Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3887: Can't separate

"Dead end?"

The one-eyed bald head frowned, with doubts in his eyes.

Xiao Yi frowned similarly, but only frowned purely.

He didn't understand a lot of things in the past, but as his cultivation realm and the level of contact he raised, he gradually understood.

Such as the powerful flame in this world.

At the beginning, he heard from that person that these powerful flames do not require hundreds of millions of years of incubation time, which is both surprised and doubtful.

If something has been conceived for such a long period of time, during which time it has continuously absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and various powers, how powerful will it be once it is born?

Back then, in the Yanlong Continent, Beiyin Wuwei was born after 80 million years of gestation. There is the foundation of Lin Yin's gestation, and the land of Tianyuan has been carefully cared for by Gu Yuan Tianjun for 80 million years. And warm up.

It's just that these powers are completely supplied to the growth of talent, so that the day of its birth, the talent is undoubtedly the most powerful of all the creatures in the Yanlong Continent.

If these powers are only used for their own growth, I am afraid that their talents may not be as earth-shattering on the day of their birth, but their own cultivation level is already extremely strong, not weaker than the level gained from decades of cultivation and growth after its birth. .

So, what about these world's strongest fires?

The strongest fires of heaven and earth are not creatures, but they are special existences themselves.

If they are regarded as clan families, they themselves are the Xeon family, with a'starting point' far higher than the large number of clan families in the heavens and the world.

Such special existences were born after hundreds of millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth; how powerful should they be on the day they were born?

Back then, at the edge of the Yanlong Continent's central region, encountering the boiling demon fire, it was a powerful flame that had been completely born.

Then its strength should be earth-shaking.

The worst, it will be when it is born, it will be almost invincible in the Yanlong Continent, at least the Eight Heavenly Monarchs will not be its opponents.

Was he conquered by him, who was no more than a mere extreme?

This is where he once puzzled.

But when I thought about it, I understood.

There is the existence of ‘that’, and that person also obviously knows the existence of the boiling demon fire.

Things in the world, especially things that might endanger the world of Yanlong Continent, can never be hidden from that person.

With that person's method, even the ‘Emperor Underworld’ was able to turn it from the strongest to the weakest, becoming a fire-controlling beast in the mountains and plains.

Then it's no surprise that this mere demon fire has become a mere extreme level. It's just that I don't know what method that person used.

There is also the fire of stars obtained when he was in the Eastern Region.

The fire of the stars, it is estimated that the power is so thin that it cannot be thinned.

But even so, it has already made Dedongyu a force in the top category, exhausting the strength of the past generations, and banning it from generation to generation.


Xiao Yi stared at the flame in front of him. This, but the real powerful flame body.

How strong will it be after it is actually born?

At least, it will be an existence that can destroy the entire blood inflammation world; there is no creature to stop the huge blood inflammation world.

In the blood inflammation world, there is no creature as powerful as ‘that’.

Naturally, heaven and earth will have an autonomous response mechanism in circulation, which is the blockade of these nine swords.

"This group of flames began to appear hundreds of millions of years ago, or even longer, and it has absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and has continued to nurture and grow."

"These nine swords must have been born hundreds of millions of years ago from heaven and earth."

"Swords should have been made by living creatures. They consume iron materials and effort, and are tempered in the fire to make them. It takes time to make them."

"Now these nine swords are created by this piece of heaven and earth, using the essence of heaven and earth as the material, taking great effort and tempering with the power of heaven and earth, and it took hundreds of millions of years to create."

"In other words, these nine swords were born with the birth of the Blood Prison Demon Flame, and they were also conceived by the Blood Prison Demon Flame."

"While the blood **** demon flames continue to grow and become stronger, these nine swords have also continued to strengthen over the long years."

"Today, the blood **** demon flame is about to give birth to the body, and these nine swords are also about to be completed at the same time, growing into a true heaven and earth treasure holy artifact."

"Two days later, when the Blood Hell Demon Flame was completely born, it was also the opportunity for these nine swords to be born as the heaven and earth treasure."

Xiao Yi looked at one-eyed, "The significance of these nine swords is this **** **** demon flame."

"Once it becomes the heaven and earth treasure, it will also follow the meaning of its birth under the restrictions of the heaven and earth martial arts, and will always trap this group of blood **** demon flames."

"Unless the blood **** demon flame is gone and disappears in this world, no one can take these nine swords."

"At the same time, the existence of the nine swords of heaven and earth has been suppressing the growth of this group of blood **** demon flames, making it slower to absorb the power of heaven and earth."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "After the flame is born, it will take a long time to give birth to spiritual wisdom."

"Nine swords of heaven and earth, what they can guard against is that this group of flames gives birth to spiritual wisdom and becomes a disaster that exterminates the entire blood inflammation world."

"Therefore, in the long years to come, the nine swords will still suppress the birth of the spirit of the blood **** demon flame."

"The two have become an endless loop and a dead end."

The one-eyed bald head suddenly said, "My lord means that the blood **** demon flame and these nine swords are coexistent and dependent."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Nowadays, fire is not a body, but just a mass of flame power."

"The sword is not a treasure, it is just a sword."

"In two days, the fire will become the body, and the sword will become a treasure. The two will coexist for countless years to come and cannot be separated."

"Look at the arrangement of these nine swords." Xiao Yi looked at the nine blood red swords.

"The sword is in a formation, and it is also a'nine' number pole formation."

"The formation of heaven and earth is perfect and flawless, powerful and dependent on the heaven and earth itself."

"Don't talk about you and me, even those powerful emperors have come, and I can't think about how this nine sword formation is."

"We..." Xiao Yi shook his head and sighed, "I'm here for nothing."

The one-eyed bald head curled his lips, "It's no wonder that this blood **** demon flame is about to be born, and the blood flame world's treasure will be born. Under the two great opportunities, only a lot of gods and monarchs have come."

"The information that can be obtained at the emperor level is easier for emperors to obtain."

"But no emperor came."

"I'm afraid these emperors have already known the situation here in the blood inflammation world."

Xiao Yi nodded and gave a wry smile, "It is no wonder that Wanjie Commercial Bank only sells 800,000 spiritual veins with such accurate information."

"Although the intelligence is accurate, it is extremely difficult, or even impossible, to obtain the flame body."

"This Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank is really good at doing business, and the intelligence is really useful, but we don't have the ability to get the treasure in the intelligence, and we have nothing to do with their Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank."

The one-eyed bald head was full of resentment but helplessness, "The lord, we..."

"Let's go." Xiao Yi left with an indifferent but helpless cry, then turned around.

However, after only a few steps, he suddenly stagnated.

In my heart, a crazy idea suddenly surged.


First more.

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