Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3863: Arrived, the amber heavens

"Ten days."

Xiao Yi hesitated and thought about it.

One-eyed bald head said, "The entire Amber Star Region is extremely huge."

"It's not a short journey from here to the Amber Heavens."

"If you start now, you should be almost done."

Xiao Yi nodded, "At the speed of our warship, we should have time to go now, enough for me to travel back and forth in Tongyun Realm."

If you walk the teleportation array, no matter how far away you are, it will become trivial.

One day is enough to go back and forth.

However, his most important purpose was to buy the information on the blood **** demon flame.

Once you have the information, you have to start looking for this flame.

And this spirit hunting conference is an extremely rare event, and it is impossible for him not to go.

"Fine." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, "The spirit hunting conference generally does not last too long."

"Go here first, and it's not too late to go to Tongyun Realm after the spirit hunting conference is over."

After thinking about it again and again, Xiao Yi still had this decision.

Now I went to Tongyun Realm, even if I bought intelligence, I still have to rush back immediately and go to the Amber Heavens to participate in the Spirit Hunting Conference.

It would be better to attend the Spirit Hunting Conference first, and then go to Tongyun Realm later.


Six warships, traveling in the void at an alarming speed.

"This spirit hunting conference should be quite grand." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

"That is natural." One-eyed bald head replied, "Every spirit hunting conference represents the birth of a new emperor."

"Originally, the birth of the new emperor was a major event that could cause a sensation in the world."

"What's more, it is the second son of the Amber family who became the emperor this time."

"According to the rumors, this second son was born with a talent and intelligence, and he is the most outstanding evildoer in the generation of the Amber family, so he is deeply loved by the Amber Emperor."

"The Amber Emperor is also a famous peak emperor. You can imagine how grand this spirit hunting conference will be."

"Thousands of worlds come to congratulate, the heavens are shaking." One-eyed bald head said a heavy sentence.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Let's be late."

"According to the news, yes." One-eyed bald head replied.

"Amber family announced the spirit hunting conference, some days."

"Other big star domain powerhouses, spirit hunters, should have set off long ago."

"And if you just started to set off recently, if you are in another star field, you should have already taken the route of teleporting the large array and rushed to the Amber Heavens."

"We happen to be in the Amber Star Territory now, and with the fast speed of the warship, Fang Er drives the warship to the Amber Heavens."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, and then remained silent, as if thinking.

One-eyed bald head, don't bother.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi slowly opened his mouth, "Let each team leader come over."

"There are also the winners of each month's competition."

The one-eyed bald head was puzzled, but he still left under orders.

Not long.

Nearly four hundred followers arrived respectfully.

"grown ups."

Xiao Yi nodded and said indifferently, "Give you 5 days to decide 50 captains."

"Yes." Everyone replied respectfully.

For Xiao Yi's orders, they always only obeyed, without asking much.

Not long after, fighting sounded from the bow position.

A warship has a range of several miles, and it is not difficult to open up a battle range blessed by a large formation.

Xiao Yi watched the battles carefully.

Beside, the one-eyed bald head asked in confusion, "What do you want to do?"

"Split into parts." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"As soon as we came, a total of 20,000 people went to the Amber Heavens and swaggered a little."

"Secondly, there is an emperor level in Amber, plus this time of congratulations from the ten thousand realms, it must have included a large number of creatures from all walks of life and forces from all walks of life."

"It's okay if there is nothing wrong, if something happens, it is no longer a situation I can control."

"Anyway, to be cautious, we will go in teams."

"I don't have a reputation in the Amber Star Region, and I shouldn't cause waves."

The level of the matter is crucial.

Since there is an emperor level over there, there are many things that Xiao Yi can not guarantee.

If he is alone, it doesn't matter, he has nothing to fear.


Five days later.

Fifty captains stood in front of Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded and took out the 29 warships.

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head, "Later we changed to a medium-sized ship, leaving a team to follow me."

"The rest are allocated to 35 small warships."

"Yes." One-eyed bald head led the order.

These little things can be handled by the one-eyed bald head.

I have to say that since accepting this one-eyed bald head as a follower, many of Xiao Yi's things have been left to him, and they have all been done quite satisfactorily, without making any mistakes.

At this point, the follower confiscated it in vain.

"It's a pity." Xiao Yi glanced at the one-eyed bald head without a trace, "It looks a little strange, otherwise I will bring it back to the Eight Halls and give him the title of the main hall, which is much cleaner than the hosting of the Chengfeng Hall."

Xiao Yi shook his head, still dispelling the idea.

Such a one-eyed bald head, like a robber, is not suitable for entering the Eight Palaces.


It was a few days later.

Xiao Yi stared into the distance with surprise in his eyes.

There is a huge star.

The power of heaven and earth rushing forward makes people excited and awed by it.

This is the heavens, hundreds of times larger than the small world.

Amber heavens.

"My lord, we are here." One-eyed bald head said, "These amber heavens are far enough away. Our warship is flying so fast that it took more than eight days."

"Drive near the entrance." Xiao Yi commanded.

The huge warship slowed down and flew slowly.

Behind him, there was no warship to follow.

35 small warships, as ordinary spirit hunters, will gradually enter the void beyond the Amber Heavens.

"My lord, we don't have to enter the normal world." One-eyed bald head said.

"Just outside the void area, just wait for the spirit hunting conference to start."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, sat down cross-legged, and waited quietly.

It has been more than four years since he came to the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, he naturally knew what was going on at the Spirit Hunting Conference.

Although I have not participated in it, I have heard of it. It is almost one of the most grand event types in the heavens.

The imperial realm is the last great realm before the end of the road of martial arts; although I don't know how long this road is in the emperor.

But there is no doubt that the birth of every new emperor is enough to shake the heavens and all realms.

Xiao Yi only sat quietly, but not closed his eyes to meditate; with sharp eyes, he still scanned the void area outside.

At this time, the warships gathered near the entrance, all the way to the edge of darkness, were densely packed.

There are countless creatures from all walks of life, and at a glance, they are almost as dense as void.

I am afraid that the forces from all walks of life gathered here are already an astronomical number.

Some came here in a warship; some came alone like a lone traveler.

With a cursory glance like this, the number of warships would be no less than 100,000.

Living beings are afraid of millions, nearly tens of millions.

"Tsk tusk, it's spectacular enough." One-eyed bald head couldn't help but exclaim a few times.


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