Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3864: The birth of a new emperor

"But it's been a long time since I saw such a lively event."

There seemed to be a trace of nostalgia in the eyes of the one-eyed bald head.

"Some, come to make a profit, some come to climb the new emperor, for different reasons."

Xiao Yi glanced at it, "Don't relax, you don't have to participate in the hunt and kill of the Spirit Devouring Race after the event begins."

"I will hunt down the Spirit Devourers with all my strength."

"You keep your mind and pay attention to each team."

"The spirit hunting conference is extremely dangerous for each team."

The one-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, "Did you find something wrong?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "There is nothing wrong with it, as it should be."

"Now I am near the entrance, but I still feel the sense of crisis from the edge of darkness, and there is more than one."

"The Spirit Devourers who gather in the darkness outside the heavens are afraid of being extremely powerful and fierce."

The one-eyed bald head nodded solemnly.

How could it be the ordinary spirit swallowing tribe who dared to gather in the darkness beyond the heavens.


There was a commotion in the distance.

Xiao Yi looked at the sound.

A figure came from the sky, and the creatures from all directions showed shocked expressions, and they spoke one after another.

"Emperor Scarlet Tiger is here."

"Sure enough, as one of the most famous spirit hunters in our Amber Heavens, how could he not come to this spirit hunting conference."

at the same time.

In the distance, another figure came from the sky.

"The Red Wolf Emperor is the Red Wolf Emperor."

"Lone in the void, the king in the dark, the cruelest slayer."

A group of creatures showed shocked expressions, but more of them were fearful, and they could not help but back down one after another to make a way out.

"I have seen Emperor Red Tiger."

"I have seen the Red Wolf Emperor."

As the most famous spirit hunter and lone traveler in the Amber Heavens, the surrounding creatures are respectful.

On the battleship here.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and said in secret, "So strong."

The breath of these two people made him feel a burst of inexplicable pressure.

These two people are definitely stronger than the mad sword emperor.

Of course, that's all.

Among the densely packed creatures around this, although the forces from all walks of life and various professions are included, more of them are still spirit hunters.

The hunter is almost the most indispensable profession in this endless void.

After Xiao Yi scanned again for a while, he stopped paying attention and closed his eyes and meditated.


Two days later.


In the days of the big Amber, there was an ear-shaking humming sound.

Although the sound was ear-sounding, it was not at all harsh and not at all uncomfortable.

On the contrary, there is beauty and joy in the sound, as if it is the most pleasing sound in the world.

The sound first resounded through the entire amber heavens, and then spilled out of the heaven and earth barrier, as if it was the entire amber heavens themselves, resounding in the void.


The next moment.

A surge of weather that seemed to have accumulated for a long time came out of the amber heavens.

It is like a long river of power, which runs through the whole world.


A figure bathed in a long river of power, majestic and indescribable.


Suddenly, this long river of power that runs through the entire universe dissipated out of thin air.

The sky is huge, and the light shines.

The dazzling light spilled from the heavens themselves, and then cut through the endless void.

"It''s..." the one-eyed bald head said in surprise.

"The heavens are visible, the stars' rays are skyrocketing, and the new emperor has become established."

"So fast?" Xiao Yi said suspiciously.

One-eyed bald-headed Xiao Yi gave Xiao Yi a blank look, "My lord, what do you know."

"The preparations before breaking through the emperor's realm may have to be cautious and extremely difficult."

"The success or failure of a breakthrough in the imperial realm is only a moment, and it is also a moment."


For a time, countless wonderful sounds filled the void.

It seemed like the cheers of endless creatures.

It's more like congratulations from heaven and earth.

The light of the stars of the amber heavens burst out and overflowed all the way, easily dissipating large swaths of void darkness.

At the same time, a dazzling light was born from all directions, and then it was also scattered.

Xiao Yi was startled and looked through the light. It was... the light of distant stars.

With the amber heavens as the center, as if resonating, the stars of all the nearby territories were so bright.

Is this the power of the birth of a new emperor?

The heavens cheer, and all the heaven and the earth celebrate.

For a time, there was no more darkness in this endless void.

The light of countless stars completely illuminates this void and darkness.

Xiao Yi looked around, the shock in his heart was extremely intense.

This is the first time he has witnessed the birth of the new emperor.

This was also the first time he saw the birth of the new emperor.

The endless void, because of the birth of the new emperor, is no longer dark.

He really saw everything in this void.

The stars are gorgeous and the stars are dazzling, as if constructing a vast, vast, mysterious and dazzling empty world.

Is this the real endless void? The most amazing and gorgeous hidden under the darkness.

For almost all creatures, this emptiness has always been dark, mysterious, and extremely dangerous.

Who can get a glimpse of the true brilliance in the darkness?

Only Emperor Jinger.

The rays of countless stars dispelled the void and darkness, revealing its true brilliance and mystery, but... also completely illuminated the pairs of fangs.

That... Naturally it is the Spirit Devourer!

Densely outside the heavens.

Farther away, the place where the Spirit Devourers are most densely packed is the Spirit Devourers' nest.

Just at this time.

Above the amber heavens, the figure bathed in the light of the stars opened its mouth with majesty, "Spirit Hunting Conference, begin."

The voice resounded through the void.

"Kill." For a moment, the voice of silence in the void erupted.

One after another, the figures violently rose in an instant; one after another, warships swiftly flew beyond the barrier of heaven and earth.

This is why the birth of the new emperor was accompanied by the spirit hunting conference.

The reason why the Spirit-swallowing tribe is troublesome, in addition to its own strength and fierceness, is that the Spirit-swallowing tribe is in the void and darkness and is difficult to deal with.

Once they are free from the attachment of the void and darkness and have nowhere to hide, then it is the best time to hunt them.


On the battleship, Xiao Yi gave a cold cry.


The flying speed of a medium-sized warship is already fast.

Coupled with the extreme increase of the flying shuttle and flying a large array, the warship instantly crossed the void and took the lead.

The warship headed straight to the distant nest of the Spirit-Swallowing Race.

Swish...Two figures jumped out of the battleship, it was Xiao Yi and the one-eyed bald head.


Xiao Yi blasted out with a punch, and a huge flame burst out, instantly piercing a huge spirit swallowing clan, killing instantly.

"You are responsible for collecting the corpse." Xiao Yi subconsciously left a sentence, staring in the void, and instantly found another target.

The one-eyed bald head curled his mouth. In fact, even if Xiao Yi didn't have to say it, he had long been used to the job of collecting the dead.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

In the depths of the void, at this moment, under the shining light of stars, it is gorgeous.

But the flames that soared into the sky were brighter and hotter than the rays of stars that overflowed.

This is the old nest of the Spirit Devouring Race.

However, it instantly became the battlefield of this fire-controlling powerhouse.

As the fire passed, the huge swallowing spirits were either turned into coke and died, or they were in the sea of ​​fire, rolling endlessly, but they could not escape the flames.


Second more.

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