Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3879: Blood Flame World Treasure

"Is there a problem?" Xiao Yi glanced at the old man indifferently.

The old man chuckled, then took a few steps back, and stopped asking more, but he also mumbled a few words, "You are rich and powerful, and love is playing with your spiritual veins like this, and the old man has no objection."

Both Xiao Yi ignored them, and they had already left the Mansion of the Realm.

Leaving this world, the two flew for a while on the edge of the void and dark, and returned to the warship.

A group of followers and six warships were all unharmed.

"Take the remaining five warships and let all the elites come to this medium-sized warship." Xiao Yi quickly ordered.

"Yes, sir." One-eyed bald head led away.

Not long after, there was only one medium-sized warship in the edge of this void and darkness.

Twenty thousand elite, all counted on the battleship.

A medium-sized warship is dozens of times larger than a small warship, and its flight speed is ten times faster.

A small warship has a range of several miles.

A medium-sized warship has a range of nearly a hundred miles. Not to mention 20,000 elites, it is more than enough to increase the number by ten times.

Xiao Yi again commanded, "The speed is at the limit, all flying arrays..."

Xiao Yi's tone was stagnant, and this medium-sized warship was originally black.

After he got it, he originally planned to sell it, so he didn't add another flying array on it.

Since it is something he intends to sell, he naturally won't spend extra time and effort to arrange it.

The entire medium-sized warship has only an inherent flying formation.

Xiao Yi had to say, "The flying array has also reached its limit."

"Fly at full speed, first fly out of the amber star field."

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head, "I would rather go around a big bend, and keep the course away from the Amber Heavens."

"Understood." The one-eyed bald head left.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, and the eight dragons in his hand came out of the incinerator, and a portion of the treasure was poured in.

After half an hour.

The one-eyed bald head returned.

And Xiao Yi's refining medicine is far from over.

"My lord?" One-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, "Are you refining medicine now?"

"That's right, it seems that there is a tough battle to be fought soon. Prepare more pills, and everyone will be stronger."

"Hey, pharmacist, no matter which power you go to, it's sweet pastry."

"It is hailed as the fastest career in training assistance."

"It is also known as the most indispensable occupation for saving lives and walking in the void."

"Unfortunately, since the profession of pharmacist is not good at fighting, at least unless there is a special method, or encountering a warrior of the same level, almost all are short.

"Furthermore, to practice the path of medicine requires a large amount of knowledge of the path of medicine, a reserve of prescriptions, and experience in refining medicine."

"Therefore, there are not many practitioners in the path of medicine, and the profession of pharmacists is relatively rare."

Xiao Yi concocted medicine with one hand, turned his head and glanced at the one-eyed bald head, "Has the battleship's flight trajectory been processed?"

The one-eyed bald head nodded and smiled, "The villain does things, you can rest assured, the adult."

"Medium warships are much sharper and easier to control than small warships."

"There are more compound formations here."

"After I set the flight trajectory in the control room, the control in the cabin is the same."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

One-eyed bald head asked, "My lord, where are we going now?"

"That piece of information..."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "After leaving the Amber Star Territory, rush to the blood inflammation world at full speed."

"Blood Flame Realm?" The one-eyed bald face was startled, "Blood Hell Demon Flame is really there?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "Not only the body of the blood **** demon flame, but also the heaven and earth treasure of the blood flame world, will be born."

"It is recorded with extreme certainty in the intelligence that after ten days, the body of the blood **** demon flame will be completely born from the birth of a long time."

"Although I don't know exactly what the Wanjie Commercial Bank uses, the records in the intelligence give ‘accurate’ time."

"In addition, it is the birth of the treasure of heaven and earth."

"The time given in the intelligence is not accurate, but it is inferred that it is also within this period of time."

The birth of the heaven and earth treasure, there is no rule to follow, and there is no definite time.

You can only rely on the vision of heaven and earth to know that the treasure of heaven and earth is about to be born, so you can go and wait.

Generally speaking, it takes no more than a year from the birth of the vision to the complete birth of the treasure.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "No wonder the price of the flame intelligence has risen."

"According to information, the blood inflammation world is extremely old. Although it is a small world, it is far longer than the ordinary heavens."

"Before extremely long years, the blood inflammation world had already been born once the treasure of heaven and earth."

"After that, this treasure of heaven and earth disappeared in the long years."

Everything in the world has an end.

Except for the eternity of the Valkyrie, all other existences have time to dissipate in time.

The treasure of heaven and earth is no exception.

But that will definitely be a very long time.

Xiao Yi continued, "This time, the treasure of the blood inflammation world is born again."

"According to the intelligence, this treasure will be extremely compatible with the blood **** demon flame, so the intelligence of this treasure is also included in the flame intelligence."

"Although the blood inflammation world is a small world, it is the top power among the 100,000 small worlds, far surpassing other small worlds."

"The treasure of heaven and earth born within it will also far exceed the treasure of the floating world."

"The treasure of an ordinary small world is worth more than one million spiritual veins; the price of this treasure of the blood inflammation world is probably an astronomical figure."

The one-eyed bald head nodded and said, "Really."

"No." The one-eyed bald head suddenly said in surprise, "My lord, do you say ten days?"

"In just ten days, how can we have time to go to the blood inflammation world?"

"How long will it take?" Xiao Yi asked.

One-eyed bald head thought for a while, "Sir, wait a minute, I'll do the calculation."

For a long while.

The one-eyed bald head replied, "Blood inflammation world, there are nearly a hundred star regions from us, which is very far away."

"Normal small warships, even if they are driven to the limit, I am afraid that it will take hundreds of years to arrive."

"If the adults follow our previous flying method, the speed of the warship is fully opened, plus the increase in the number of flying arrays that does not count the consumption of spiritual veins, and the floating shuttle, it will take six to eight years."

"If you change to a medium-sized warship, it will also take more than half a year without considering the consumption of spiritual veins."

"I'm afraid we can only use the teleportation array."

Traveling through the void is an extremely time-consuming task.

Of course, living beings practice martial arts, and all those who practice martial arts are martial artists, and their lives are long.

Therefore, almost most martial artists would rather spend hundreds of years to cross these long void distances.

After all, the warrior himself also needs time to retreat, so he can practice in retreat on the battlefield and hurry.

But for Xiao Yi and other young creatures who have lived for less than a hundred years in total, those rushing hours for hundreds of years are far from acceptable.

However, the detour is that he is willing to rush forward regardless of the consumption of spiritual veins, and it is far too late to travel through the void alone.

The scope of the warship is placed here, and the place that can carry the large array is placed here.

At the same time, the strength of the large array that can be deployed and the strength of the flying large array itself have a degree.

Therefore, regardless of the consumption of spiritual veins, it is still within a certain range, far less than the consumption required to transmit a large array.

Teleportation is ultimately the fastest and most time-saving way to travel through the heavens and worlds.


Second more.

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