Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3883: Demon body, the nine layers of the sovereign

Inside the cave, Xiao Yi preached all restrictions and then sat down cross-legged.


The Universe Ring in Xiao Yi's hand shot out one by one spiritual pulse.

"There are only seven days left, no delay."

Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, and the two great martial souls in his body opened together, absorbing these spiritual veins at the fastest speed.

What he wants to cultivate is not his own martial arts cultivation base, but...the demon body and the eight magic.

Kendo, when he left Zidian in Yanlong Continent more than four years ago, he decided to stop temporarily.

But as long as one's qi fountain and the foundation of martial arts have been improved, then in the future, to cultivate kendo, it is only necessary to realize the symbol kendo, and everything will come naturally.

Fire Road, because there are only seven types of powerful flames, it was stagnant in the Seventh Layer of the Sovereign Realm two years ago, and it hasn't made progress.

This time I came to the Blood Flame Realm to obtain a new powerful flame and improve the cultivation of the fire road.

Today, normal martial arts cultivation cannot be improved.

Naturally, there is only the magic way.


Inside the cave, the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual veins is being sucked out at an astonishing speed, and even a small storm of spiritual energy is generated.

It stands to reason that when he cultivates the magic way, he usually absorbs these spiritual veins directly with his own magic body.

However, although the speed of the demon body was fast, it was far inferior to the absorption speed of the two spirits in the body.

Whether it is Bingluan sword spirit or fire control beast spirit, the absorption of aura by the two is almost ‘predatory’ speed.

The two great martial spirits inhale the pure auras of the spirit veins, but they don't enter the small world.

The huge spiritual energy rushes into the demon body directly in the body and turns into the power of the demon way.

This method is the fastest he can absorb spirit veins today.

A series of spiritual veins, endless spiritual stones, are continuously extracted and dried at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into dry stones, and then turned into shattered pieces.

While absorbing the cultivation, Xiao Yi felt his universe ring.

"I still have more than 400,000 high-grade spiritual veins, which should be enough."

Earlier, he had accumulated about 400,000 high-grade spirit veins, originally for the purpose of purchasing that powerful flame information.

When I went to the Amber Heavens, I was planning to pass the Spirit Hunting Conference to collect the remaining spiritual veins.

I didn't think about it, but something happened, the spiritual pulse was not collected, and finally I could only escape from the Amber Heavens.

Of course, the large number of corpses of the Spirit Devouring Race killed in the Spirit Hunting Conference was a reward.

After that, I went to the Tongyun Realm Ten Thousand Realms Firm, and the price of Flame Intelligence rose to 800,000 Spirit Vessels, so that he could only sell 29 Realm Boundary Stones.

After obtaining more than one million spiritual veins, the four hundred thousand spiritual veins accumulated before this naturally continue to survive.

After deducting the purchase of flame intelligence and the consumption of 85,000 spiritual veins from the Great Food Realm to the Blood Spirit Realm this time, around 70,000 spiritual veins remain.

In other words, he still has a full 470,000 high-grade spirit veins at this moment.

He doesn't need to keep these spiritual veins anymore, and he has to use it now.


Five days later.


Inside the cave, the aura storm disappeared.

The predatory spirit pulse absorption stopped.

Xiao Yi glanced inwardly, filled with joy.

The demon body has broken through the eight layers of the monarch realm and entered the nine layers of the monarch realm.

The remaining eight musts, Shenfeng Vessel, Shenhuo Vessel, Immortal Dao Body, etc., have all entered the nine levels of the Sovereign Realm.

Xiao Yi felt the precepts of the universe again, his heart was happy, and he instantly turned into anger.

"In just five days, I consumed 360,000 high-grade spirit veins."

"Cultivating this magic way is almost as good as the consumption of my huge gas fountain."

Demon body and Bajue, basically breaking through one type, cost 40,000 high-grade spirit veins.

At the beginning, his martial arts cultivation base broke through to the seventh level of the monarch realm, but it was only 30,000 high-grade spiritual veins.


Ka Ka Ka... Xiao Yi squeezed his powerful fist.

Under the consumption of this spirit vein, what he gained was stronger strength.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's eyes are full of confidence.

"Thang Long." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

"Sunny sky."

In this huge cave, Xiao Yi condensed the true meaning of the sunny sky, the rising dragon, and the five absolutes at the same time.

In an instant, the amazing momentum filled the cave.

"So strong momentum, so strong sense of combat power." Xiao Yi's eyes were full of joy and confidence.

In his judgment, at this moment, his Fire Dao combat power is absolutely no less than the level of Crazy Sabre Emperor.

Even better than the famous emperors of the Scarlet Tiger Emperor.

The rest of them, like the veins of the gods, did not have the increase of the sunny sky, but they were weaker.

But, enough.

"The magic body, the eight uniques, are all in the nine levels of the monarch realm."

"Normal combat power, invincible among the nine levels of the sovereign."

"Calculate the increase of the rising dragon and the five true meanings, and then use the law and skill to combine my powerful flame symbol martial arts, and the fire power will break out perfectly in the sun, and the combat power can reach the category of the top emperor."

"At this moment, even if I don't rely on Bengjie Fist, I can kill the mad sword emperor and his ilk."

Xiao Yi clenched his fists, full of confidence.

Inwardly, near the heart, those nine drops of golden light of Shura's power have become his unique trump card.

It's a big deal to give up another arm, it should be enough to deal with the danger of the blood inflammation world.

Xiao Yi got up and walked out of the cave.

As the figure walked forward, there was a rush...the restrictions disappeared.

Outside the cave, the one-eyed bald head guarded faithfully, and when Xiao Yi walked out, he hurriedly walked, "My lord?"

As soon as he approached, his one-eyed bald head suddenly changed his face.

He couldn't perceive Xiao Yi's breath.

Now that Xiao Yi's momentum is not showing up, he also can't perceive it.

Breath, which is unique to living beings, bestowed by heaven and earth, is always the most direct and accurate thing for judging living beings.

Under the ghost mask, no one could perceive Xiao Yi's breath.

The aura is the release of the creature, the strength of the creature's own level, and the fluctuation caused by the contact space.

Although the one-eyed bald head could not perceive anything, his intuition told him that his adult at this moment is definitely much stronger than he was five days ago.

Seeing Xiao Yi's confident gaze, the one-eyed bald head couldn't tell the feeling, but it was definitely not a doubt.

It seemed that the confidence in Xiao Yi's eyes was so natural and absolute.

Xiao Yi ignored it and walked straight to the edge of the cliff.

Sit down cross-legs, waited quietly, and looked at this world quietly.

The first thing that catches the eye is the vast land of blood after all, the hot **** sea of ​​blood.

One-eyed bald head walked behind Xiao Yi and stood quietly without disturbing him.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi stared at this world and slowly said, "One-eyed, how many people do you think here are here for the body of the blood **** demon flame?"

"This..." One-eyed bald head thought for a while, and said, "It shouldn't be much."

"The information of Wanjie Commercial Bank is so expensive that it is no different from stealing money."

"Moreover, it's just intelligence, and it's not a guarantee that you will be able to get this kind of world's strongest fire. It's a clue at best.

"Therefore, not many people buy this information."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Can't afford it, but forcibly accumulating spiritual veins to buy, like me, naturally not many."

"But who can afford it?"

The one-eyed bald head frowned, "It's not that everyone is so wealthy, so not bad, and throws a whole 800,000 spiritual veins with a wave."

"There are not many powerful people or forces with such confidence."

"It's not much." Xiao Yi said with a light smile, "but it proves to be at least a big power, it's very tricky."


Third more.

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