Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3896: Fire boy shot

Xiao Yi glanced at Emperor Huo Chen with sharp eyes.

This Emperor Huochen is obviously not as good as Liuyang Jianjun and Dayan Emperor's way of repairing swords and swords, but only intensively repairing the way of fire.

Therefore, among the four great emperors, this person has the strongest means of controlling fire, and the method of flame is the most profound.

But also because of this, Xiao Yi is most afraid of this person.

On playing with fire, who is Xiao Yi afraid of?

Emperor Huochen's Chen Huan fire technique is mysterious.

But his Xiao Yi's Nine Suns are only strong but not weak.

It seems that there are only Bing Ming Nether Fire and Star Fire, but in reality, it is enough to cope with the Second Fire Reincarnation.


At this time, another flame of sword aura blasted, and after part of the power of the Shenhuo giant was offset, it hit him heavily.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted another mouthful of blood.

With cold eyes, he looked directly at the Great Emperor Yan in the distance.

In the end, only the Great Emperor Yan was left. If he could deal with this person as well, then he would be able to overcome the disadvantages and finally win the battle and resolve the crisis.

However, he can no longer tell.

The so-called inability to make a move is not a serious move, but a lack of power.

His entire combat power can be used in this level of battle, only the strength of the fire and the magic.

Fire Dao's strength was used to deal with the blood spirit world master, Huochen emperor, and the powerhouses from all walks of life.

Demon Dao strength, to be precise, is the strength of one body repairing one, and it is completely used to restrain Six Suns Sword Sovereign.

Fire Dao strength, there is the increase of the law world skill in the sunny sky; the Shura combat body has its own increase of the Shura change means.

But the remaining Liujue didn't have a secret method increase that matched it, so the strength was a bit short, and it was a little shorter, and it couldn't be used in this level of battle.

The only thing that can be used is the Immortal Dao Body.

But the level of the immortal Dao body is also a big drop from the battle power level of Emperor Great Yan.

Emperor Yan Dijun's flame sword energy blasted on him, and the immortal Dao body had to offset these residual sword energy before he could heal his internal injuries.

If it goes on like this, it will be the end of his lifeless Dao body power being exhausted.

At that time, it will also be when he is completely defeated and trapped in a place of death.

Perhaps, he still has the strength to escape.

But... the blood **** demon flame, he must get it.

"It seems only..." Xiao Yi clenched his teeth secretly, with blood between his teeth.

He only has the last hole card left.

Replaying the old technique, relying on the immortal Dao body to drag the time, the eight drops of Shura's power at the heart, no, now it is nine drops, merged, and then a Bengjie fist, all these strays disappear before his eyes.

It's just... Xiao Yi frowned again and glanced at Huo Boy in the distance.

This last Boundary Fist, he was meant to deal with the most unfathomable Huo Boy.

This fire boy has never made a shot.

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Yi's eyes were fierce, and he could only see the steps, solving the current problem first.

The nine drops of Shura's power in the body began to slowly merge.

Just like this, fight first, prepare, maybe it's not necessarily a turnaround.


Xiao Yi stepped out.

Still clasping Liuyang Jianjun's throat with one hand, the figure in the back moved quickly, no longer passively defending, but proactively attacked.

The sacred fire giant suddenly caught the huge scarlet octopus.

Grasping the long claws with both hands, he waved vigorously.

The besieged strong men from all walks of life changed their colors after seeing this.

This blood-colored octopus is the main body of the blood spirit world. It is huge, and it is full of blood-colored flames.

These blood inflammations, if they are encountered by an ordinary strong, the lightest is the end of anxious injury.


Emperor Great Yan burst into the air with another huge flame blade.

The sacred fire giant slammed it hard, instead, the scarlet octopus took the lead with the flame sword energy.


In the fierce roar, the flame knife energy was blocked and offset.

The huge scarlet octopus let out a painful cry, a huge meat knife mark on its back.

"Emperor Great Yan, you..." the blood spirit world master roared.

"You blocked the way." Great Yan Dijun yelled coldly.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

The sacred fire giant swung up the **** giant chapter and waved it endlessly, like a meteor hammer in his hand, running across the sea of ​​blood.

"What a cunning thief." Great Yan Dijun's eyes were cold.

Whoosh... the figure flashed and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Next to him, a domineering flame sword came close.

Xiao Yi was startled and blasted out with one hand.


The flame sword was easily blocked.

Xiao Yi's fists were equally powerful.

"Ziyan, go to death." Emperor Huo Chen seized the opportunity, and several huge fireballs blasted.

When Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, he wanted to block it.

"Don't think about it." The Great Yan Emperor snorted coldly, holding the flame sword in both hands, firmly suppressing Xiao Yi's hand.


Several huge fireballs swallowed Xiao Yi instantly.

Emperor Great Yan retreated one step earlier.

"Puff." As the flames swallowed, Xiao Yi spouted another mouthful of blood.

"Send to me."

Enduring the severe pain and injury, Xiao Yi waved his hand to dissipate the flame.

The battle is still unsolvable.

Liuyang Jianjun sneered, "Ziyan, why bother with this emperor."

"You can't help me."

Xiao Yi coldly looked at the Six Suns Sword Master who was restrained in his hand, sneered, "You can't help me in the same way?"

"I see how long your inextinguishable sword can last."

Sword Master Liuyang sneered, "Enough to survive you being besieged and die."

"Zi Yan." In the distance, Great Yan Emperor yelled coldly, "Give up, you have no chance."

"Hand over the unrefined Blood Flame Realm Treasure, I'll wait to spare your life."

The words came out.

The big characters "Unrefined Blood Flame Realm Supreme Treasure" instantly made the eyes of the strong from all walks of life around them even more enthusiastic, even crazy.

Emperor Huo Chen said coldly, "Be obediently, you will be caught. I will only hurt you seriously so that you can no longer fight for it."

"You hand in the hemorrhagic inflammation world's treasure, and you leave the blood inflammation world dingy."

High in the sky, the Blood Spirit Realm Master, who was swung dizzy and turned his head, smiled coldly, "Zi Yan, can you hear clearly? Don't you hurry to let go of this emperor, and then leave like a mourning dog?"

"Want me to stop?" Xiao Yi sneered, and the laughter shook blood.

The sharp eyes look around the world, without fear of the strong in the world.

"It depends on your abilities."

"I, Yi Xiao, was buried in the Blood Flame Realm today, or you are the strongest people who became this floating corpse in the blood sea."

"Ming is stubborn." The Great Yan Emperor yelled violently, which was also an instant violent.

Following the law, the flames blasted with a heavy sword.

Xiao Yi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and the huge **** seal waving and waving in his hand suddenly threw out.

The body of Emperor Great Yan Emperor was hit by the **** giant chapter, and the two of them were bombarded for hundreds of millions of miles.

The huge fireball that Emperor Huochen once again attacked could be resolved by Xiao Yi this time.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

The fierce battle in the sea of ​​blood never stops.

After a few hours.

"Huh." Xiao Yi panted heavily, his mouth was full of blood.

However, the situation of the battle remains the same.

Under the siege of the four great emperors and the strong from all walks of life, Xiao Yi has not yet been defeated.

Xiao Yi also failed to defeat this powerhouse of ten thousand realms.

"I can't just consume it like this." Xiao Yi's heart was shocked and anxious.

He knows that today is not just a matter of fighting, but also a matter of fighting for time.

What he wants to grab is the opportunity of heaven and earth.

This is the most important factor that determines whether his purpose of coming to the blood inflammation world can be successful.

Today's situation is extremely critical.

"I can only fight." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Just at this time.


Between the sky and the earth, a force of fire was pressed down from above.

Above the sea of ​​blood, all the strong face changed for him.

"Huo Boy?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and looked at Huo Boy who stood in the air in the distance.


Second more.

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