Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3875: Emperor Tianheng


The white-clothed old man stepped out, his figure disappeared into the void.

In the team, the headed person kept bowing, his face solemn and respectful to the extreme.

He knew very well that this old man, but the creature that stood firmly at the pinnacle of this void, truly stood before the end of the martial arts.

Rao, he has never seen this old man several times in his life.

"Who is that senior?" Behind them, Yan Yi and Dongfang calmly looked confused, and Yan Yi couldn't help but ask.

The leader straightened up with a solemn expression, "Our Taixu Palace has strict rules. Take care of your mouth and eyes. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, don't watch if you shouldn't.

Yan Yi curled his lips when he heard the words, and stopped asking more questions.

Along the way, the headed person has not been malicious, but has a staid personality, and one mouthful.

The head of the person has a solemn expression, "I remind you by the way, you are just backups now, and you have not really entered our Taixu Palace."

"Taixu Palace, each time the palace opens, only three people are accepted."

"If you don't find a better one later, you two will naturally enter."

"If you find someone better than three, you two will miss the Taixu Palace."

"I know." Yan Yi, who is also an arrogant man, replied indifferently.

"Go." The headed man let out a cold voice.

The team flew in the void again.


Void, somewhere.

Wow...A blizzard blows all the way, freezing the void along the way.

The team was stopped by Shengsheng.

A figure fell in front of the team.

"Huh?" The head of the head suddenly turned cold, "Emperor Bo Xue?"

Emperor Bo Xue paused, frowned and looked at the group, "Emperor Tianheng?"

The leader said coldly, "I wonder why Emperor Bo Xue stopped me from Taixu Palace and his party?"

Emperor Bo Xue arched his hands first, and then said, "Looking for a young creature, unknown name, unknown origin, face unknown."

Emperor Bo Xue's cold eyes suddenly fell behind Yan Yi and Dongfang Danran behind the team.

The gaze of this single gaze instantly made De Yan Yi and Dongfang Dan feel as if they were in the wind and snow, looking like ice.

"What a terrible look."

"So cold eyes."

Yan Yi and Dongfang were indifferent, at the same time their faces changed greatly.


Step... A figure straddles one step, blocking this gaze.

It is the person in the lead.

"Emperor Bo Xue." The head of the person already looked bad.

Emperor Bo Xue squinted his eyes, "Emperor Tianheng, if I'm not mistaken, this is when your Taixu Palace opens."

"These two people are probably just two reserve disciples who have not officially entered the palace."

"Can it be convenient..."

The head of the person's eyes were cold, "I will go to your Bai's house in the future for a convenient, feasible?"

"You..." Emperor Bo Xue's expression changed.

The head of the person had a cold expression, "If these two people enter the Taixu Palace in the future, they will be my junior and senior apprentices. The years are long and the void is few. If I am not dead, I should always protect them."

"Even if these two people can't enter the Taixu Palace in the future, before everything comes to fruition, before I return to the Taixu Palace, I still need to protect these two people from emptiness."

Emperor Bo Xue narrowed his eyes, "Emperor Tianheng really doesn't even sell this face?"

The leader condensed his fingers suddenly, "Take me a sword. If you are not dead, let you check."

"Pick you a sword?" Emperor Bo Xue first showed a look of eagerness, but he gave up the idea in just a moment.

The emperor of Taixu Palace Tianheng, killing him is not much harder than killing a chicken.

Emperor Bo Xue retracted his gaze and took a step, "I have taken note of today's affairs."

"Humph." Emperor Tianheng snorted coldly, "This sentence, even your ancestor of the Bai family dare not come to my Taixu Palace."

"In addition, although the Bai family is powerful, let's take care of the disputes between yourself and the Three Leagues first."

The voice fell.

The team went forward again.

The team went away.

Yan Yi asked again with doubts, "What is the Bai Family and Sanmeng?"

The leader said coldly, "The Bai family, a family that acts domineering but loves to be nosy."

"Three alliances, three unpredictable depths, and constant disputes."

"Where are we Taixugong?" Yan Yi asked again.

The head of the head suddenly looked dissatisfied, "You have not yet entered the Taixu Palace, you cannot call us us."

With that said, the head of the person still said, "We are Taixu Palace."

"Being transcendence, ignoring the disputes of the ten thousand realms, but the conflicts of the ten thousand realms can hardly destroy us."

What more Yan Yi has to ask.

Dongfang Dan took the lead and said, "Thanks to the emperor."

The leader shook his head, "Although you haven't entered Taixu Palace, everything has not settled."

"But with your aptitude and talent, entering the Taixu Palace is a certainty, unless there are big variables."

"When you enter Taixu Palace, you just call me Brother Six."

"It's the same sentence, the palace rules are strict, everything should be done according to the rules, and you can't go against it."

"In the next billions of years, Tianheng will be polite." The leader of the two people rarely chuckled.

Yan Yi arched his hands, "I don't know how old the emperor was when he entered the emperor realm?"

The headed person is silent.

The others chuckled lightly, "Brother Tianheng, together with you, you are human beings."

"And when Senior Brother Tianheng entered the Emperor Realm, he was 66 years old."

"Looking at the entire heavens and all realms, and even the history of our Taixu Palace, few people can surpass this record."

"At that time, Senior Brother Tianheng entered the emperor realm, and even shocked the teacher to protect the senior brother himself."

"Don't speak arrogantly." The headed man's face was solemn, "Our Taixu Palace walks according to the way. Although we don't care about the disputes between the world and the earth, we do the right thing, follow the existence of the way, and walk the flow of the world."

"Back then, Fang You Tianheng broke through the emperor's realm, and has grown up to this day."

Yan Yi's face was shocked, and he asked, "How old are you, the emperor?"

To the side, Dongfang Danran bumped his elbow into Yanyi and glared.

The head of the head glanced at the endless void with deep eyes, "Heaven and earth have perseverance, perseverance and balance, have seen the vicissitudes of life, seen the broken stars."

"After the reversal of reincarnation, the universe is reversed, and everything is back to the right path, it is too imaginary."

"How long did I live, I also forgot."

When the voice fell, the head of the person seemed to have a somewhat complicated complexion, and no longer spoke.

Yan Yi and Dongfang glanced at each other indifferently, and didn't ask more.

A line seemed to be flying aimlessly in this endless void.

But intuition told them that the seemingly aimless flight actually seemed to follow some mysterious trajectory.

"I don't know where that guy is now, so what happened." Yan Yi muttered to himself in a low voice.

Dongfang took a quick glance, and Yan Yi stopped talking for a moment.

The ‘guy’ in his mouth was naturally Xiao Yi who defeated him and beat him to pieces with arrogance.

However, before the two left the Yanlong Region, before leaving the heaven and earth barrier, the one who had come to the heavens and the world, must not mention Xiao Yi.


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