Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3885: The bottom of the blood sea

Xiao Yi also glanced at the three without a trace.

Heart, secretly solemn.

The momentum of these three people is much stronger than that of the Emperor Red Tiger.

Even if he meets these three people, it will be very tricky, and there is no chance of winning 80%.

"What else?" Xiao Yi also lowered his voice and asked.

"Goo." The one-eyed bald head suddenly swallowed, "There is more trouble."

Look away again.

In the distance, in the center of heaven and earth, on a high mountain, that is a burly middle-aged man.

"My lord, this person is a hob meat. If possible, I advise you not to provoke him."

"This person is the emperor of the volcano, your lord, you know from this title. This guy has a very violent personality. If he doesn't agree with him, he will go violently, regardless of the consequences."

"I don't know how many forces provoked him, and he was burned to death in his anger."

"The most wicked one was when this guy burned and killed almost a small world in one side of the heavens, causing numerous deaths and injuries."

"Killing people in one party?" Xiao Yi frowned, "still killing on such a large scale."

"There is a powerful emperor in the heavens. He is a small emperor, dare?"

The one-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "It is because of the existence of the emperor and strong that he was restrained, but he did not dare to kill him, so I had to let it go."

"Behind this volcano emperor is one of the five mountains, the earth volcano."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "It turned out to be one of the strongest in the five mountains. No wonder he acted so domineering and unscrupulous."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head quickly shifted his gaze and looked into the distance.

There, above the sea of ​​blood, an old man was standing directly on the sea of ​​blood, without fear of the steaming heat.

The old man, dressed in gorgeous clothes, with fierce light in his eyes, and extremely cold, he did not fit in with the hot breath of this world.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi followed his eyes.

"Aura of heaven and earth? Is that guy a realm master?"

"Is it the blood spirit world master?"

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "My lord, you guessed it."

"I don't know this person, but he has the breath of the treasure of the blood spirit world, and he is obviously the master of the blood spirit world."

Xiao Yi nodded, "It's no wonder that the lives of the blood spirit world are intensively coming and going, batches of creatures are coming one after another, but his world master does not stay in the world master's mansion."

"I came here to make an idea here."

The one-eyed bald head solemnly said, "This person is also an emperor."

"In my opinion, this person should be inferior to the Great Yan Dijun and the others. He is weaker."

"But this place is adjacent to the blood spirit world, which can be regarded as his territory."

The blood spirit world and the blood inflammation world are adjacent to each other.

The adjacent domain stars have different special laws, but they have something in common.

The master of the blood spirit world, who controls the blood spirit world, must have understood the special laws of the blood spirit world long ago, and possesses the treasure of the blood spirit world.

Therefore, the blood inflammation world can also be regarded as half of its territory.

Here, he is more troublesome than the Great Yan Emperor and his ilk, and even the volcanic emperor, one of the five mountains.

"Finally." The one-eyed bald head exhaled slightly, and Fang Er's eyes moved carefully.

"Sir, have you seen the bald young man?"

In the distance, a bald young man stood at the center of the whole world without a doubt.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

The young man had a bald head even though he looked like one-eyed.

But the young man's face is much more delicate.

Although his head is bare, there is no sense of disobedience, on the contrary, he looks very good-looking.

One-eyed bald head whispered, "That's Huo Boy."

"One of the four sects, a disciple of Bandengmen, and also the strongest evildoer of Bandengmen's generation, personally passed on by the master of Bandengmen."

"Half-dengmen, known as a half-bright lamp, contains all the emptiness and flames, and a series of wicks hides the approach to the source of fire."

"The half-light sect master has unfathomable strength."

"In the heavens and in the world, no one has dared to say that he is better than half of the lamp sect masters, including the Supreme Emperor."

"You can imagine how strong this Fire Boy passed down under his command."

The voice just fell.

The one-eyed bald head gave a sudden pain, and his gaze at Huo Tong was burning, and he quickly retracted his gaze.

But even so, his eyes were still red, as if burned by flames.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes. In his gaze, Huo Boy didn't move halfway from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even look here.

"Is there a serious problem?" Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head.

The one-eyed bald head shook his head, "It's okay, but the eyes are dry and uncomfortable. The villain uses the vitality to warm up, and it should be fine for a while."

"Squat down." Xiao Yi said.

One-eyed bald head squatted down at orders.

Xiao Yi took out a pill from his hand, gently twisted it into pieces, and smeared it into the eyes of the one-eyed bald head.

In an instant, the one-eyed bald head felt no more scorching heat, and his eyes were extremely cool and comfortable.

"It's okay now." The one-eyed bald head opened his eyes and smiled, "It's still the master's powerful medicine refining method."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "So many strong men who have become famous for a long time, so many ruthless people."

"After that, the scramble will not only be a big battle, but also a fierce battle."

"I would rather relax."

"My lord wants...?" The one-eyed bald head was puzzled.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Let's take a trip first."

With that said, Xiao Yi took out the dossier information, "The information of Wanjie Commercial Bank is clearly written."

"This blood **** demon flame is in the deepest part of the blood sea, the bottom of the blood flame world."

One-eyed bald head was surprised when he heard the words, "I said, sir, why did you follow me to lower your voice and hide your eyes."

"My lord, your crazy temperament, no one is pleasing to your eyes, no one will look away like me."

"It's your lord, you have already calculated it, lest it be noticed."

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "Old rules, you and the elite are waiting for me here."

One-eyed bald head shook his head, "I'll go with you, my lord."

"My lord, don't worry, I am confident of my own strength."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "It's up to you."

"Then the warship stays, if there is something wrong with the elite, leave immediately."

"Success." One-eyed bald head hurriedly gave instructions.

For a long while.

One-eyed bald head returned, "My lord, I've ordered everything."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, and grabbed the one-eyed bald arm.

The two figures disappeared into place silently.

Above the sea of ​​blood, there was a grunt, just like a sea of ​​blood arose and split.


The two dived quickly under the sea of ​​blood.

"Tsk tusk." The one-eyed bald head looked at the blood around him, and said in surprise, "This is obviously a sea of ​​blood, but the temperature inside is extremely high, like boiling hot water."

Continue to dive thousands of miles deep.

One-eyed bald head frowned, "The temperature here is no different from molten smelt."

Dive to a depth of ten thousand miles.

The two had already had to condense their body strength.

At the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, at a depth of 20,000 miles, the two stood firm, but they already felt hot and unbearable.

"It's terrible temperature." One-eyed bald head said in surprise.

"It's the end." Xiao Yi glanced at the thick ground under his feet and nodded.

There may be differences in size between the heavens and the world, the stars in each domain, but the depth of this earth is the same.

The earth is always so fair, without partiality.

The sky may be higher and wider, but the earth will always be that deep.


Fifth more. (Make up)

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