Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3886: Magic body, treasure, coexist


The two walked directly at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood.

Not long.

Xiao Yi paused.

One-eyed bald head solemnly said, "My lord, this is not right."

"The closer you go to the center, the higher the temperature of this sea of ​​blood."

"No, it's simply too high."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, not much to say.

Two, keep going.

At the speed of the two, even in a short time, they have already traveled far.

Not long.

Xiao Yi paused again.

One-eyed bald head, already showing uncomfortable color.

"This is terrible."

"It's still a long way from the center."

"Now that this range has already taken one step forward, the temperature has risen sharply."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said indifferently, "It really can't, you will return to the same way later."

One-eyed bald head is silent, only frowning.

Although the temperature rose step by step, the terrible temperature seemed to melt people, but the two still moved forward.

After half an hour.

The one-eyed bald head is already out of breath, although he has vitality to protect his body, but he is sweaty.

With the strength of the two, half an hour would probably be enough to cross the entire blood inflammation world.

But at this time, they only traveled a distance, which is hard to imagine.

It was another half an hour later.

"Huh." The one-eyed bald head seemed to be limp to the ground, "No way, sir, I really can't do it."

"I have to go back the same way."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The one-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "Sir, don't you want to keep me?"

"You are a fire control warrior anyway, with a certain flame resistance ability, I am not good at fire."

"You share a little pressure on me..."

"Good." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently.

"Uh." One-eyed bald head scratched his head.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "The center range is almost here."

"At most a hundred miles."

"If it weren't for this place in a sea of ​​blood, with a strong blood color, and the temperature was too high to affect the line of sight, I am afraid we could already see what is happening in the center."

While talking, bang...Seven flames broke out on Xiao Yi's body.

Six powerful flames in the world, a black dragon fire.

Enveloped by the seven-color flames, the pressure on the one-eyed bald head was immediately reduced.

Xiao Yi stared at the front, "The temperature here alone is enough to discourage ordinary emperors."


It was another hour later.

With a distance of hundreds of miles, the two had gone for an hour.

However, even though the journey was difficult, the two had no pause or discomfort.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "Knowing that the blood **** demon flame body is right at the bottom of the blood sea, it must be quite a lot."

"Tsk tusk, no wonder none of them have come down to the bottom of this blood sea."

"The temperature here is probably enough to burn a powerful emperor into blood."

"Sir, you have six kinds of heaven and earth strong fire protection, which greatly suppresses the temperature here."

"Plus the black dragon fire, the black dragon clan has the talent for fire immunity, and the black dragon fire also has a part of its effect."

"This allowed us to move on now."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

With sharp eyes, staring forward.

He could already see the distance, like a **** flame.

Then, it should be the body of the blood **** demon flame.

Xiao Yi couldn't help thinking of the trip to the center of the earth when he was in Yanlong Continent.

The temperature in the center of the earth was almost the same as at the beginning of the bottom of this sea of ​​blood.

It seems that the depth of the earth is the same, and so is the temperature in the center of the earth.

But, really go to the center.

That is, when approaching the birthplace of the fire ancestor, and approaching the birthplace of the blood **** demon flame body, the gap between the two is completely different.

He still remembered that even though six powerful flames of the world condensed, plus the fire of the black dragon, and layers of dragon flame protection, after all, it was difficult to move when approaching the center of the earth.

Fortunately, the fire-controlling beast swallowed the flames all the way, and walked forward with difficulty to the true origin of the fire ancestor.

Now under this sea of ​​blood.

With the six powerful flames in the world, plus the black dragon's fire, and the suppression of the seven flames, he has already traveled unimpeded in this area.

Not long.

Xiao Yi paused again.

However, this time, it was not for other reasons, but... arrived.

A huge **** flame was right in front of him.

In the blurred vision, there seemed to be something beyond the **** flame.

Xiao Yi frowned, an inexplicable sense of crisis surged in his heart.

This sense of crisis seems to come from some Fenghan breath.

Xiao Yi frowned and stepped forward again.

This time, I saw it clearly.

Beyond the Scarlet Flame, there was a sharp sword.

No, more than that.

Look at it more seriously, nine in total.

A sharp sword, blood red, but full of flames.

Nine sharp swords tightly enveloped and sealed the entire group of huge blood flames.

"What's the matter?" One-eyed bald head asked in confusion, "Someone has been here long ago and it's not possible?"

"I think these nine swords are simply a trapped formation."

"A strong man has been here long ago, trapping this **** **** demon flame?"

Xiao Yi kept silent, letting out perception.

After a long while, he said slowly, "Not the main body yet."

This blood-colored flame is not yet a **** **** demon flame.

It is just a pile of accumulated solid flame power.

But this group of flame power is still constantly consolidating and growing, and it is only a little short of being completely born into the body.

"Looking at the degree of solidity, it will indeed be completely completed in two days, and be born as the body, which is the true blood **** demon flame." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

The one-eyed bald head said in doubt, "Then these nine swords..."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Look more realistically, this sword is not an ordinary thing at all."

Xiao Yi took a few steps forward.

The one-eyed bald head followed along a few steps.

"Hiss." The one-eyed bald head took a breath, "What a sharp sword, what a pure power of heaven and earth."

"No... Is this..." The one-eyed bald head seemed to think of something, his face was shocked.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Yes, these nine swords are the unformed treasures of the world of blood inflammation."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "I think I understand."

"It's no wonder that this time was accompanied by the birth of the heaven and earth treasure."

"The birth date of the blood **** demon flame's body was basically when the blood flame world's treasure was born."

The two, relying on Xiao Yi's six powerful flame suppression and black dragon fire effects, came to the center of this seabed ahead of other powerful ones.

But what they saw before them surprised them.

"What's the matter?" One-eyed bald head was full of doubts.

"Have you heard of the Creator?" Xiao Yi said solemnly.

Not waiting for the one-eyed bald head to speak.

Xiao Yi said directly, "Heaven and earth are the creator of the world."

"Because whether a star is created by man or formed naturally; and whether there is a legend left by the devil ancestor within the star, whether there is a demon ancestor who has contributed to it."

"Within this star, its peaks and ridges, its great rivers and seas, its mountains and forests and mud, everything is formed by heaven and earth."

"The shield of the sky, the inheritance of the earth."

"The creatures are also born from heaven and earth."

"Never mind the demon ancestor, no matter what other powerhouses are, they only acted as a guide, fueled the flames, and accelerated the process."

"The Demon Ancestor cannot create creatures, nothing can be done."

"The only thing that can create creatures is heaven and earth itself."

"So, Tiandi is the creator of the world."

Xiao Yi paused, "But this creator has no feelings at all, and basically everything flows according to the way of heaven and earth."

"Heaven and Earth, as the creator of the world, naturally possesses various mechanisms to maintain this heaven and earth itself."

"In case of danger, there will be changes in the sky, be wary of creatures."

"But the creatures in the blood inflammation world are in chaos and slaughter. They can't deal with the crisis at all."

"This world, you can only take the initiative to deal with it."

"The crisis that your lord said..." the one-eyed bald head said in surprise, his eyes falling on the blood-colored flame.

Xiao Yi nodded, "It is this **** **** demon flame that is about to become sexual."

"These nine sharp swords are the nine heaven and earth swords of the Blood Flame Realm."

"The earnings are turned over." The one-eyed bald head was overjoyed.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Deadly, hard to come by."

"Do you think I have gained this world?"


Sixth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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