Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3876: Hidden master, mysterious master

Although Dongfang was silent, he thought of this ‘friend’ in his heart.

He once simply put hope on Xiao Yi.

However, he finally chose to rely on himself.

Therefore, he walked out of the Dongfang family courtyard that he did not leave all year round, and personally stepped into this dangerous endless void.

When he chose to personally experience the void, Shenxian Daozu confirmed with him a lot.

After all, he couldn't hold his heart.

Before coming to Endless Void, Shenxian Daozu gave him another choice.

Exactly, Taixu Palace.

Shenxian Daozu said with him carefully, counting time, the most recent years have coincided with the opening of Taixu Palace again.

As for Taixugong, there may be hope that the East is indifferent to pursue.

Or chance, it really gave him the opportunity to enter Taixu Palace today.

"Daozu rest assured." Dongfang gritted his teeth indifferently, and said inwardly.

"Even if I try my best, I will save you Dongfang Dan."


the other side.

Amber star field, somewhere beyond the edge of stars.

Six warships docked in secret.


Xiao Yi's figure jumped out of the void and darkness out of thin air, and landed steadily on the battleship.

"Your Excellency." One-eyed bald head saw the visitor, first he was relieved, then his face was overjoyed.

"My lord." The followers all showed respect and respect, and their eyes were full of trust.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

On the arm, in the exposed skin, there was a crystalline wound.

"My lord, are you hurt?" The one-eyed bald face was startled.

"It's okay." Xiao Yi said indifferently, "It's just a minor injury."

Recalling the previous confrontation with the two emperor realms, Xiao Yi was afraid for a while.

Those mercury entanglements easily corroded his formidable flesh and had this wound.

If it weren't for the white-clothed old man to rescue him, I am afraid that even if he could escape this time, it would at least be the price of serious injuries.

"Is it safe here?" Xiao Yi asked indifferently.

Before he fled alone, he did not know where the other teams were.

But he wanted to find it, and he could easily find it by virtue of the contractual connection between his followers.

"No problem." One-eyed bald head nodded.

"It's far away from the Amber Heavens."

"The Amber Clan just absolutely controls the Amber Heavens, but it does not control the entire Amber Star Region."

"In addition, we are now outside of a small world and stars, if there is a change, we can enter this small world immediately, and then enter the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank to spend some money for a brief shelter."

"The vastness of the heavens and the ten thousand realms means that the ten thousand realms firm is not afraid of the ruthlessness of the 22 Star Yao Family."

"Ten thousand steps back, just in case, my lord, you can use the teleportation formation of this small world to leave."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

One-eyed bald head is still cautious enough.

"Order to go down, all teams will be stationed here in hiding."

"Don't enter this small world for now."

To enter this small world, you need to pass through the entrance, and it is inevitable that there will be the eyeliner of the Amber family.

"I will go to Tongyun Realm with you."

"Yes, sir." The one-eyed bald head took his command.


Amber heavens.

Amber family, within the family land.

Emperor Lan Ying's face was cold and ugly.

In front of him, the second emperor Yinhua knelt down on one knee, "Second Young Master, it's useless for me to wait."

Emperor Lan Ying looked ugly, but still said, "Don't blame you two."

"It can make you fall into an illusion in an instant without knowing anything, and even make you obediently obedient like a'puppet'."

"Such a skill, even my father couldn't do it."

"Go down." Emperor Lan Ying got up and helped the two of them. "Today, it is the last day of Uncle Yin and Uncle Hua to serve me."

"Although it is not satisfactory, Lan Ying has thanked him over the years."

"The second son is serious." The two said repeatedly.

The two of them retired.

The expression of Emperor Lan Ying was extremely cold for a moment.

On the side, the Lord of the Fierce Tiger and the Lord of Murphy swallowed, "That...big...sir, is it true that the rumor is true?"

"What rumors?" Lan Ying asked coldly.

The Fierce Tiger Realm Master replied, "It is said that behind Zi Yan, there is a master, who is also an unfathomable emperor."

"I'm afraid, it is his mysterious master who rescued him this time and caused the Second Emperor Yinhua to fall into the illusion."

"Master?" Emperor Lan Ying frowned.

"Not bad." Emperor Murphy said in a deep voice, "I heard that this Ziyan is not only a spirit hunter, but also buys the corpse of the Spirit Devourer."

"You know, only the emperors can condense the corpses of the Spirit Devouring Race."

"So he, the master, must also be the emperor."

"I also heard that this Ziyan arrogantly said that his master is not afraid of any emperor of the heavens and ten thousand realms."

"I'm afraid he is standing behind..."

"Humph, a joke." Emperor Lan Ying snorted coldly.

"Bluffing, deceived others, deceived me, Humber Lanying?"

"Two lines, three alliances, four gates and five mountains, who don’t know the twenty-two stars?"

"I have never heard of a disciple named Yi Xiao under his command."

"As for those small and great emperors, not to mention that they don't care about the face of my Amber clan, their strength alone cannot make the second emperor Yinhua fall into the illusion in an instant."

"That..." the fierce tiger realm master said uncertainly, "Ichimiya?"

"Taixu Palace?" Emperor Lan Ying said coldly, "That's even more impossible."

"Taixu Palace, there is no such young disciple."

"Although the palace has been opened this time, it is still far from when it is closed, and it proves that no new disciples have been officially born."

"Perhaps who is the hidden master?" Murphy's realm master also said uncertainly.

"Hidden world expert?" Emperor Lan Ying squinted his eyes, but his tone became somewhat uncertain.

"In the vast void, there are indeed some solitary and arrogant cultivators, powerful, but not well-known."

"Fine, although my Amber clan is not afraid of it, but I don't bother to cause this trouble. I still have important things to do now."

The Ziyan, behind which stood a mysterious master, was a strong man who did not fear the emperors of the heavens.

There are not many doubters who know this rumor.

After all, to be able to teach such an excellent spirit hunter, it is certainly not a general generation.

Emperor Lan Ying was obviously a deep-minded person. He didn't believe it, but he was not sure, he could only doubt a little.

Emperor Lanying walked out of the mansion.


A giant beast soars from the sky.

"Golden Horned Phantom Whale." The two masters of the fierce tiger realm showed fear.

This fierce giant monster, but swallowed the lives of many famous emperors.

Whenever they saw this giant monster, they couldn't help but panic.


Emperor Lan Ying jumped up, "You two come with me. I happen to have something important to do."

"On the way, two followers are missing."

When the two fierce tiger masters heard this, their faces were joyful.

Although the realm master can serve one side of the emperor, and such a promising emperor, even if they are a ‘follow’, they are willing.

"It is an honor for both of me to serve the adults."


the other side.

In a small world.

The mansion of the world master.

Xiao Yi and the one-eyed bald head stood in front of the teleportation formation.


Second more.

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