Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3878: Intelligence finally

Xiao Yi frowned and sat down on one of the seats.

Sipping a sip of hot tea, thinking.

Seven-eyed Emperor said with a smile, "Master Yi Xiao can think about it."

"Come here." The Seven-Eyed Monarch quickly ordered, "Don't you bring fragrant tea and cakes to Master Yi Xiao?"

Xiao Yi ignored it.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi slowly put down the tea cup, but did not touch the exquisite cakes on the table, only glanced, and then looked at the seven-eyed emperor.

"These pastries, can I have more?"

The Seven-Eyed Emperor was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, "Master Yi Xiao is hungry?"

"I ordered someone to send it right away, a steady stream, enough care."

Xiao Yi nodded and looked at the eyes with one-eyed bald head, "Aren't you good at eating?"

"Come to eat, eat back to the original."

"Huh?" The one-eyed bald head was stunned.

The seven-eyed emperor heard the words and smiled, "Master Yi Xiao has decided to do business in this firm."

Xiao Yi got up, waved his big hand, and took the battleships back into the Universe Ring.

Warships are sacred artifacts, so they can naturally be placed in the Universe Ring.

"Master Yi Xiao, is this?" The Seven-eyed Emperor looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "I won't sell the warship anymore, this black gold belt and 29 boundary formation stones will all be sold."

"Okay." The seven-eyed emperor nodded, "Deal, you are willing, it is good for Master Yi Xiao to have business for the old man."

"29 domain boundary stones, one 30,000, a total of 870,000 high-grade spirit veins."

"This Wujin belt is originally worth 30,000 to 40,000; but it is expensive for mothers and children, and it fits 29 boundary stones, which is relatively rare."

"The old man will bid you 950,000 yuan for Master Yi Xiao."

"Plus the 10% that the old man promised to add more, there are a total of 1.045 thousand high-grade spiritual veins."

"Master Yi Xiao is satisfied?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, taking the information about the blood **** demon flame, "800,000 spiritual veins, deduct it from it."

"Okay." The seven-eyed emperor nodded, then walked to Xiao Yi's body and moved his handprints.

A few minutes later.


The prohibition on the information wooden box was released.

Seven-eyed Emperor said with a smile, "Master Yi Xiao, in Wanjie Commercial Company, every product is prohibited and different, and the fingerprints that need to be unlocked are also different."

"Subdivide into each branch, and each person in charge is different."

"And every time the prohibition is lifted, the cost of this item falls on the old man."

Xiao Yi understands this principle.

In Wanjie Commercial Bank, every product is covered by prohibitions, and the prohibitions are different.

Subdivided into various branches, these handprints of the lifting of the ban are in line with the person in charge of this firm.

In other words, even for the same product, such as this blood **** demon flame information, different branches have different ways to lift the ban.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi was secretly surprised.

The Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, as its name suggests, has branches all over the heavens and all realms. It is not only a normal domain, but also on some barren stars or on the battlefield. Whenever there are living beings gathering, there will be their Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank.

It is as if countless items are all locked, and each branch manager is a different key.

The entire Ten Thousand Realms Trading Company, with this superb restraining method, woven a complex spider web that envelops the entire heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

What kind of person is behind this Wanjie Commercial Bank.

How many esoteric martial arts should be controlled if you want to construct these countless prohibited combinations?

How powerful should a creature that can weave such a giant web of heaven and world be.

The seven-eyed emperor had already turned and retreated.

In the inner room, only Xiao Yi and the one-eyed bald head.

Even the head of the branch has not read the information sold, and at the same time he has no right to read it.

Xiao Yi opened the dossier and scanned it carefully.

For a long while.

His eyes condensed suddenly, then narrowed again.

A few minutes later.

Xiao Yi closed the file and squinted, "No wonder the price of intelligence has risen."


Without hesitation, Xiao Yi walked away quickly.

Seeing this with one-eyed bald head, he was stunned. According to his understanding of Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi's vigorous and resolute action proved that things were absolutely unusual.

Walking out of the inner room, Emperor Seven Eyes walked quickly, "Master Yi Xiao is going to leave?"

"This is the remaining 245,000 high-grade spirit veins."

The Seven-Eyed Emperor could also guess that Xiao Yi was so anxious that he would definitely be inseparable from the intelligence of the world's strongest fire.

Xiao Yi took the Universe Ring, his palm shook, and the spiritual veins leapt out.

"I don't like to take advantage of others. This extra 95,000 spiritual veins will be returned to you. If you deduct the teleportation array you promised to consume back and forth, 75,000 spiritual veins remain.

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi's figure instantly disappeared in place.

In the same place, there were only 75,000 spiritual veins exuding pure and surging spiritual energy.

"Uh, this..." The Seven-Eyed Emperor was stunned.

But Xiao Yi was nowhere to be seen.

"Heh." Seven-eyed Emperor chuckles, "Master Yi Xiao's character is strange enough."

The Seven-Eyed Emperor waved his hand and received these 75,000 spiritual veins.

In fact, he didn't lie, and the commission he could get for his transactions was only 10%.

But even if he can't get this commission, he still earns it.

What a business brings is the income of the firm and the task amount of the person in charge of his branch.

Nearly a million top-grade Lingmai transactions, even if it is the person in charge of his branch, it takes a lot of years to complete.

In other words, even if he doesn't want this 10% commission, he doesn't earn it, but the firm itself does.

And the firm has earned it. As the person in charge, he naturally has a reward for completing the task, so he also earned it.

Now, if there is no loss in the commission, it is a big profit.

"Fine." The Seven-Eyed Emperor shook his head, "In a little while, the old man will also be transferred from the remote and weak star world like Tongyun Realm."

"I hope I can meet Master Yi Xiao again next time."

"I just don't know at that time, whether this Master Yi Xiao has become the creature I look up to, even my seven-eyed emperor is not qualified to negotiate business with him."


Tongyun Realm Lord's Mansion.

"My lord." The one-eyed bald head quickly followed Xiao Yi, wanting to ask something.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "I'll talk about it later, first go back to the Amber Star Region."

The realm master of Tongyun came, "Master Yi Xiao wants to use the teleportation array?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Go back to the Amber Star Territory, you can follow the trajectory of the large array and send us back to the star world when we came."

As he said, Xiao Yi waved ten thousand high-grade spiritual veins in his palm.

When he came, he spent 10,000 high-grade spiritual veins; returning to the original path, naturally it was also 10,000 high-grade spiritual veins.

The same distance, the same transmission level, the consumption is naturally the same.

The 10% spiritual veins that Seven-Eyed Monarch gave more were 95,000; deducting the back and forth consumption of his teleportation array, 20,000 spiritual veins would be the remaining 75,000.

Wow...The big array is moving, and the astonishing space power bursts out.

After a few breaths, the two only felt a flower in front of them, their figures trembled, and the situation in front of them had changed drastically.

Before the big formation, there was an old man who was the master of this small world.

"Huh?" Seeing Xiao Yi and the other two, the old man was shocked, "The two adults are back so soon?"

"It hasn't been half an hour since this time."

"Two adults, are you teleporting the void realm as a play in the void?"


First more.

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