Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4016: Bloody Hidden Door

Xiao Yi glanced at the faces of everyone around him.

These ruthless people, including Dongfang Yu, showed cold expressions and murderous intent, but no one screamed like before.

Leng arrogant and strong, knowing that the enemy is strong, but not afraid of himself.

But it is by no means that he knows that his strength is not as good as that of a human, and he has to speak arrogantly.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

This already represents the strength of this Ou Xiao, so strong.

Xiao Bai said solemnly on the side, "It is said that Ou Xiao is the strongest of the six evil generals, and also the most evil."

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Leader." Xiao Bai stood up abruptly, arched his hands, and said with a serious expression, "I would like to petition to take this Ou Yao's head back."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled and nodded, "Ambitious."

"But that's not the strong one you can reach now."

"Leader." Xiao Bai frowned and wanted to say something.

"Sit down." Xiao Yuan scolded, "Ou Xiao is ranked 12th on the Void Emperor List. For a figure of this level, the top emperor can't hold up for a few breaths in front of him.

"You can't help yourself?"

Xiao Bai said solemnly, "I can't kill him today, so tomorrow; if I can't kill him this year, then next year, even ten or a hundred years later."

"Although I can't kill him in a short time, at least I am staring at him. He can't imagine having a chance to kill my fellow Yanlong League again."

"When I become stronger, I can return with others' heads."

"Naughty." Xiao Yuan shouted coldly.

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled and motioned to Xiao Bai to sit down, "Ou Xiao, these old-brand powerhouses, have the powerhouses of our previous generation to deal with."

"My Yanlong League will not let you a little guy to deal with these old monsters."

"Yes, the leader." This time, Xiao Bai stopped refuting and sat down.

In the air, a cold grin suddenly came.

"Then what if all the strong men of the previous generation died?"

Xiao Chenfeng still chuckles.

Xiao Yuan's face became cold, "Who?"

Everyone present frowned.

Xiao Yi's gaze suddenly looked towards the center of the chamber.

Wu Dao's figure in black appeared strangely at some point.

"Five top emperors." Xiao Yi secretly said, but did not pay much attention.

But in the next instant, he suddenly frowned.

"Blood burst." The five top emperors yelled violently without hesitation.

Almost for an instant, five raging auras immediately filled the entire chamber.

The sharp sound of the Five Paths screams to the extreme, which makes people instantly harsh.


There was a violent explosion.

A **** color reflected in everyone's eyes.

Five people blew themselves up without hesitation.

In an instant, a **** color swallowed the entire chamber.

Waiting to be self-explosive, the remaining prestige falls.

In front of Xiao Yi, a series of purple flame talisman condensed and protected in front of him.

Xiao Yi, unscathed.

Next to him, in front of Xiao Bai, layers of frost condensed, which also protected him.

Xiao Bai was also unscathed.

"Bad son." Xiao Yi cursed secretly.

I glanced around my eyes, and there were all the old guys around me, all unscrupulous.

On the other side of Xiao Yi, an old man formed a wall of soil in front of him.

In the distance, in front of Dongfang Yu, a white light covered him.

All the guys were all unharmed.

One by one, except for the three-hundred-point leader, they were all ruthless.

How powerful is the self-destruction of the five top imperial realms?

It would not be an exaggeration if it were placed outside and described as destroying the heavens and the earth.

But in this meeting hall of the Yanlong League General League, there was only a few waves.


Suddenly, in the very center of the chamber, in the remaining **** color, a sharp sword rang.

A strange figure suddenly jumped out of it.

A scarlet sword, took Xiao Chenfeng straight away.

The sword is extremely fast.

The tip of the sword was **** violently, as if it had exhausted all the power of self-destruction.

Xiao Yi was shocked, "A quick sword, a sharp sword."

This figure suddenly emerged strangely from the remaining blood, and then immediately pierced out with all its strength.

With such a sword, even Xiao Yi might not be able to dodge it with confidence.

As for blocking...

Xiao Yi was born...not enough to be sure.

"Be careful." Xiao Yi wanted to punch a purple flame seal in his hand.

Chief Office, Xiao Chenfeng glanced at Xiao Yi and nodded and chuckled.

Whoosh... Xiao Yuan stepped sideways aside.



A dazzling blue thunder light appeared instantly.

That astonishing **** sword not only failed to stab Xiao Chenfeng, it even froze a few steps away from Xiao Yuan.

In the air in front of Xiao Yuan, there seemed to be an invisible thunder shield.

No matter how sharp the scarlet sword was, it couldn't break the thunder shield in the end.

"I can't help myself." Xiao Yuan spit out a solemn word.

Zi Zi Zi...

Thunder, wandering in the air, the blood on the sword disappeared instantly.

The figure's face changed drastically, but a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Ise is the master." The figure snorted coldly.

Above the blood sword, the power suddenly increased.

But at the same time, the vitality of life in the figure disappeared almost in an instant.

Xiao Yuan squinted his eyes, "Want to die together? A joke."

"Wind thunder gun."

Boom boom boom...

In front of Xiao Yuan, in the invisible air, dense lightning gun shadows blasted out like torrential pear blossoms.

The figure was killed.

When the corpse fell, it seemed to be ravaged by countless lightning.

"So strong." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Xiao Bai smiled lightly, "My father is called Lei Kong Gun, and the Emperor of the Void is ranked 11th."

"In addition to the 54 types of martial arts marked by the six basic types of the king, it also has 27 marked wind tunnels, 27 marked mine lanes, and 27 marked gun lanes."

Xiao Yi was taken aback, "A total of 135 signs of martial arts?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bai nodded.

Xiao Yi squinted and said nothing.

Among the top emperors, there are also strong and weak points, and this category is probably still huge.

As he had encountered before, the Sword Sovereign of Six Suns, Emperor Flame and Emperor Great Yan were weak.

The volcano emperor of the volcano, and the emperor of the rain cover, are stronger.

As for Huo Boy and Xiao Bai, they are very strong.

Then, there are these old guys present, such as Dongfang Yu, who are extremely strong and extremely strong.

Even Xiao Yi felt a burst of pressure.

Perhaps this is the huge difference in strength brought about by the difference in the number of signs controlled and the degree of martial arts integration.

And his Xiao Yi relied on the powerful strength brought by his own Rising Dragon, Law Realm Skills, and two supreme martial arts.

Even though he himself has not reached the emperor level, and there is not much that marks the gap between martial arts and martial arts profound integration.

As for Xiao Yuan...

The current judgment of Xiao Yi is fundamentally strong.

"Dare to come to my Yanlong League to assassinate people?" Dongfang Yu squinted, "Deceiving people too much."

Xiao Yuan knelt down, inspected the corpse, and then looked at Xiao Chenfeng, "Patriarch, he is from the Bloody Hidden Door."

"Guessed." Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "and only they dare to intervene in the dispute between our three."


First more.

This is the third change made last night.

Take a day off tonight.

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