Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3895: Fierce battle


Xiao Yi's eyes were stunned, and his powerful palm was firmly held.

Liuyang Jianjun's pupils shrank, and he already felt the meaning of being extremely close to death.

However, how could such a powerful emperor who is famous for the entire endless void be a general generation, how could it be easily killed.

If so, I am afraid that he would have died in the endless void of countless crises before he became famous in the world.

"The fire of the sword is immortal." Liuyang Sword Master screamed in secret.

Click... Click, click...

In the palm of Xiao Yi's hand, there was a ‘click’ like Ruo crushing a fragile vase, but in an instant, Ruuo was holding onto an extremely hard stone, making an uncontrollable ‘click.’

Liuyang Jianjun's body signifies that the martial arts power is surging and leaking.

The 72 symbolic martial arts seemed to merge into one, firmly guarding him all over.

Sword energy and flames erupted on him.

The 18 all-inclusive kendos and 18 all-inclusive kendos have become extremely ‘hard’ under the remaining 36 all-inclusive kendos.

No, it's more like the 54-marking kendo-based emperor level standard, the additional 9 sign kendo and 9 fire-marking paths, exerting power far beyond the foundation of the emperor.

Like the protection of a sword, it transforms into a sword body, which is extremely sharp in its hardness and its sword aura.

Like the protection of fire, it turns into a body of fire, and the real temperature is so hot that it will burn opponents.

Xiao Yi was holding Liuyang Jianjun's throat in one hand, and at this moment, he was stabbed in pain by the vertical and horizontal sword qi, and a bit of blood was spilled on his palm.

The hot flame, although the temperature was extremely high, could not hurt him.

Xiao Yi frowned.

At this moment, although he was holding Liuyang Jianjun's throat, he looked more like holding the blade of a flaming sword.

"Ziyan, you can't help this emperor." Liuyang Jianjun's tone was cold.

"You can't escape either." Xiao Yi still clasped one hand tightly and didn't let go.

"Zi Yan, die." Suddenly, Xiao Yi shouted with murderous intent behind him.

Several huge fireballs came together in an extremely mysterious winding rotation.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and blasted his backhand.

An ice-white swimming dragon and a cyan swimming dragon blasted out at the same time, and the two dragons intersected instantly and meandered out.

Like an ice-white wandering dragon, driving the light of the stars, it comes quickly.

"Huh." Emperor Huochen sneered, "With these two flames, the Emperor's Chen Huan fire technique can be used."

Unexpectedly, this time, Bingbai Wandering Dragon did not directly impact.

Rather, the two dragons entangled these huge fireballs.

Surrounded by two dragons, like a bead, the surrounding several huge fireballs suddenly became cold and gradually frozen.


Under the last two dragons, several huge fireballs turned into ashes.


Just at this moment, a huge flame blade aura cut through the sea and blasted straight.

Xiao Yi still held the Six Suns Sword Master with one hand, and the other hand condensed the fire ball that had just melted away from Emperor Huochen.

Now it was the time when he couldn't separate his hands and failed to defend immediately.

This sword energy can only be carried hard.

Boom... The Flame Blade blasted through, and after being partially offset by the Flame Giant, it hit Xiao Yi heavily.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood.

Emperor Great Yan is also a powerful emperor known to the heavens.

The way of repairing sword fire.

Dao Dao is already strong and powerful.

Plus the violent fire.

The fusion of the two, how powerful this flame blade energy is.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and looked directly at the Great Emperor Yan with cold eyes.

Whether it's under the sea or here, the two injuries were all because of the Great Emperor Yan.

In the distance, above the air.

Huo Boy stood volley in the air, never made a move, only watching the fierce battle in the **** sea indifferently.

Most of his eyes were on Xiao Yi.

At this time, Huo Tong squinted slightly, with a hint of surprise, "The legendary Bing Ming You Huo?"

"There is also the fire of stars that is common but equally rare."

The so-called common is that there are many in history.

The so-called rare, is a period of time, looking at the entire endless void, few people control and own it.

"Zi Yan?" Huo Tong's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth grinned slightly.

"It hasn't been half of the light gate for many years, and I never thought that this kind of enchanting fire was actually out of the heavens."

"Play it alone, no one here is his opponent."

"Unfortunately, he didn't have three heads and six arms. He faced the densely packed powerhouses from all walks of life, plus four powerful emperors who were famous in the world. It was only a matter of time before he lost."

Above the sea of ​​blood, fierce battles continue.

Xiao Yi frowned, and at this moment, he was completely at a disadvantage.

This number of strong people is too exaggerated.

It's him, but he can't catch it at the moment.

There are those who dare to come to the blood flame world to fight for the treasure, how can there be people who are waiting, the weakest are the strongest of the ultimate monarch.

Such an overwhelming, extreme monarchy like a locust crossing?

I'm afraid this is really gathering the powerhouses of the ten thousand realms.

This battle is destined to be difficult, but it is also destined to be a classic battle in this period of time.

In this battle, if Xiao Yi did not die, he would surely be famous in the world.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled slightly, the Immortal Dao Body swiftly running.

In addition to the four powerful emperors who are famous in the heavens, such as the blood spirit world lord and the Huochen emperor, there are also other emperors and powerhouses around, and there are more.

It's just that these ordinary emperors are not as famous as these four powerhouses.

His pressure at the moment can be imagined.

The sacred fire giant completely suppressed the blood spirit world master.

The seven flame swimming dragons surrounding them, under this condensed sunny sky, also barely blocked the densely packed powerhouses.

The most troublesome and troublesome are the remaining three emperors.

He has controlled Liuyang Jianjun with one hand, and he will not let go.

Sword repair may not be the strongest of all occupations, but it is the most adept at fighting.

This Sword Sovereign of Six Suns may not be the strongest among the four great emperors; but if he is alone, he can defeat anyone in a short time, but he can never defeat Sword Sovereign of Six Suns in a short time.

Fortunately, the Six Suns Sword Sovereign underestimated the enemy and bumped up from the beginning, but he was caught by one move, and it was difficult to get out.

Otherwise, if the Six Suns Sword Lord is allowed to go out and fight, his situation at the moment will only be more troublesome.

He would rather be the equivalent of self-defeating, completely restraining Six Suns Sword Sovereign, dealing with Emperor Huochen and Emperor Great Yan with only one hand.

The Shura battle body is indeed powerful, based on this, he can crush all opponents of the same level.

But he and Liuyang Jianjun are not at the same level.

Just like, the level of the Asura battle body is the eighth layer of the monarch realm, and he can crush all opponents in the eighth layer of the monarch realm.

The strength given to him by the Asura battle body is undoubtedly at the peak of the Eightfold Sovereign Realm.

But now the gap between him and Liuyang Jianjun is like the eighth layer of the monarchy and the nineth layer of the monarchy.

His strength is at the peak of the eightfold level, and he should only be able to defeat the ninth-level elementary tier of the Sword of the Six Suns. However, because of the underestimation of the Sword of the Six Suns, he was instantly restrained, making the Sword of the Six Suns no regret Retreat.

This is the terrifying aspect of Xiao Yi's own combat level.

Of course, the Six Suns Sword Sovereign is not the Ninth Level of the Sovereign Realm, but a dignified emperor, and is a top category.

And his Xiao Yi is not the eighth layer of the emperor realm, the same emperor's combat power, but one point weaker than that.

Bang bang bang...

In the hands of Emperor Huochen, several huge fireballs mysteriously attacked again.


Xiao Yi held a virtual palm, and two more flame dragons surging out.


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