, the old man bid 10,000 high-grade spirit veins, a total of 290,000."

"This medium-sized warship, the old man can drive up to 120,000 spiritual veins."

"These 29 domain boundary stones have 30,000 spiritual veins each, totaling 870,000."

"This black gold belt is originally a sacred weapon, so it can be inlaid with the boundary stones, but it is worth tens of thousands of spiritual veins."

"Well, the whole belt, including the boundary stones inside, the old man bid a total of 930,000 spiritual veins."

Emperor Lingshu, a sentence fell.

The face under Xiao Yi's mask was all black.

"You are a black shop here?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "A small warship is worth 20,000 high-grade spirit veins..."

Emperor Lingshu smiled, waved his hand, and interrupted, "I'm afraid Master Yi Xiao has misunderstood something."

"A small warship, our firm only sells 20,000 high-grade spiritual veins."

"This purchase will naturally be much cheaper."

"You think these warships have been used for many years, and the hull has been damaged and traces are left, which means that the materials are damaged."

"We also need to repair and consolidate all the major formations in it after the acquisition."

Emperor Lingshu smiled bitterly, "It's up to you, Master Yi Xiao, otherwise, these small warships can sell for eight thousand high-grade spirit veins."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

This is indeed the case. The hull is damaged and needs to be repaired with additional materials; the large array, after years of consumption, also needs to be repaired and consolidated by the array mage.

Lingshu Emperor Jundao said, "Our ten thousand realms trading firm has a reputation, and it has always been clear prices, young people are not deceived."

"You can rest assured, Master Yi Xiao."

"If you really want to sell, this is the most reasonable price."

"Success." Xiao Yi nodded.

Emperor Lingshu smiled with joy, "Master Yi Xiao decided to sell, and the old man will trade with you now..."

"Not for sale." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, took back the battleship and the Wujin belt, got up, arched his hands, "Farewell."

"Uh, this..." Lingshu Emperor's face was stagnant.

But Xiao Yi had already left without paying attention.

Out of the Wanjie Commercial Bank.

Looking at Xiao Yi's unkind gaze with one-eyed bald head, he asked in confusion, "My lord, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yi glanced at him and said dissatisfied, "Although you have a good knowledge, you rarely go to Wanjie Commercial Bank to sell things in the past."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "We are Void Bandits, and we rarely deal with Ten Thousand Realms Trading Company."

Xiao Yi said nothing, his face under the mask was ugly.

"Why?" One-eyed bald head asked doubtfully, "Is your lord not sold into those warships?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "The bid is too low."

"The lord will not sell it?" One-eyed bald head asked.

"Of course it's sold." Xiao Yi said coldly, "but I won't sell it here."

Xiao Yi remembered the seven-eyed emperor.

He might as well go directly to teleport the large array back to the cloud realm of the Meridian Star Territory.

Maybe the price given by Seven Eyes Emperor will be higher.

Moreover, he sold these battleships and boundary formation stones, and obtained the spirit veins to buy the information of the blood **** demon flame.

Just go back to Tongyun Realm directly.

"I will go back to Tongyun Realm. You are waiting for me in this realm." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

Once and again, I am afraid that it will not take a day.

The one-eyed bald head instantly understood Xiao Yi's meaning, but said, "My lord, I'm afraid you have to slow down this matter first."

"Did you not find out about the news at Wanjie Commercial Bank?"

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"As soon as I entered Wanjie Commercial Bank, I was invited to the inner room, and I was walking in a hurry."

The one-eyed bald head suddenly swallowed, "The news that I just heard, there will be a spirit hunting conference around here."

"Spirit Hunting Conference?" Xiao Yi frowned first, then his eyes were startled.

The one-eyed bald head solemnly said, "Yes, and just ten days later, the location is the Amber Heavens."

Xiao Yi squinted, "Holding a spirit hunting conference, the representative is..."

"The new emperor is born." The two looked at each other and exhaled solemnly.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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