Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3882: Seven days

The blood inflammation world is not far from the blood spirit world.

Each other, just like adjacent stars.

In just an hour, the battleship had crossed the void and darkness, and Xiao Yi could see the stars of the blood inflammation world ahead with his naked eyes.

"My lord, blood inflammation world, here it is."

The one-eyed bald head reported, but when he looked at the huge blood-flaming world star in front of him, he fell silent again, his eyes filled with shock.

Xiao Yi stared away, his eyes stagnated, and then his eyes were solemn and inexplicable.

Upon entering the eyes, the entire blood inflammation world looked like a **** star, completely enveloped in blood.

The **** smell is so pungent.

That monstrous killing intent made people chill in an instant, as if they were in a piece of ice and snow.

My mind trembled, what I saw in front of my eyes was like a ghost crying and howling wolf, countless ghosts and ghosts were trapped in this **** color.

"Wake up." Xiao Yi yelled sharply.

The body with one-eyed bald head trembled beside him, and his eyes became clear.

The four hundred elites behind him panted heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Okay... terrible Territory World." One-eyed bald head showed shocked expression.

"My lord, this **** inflammation world is like the mouth of an evil spirit that has swallowed the blood of countless creatures."

"For the first time, the villain felt that this line of business was horrible."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, but the corner of his mouth grinned, "I warned you."

"I regret it now, it's still too late."

"The warship hasn't sailed into the blood flame world, you will turn around and leave later and wait for me in the blood spirit world."


Behind him, Qi Shushu knelt down.

"I'm waiting for uselessness, my lord forgive me." Four hundred elites were ashamed.

"I will swear to follow you wherever the adults go." One-eyed bald head looked serious.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, and said nothing more.

Four hundred elites looked at this indifferent figure closely.

As everyone knows, in the near future, as they closely follow the footsteps of this figure, the blood stained by any person's hands will be more dense than the entire **** star, and it will be... blood stained the void!


The warship sailed into the blood inflammation world.

Xiao Yi stared at the surroundings. At this time, there were other warships and other lone creatures who had entered the world of blood inflammation.

However, there is no entrance to the Great Blood Flame Realm.

It proved that there is no realm master in this blood inflammation world.

You must know that even in the small world of the floating world that did not have the birth of heaven and earth, there is still the existence of the world master.

The strong are respected and dominate the world, nothing more.

Into the world of blood inflammation.

Xiao Yi scanned the whole world, and his eyes were directly shocked.

The entire blood inflammation world, there is no good place, in all directions, the atmosphere of battle is constant, and the traces of battle are constant.

The earth is in tatters.

If I didn't know, I thought that this piece of heaven and earth had just experienced a great war that raged across the whole world.

At the same time, waves of hot air rushed across the world.

Flames surround in all directions.

Yes, the whole world seems to be wrapped in a huge flame.

That is a **** flame.

This is like a flame world.

But looking down, except for the broken ground everywhere, more than half of the land is a sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood is more like layers of hot molten slurry. The blood on the surface is boiling, the heat is evaporating, and blood bubbles are born and cracked.

However, it was indeed not molten, but a sea of ​​blood, as if full of hot blood.

"Big... Your lord..." One-eyed swallowed his saliva, "Is this really a normal world where creatures can be born?"

The whole world, wrapped in flames, the earth, the blood is boiling.

This is the blood inflammation world.

The huge blood inflammation world was several times larger than the average small world.

In other words, this is the size of several midfields.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Everything in this blood inflammation world can be described as shocking.

"The world is huge, and the living things are not prosperous, but it is not a barren world either."

"There are also countless races and countless creatures."

"But it seems that there will always be disputes and battles between the various races in this world."

"This is basically a bloodthirsty world that fights all day long, completely plunged into the killing."

"For this reason, there is no realm master in this **** inflammation world."

"It's no wonder that a teleportation array connected to other realms has not been constructed here."

Xiao Yi said like this, eyes dignifiedly looking around.

The warship has already sailed down the sky from the sky.

In all directions, a powerful and powerful momentum struck.

There is countless aura of the strong at this moment.

And obviously, most of them do not come from this blood inflammation world.

In other words, the blood inflammation realm at this moment has already gathered strong people from all over the world.

Yes, I am afraid it is the information that the Blood Hell Demon Flame body is about to be born, so I came for it.

And more, it must be that this vision of heaven and earth has already sounded, and the treasure is about to be born, so the news leaked out, attracting the strong from all walks of life.

One-eyed bald head, glanced in all directions, unconsciously spit out, "Good fellow."

"What?" Xiao Yi glanced.

The one-eyed bald head gave a wry smile, "My lord, as you might expect, this time in the blood inflammation world is not only dangerous, but I am afraid it may not be very sure."

"As far as I have recognized, there are not a few ruthless people who have been waiting here."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "We also find a place, settle down, and wait slowly."

Just like the last time in the floating world, the powerhouses from all walks of life who came for the treasure have already dominated a piece of land, quietly waiting for the birth of the treasure.

It's just that this time the blood inflammation world, the strong people from all walks of life, are stronger, no, much stronger.

Not long.

The warship sailed onto a clearing.

However, this area is already at the edge of the courtyard.

A truly good place is naturally the center of heaven and earth.

When the treasure is born, it is more likely to appear in the center of heaven and earth, above the sky.

Of course, it may also appear in other places.

But if you are in the center, it is obvious that you can be close to the building, and you can also rush to all directions in time.

And if you are in the corner of heaven and earth, you will only wait for luck to appear in the direction of this corner, otherwise you will always be a step slower.

Now that the treasure has not yet been born, everyone is waiting, and no one would be so uninterested in starting a fight.

Xiao Yizi would rather choose a remote corner.

When the battleship fell, Xiao Yi waved his hand and took the battleship away.

Here, it is in a barren mountain range.

Xiao Yi glanced one-eyed, "Open a cave, and then let the team set up a large formation and prohibition to block this area."

"Yes, sir." One-eyed bald head led away.

Xiao Yi stared into the distance, as if he wanted to see the entire world of blood inflammation.

For a long while.

One-eyed bald head returned, "My lord, everything is arranged."

"It's just." Looking at Xiao Yidao with one-eyed bald head, "Let's choose a remote place. After that, whether it is the birth of the flame body or the birth of the heaven and earth, we will lose the opportunity."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "there are some remoteness, at least it doesn't need to be noticeable or disturbed."

"There are still seven days, it should be too late."

After Xiao Yi said, he turned around and walked to the cave opened behind him.


Second more.

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