Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4017: Lord Hanyuan

"Blood hidden door?" Xiao Yi secretly said as he listened to the conversation between the two.

He probably has heard of this force, but he doesn't know exactly.

At this time, Xiao Yuan frowned, "The Bloody Hidden Gate is not notorious, but it is also considered a fierce name in the heavens."

"The key is that there are countless killers inside, and the location of its own power is still a mystery."

"This is a group of people who collect money to help people eliminate disasters. As long as they can afford to pay, there is no one they dare not deal with."

"Patriarch, if we want to deal with this group of guys, I'm afraid we won't be able to start."

"But if you ignore it, you will come once today, and there will be a second time, or more, which is very troublesome."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, but said, "Don't worry."

On the other side, Dongfang Yu's face was cold, "First, we will trap and kill the emperor of the Yanlong League, and then we will frantically attack the major defense lines at any cost."

"Now I have invited the killer from the Bloody Hidden Gate to come directly to my Yanlong League to kill people."

"Han Yuanmeng has made such big moves one after another, is it crazy?"

All around, there was a lot of discussion again.

Chief Office, Xiao Yuan pushed a step away.

Xiao Chenfeng pressured with one hand, and the audience was silent for an instant.

Xiao Chenfeng's calm and powerful voice slowly said, "A few days ago, the leader of the Cold Abyss Alliance suddenly retreated without warning, and it is very likely to be dead."

"What?" There was an uproar in the audience.

An old man quickly got up and said in shock, "Leader, is your information accurate?"

Xiao Chenfeng nodded.

At the seat, Xiao Bai whispered to Xiao Yi once again, "This is the Blue Wind Emperor of the Liuhe Legion, and we are both in command."

"He serves as the intelligence chief of the Liuhe Army, and he is one of the strongest in intelligence in our Yanlong Army."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

All around, the discoloration has already changed, it is the color of panic and anxiety like an enemy.

"The leader of the Cold Abyss Alliance is already the emperor of the void who is famous for the void."

"If he suddenly shut himself down, it would represent..." Emperor Blue Wind gritted his teeth and said.

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "That's right, Shock Supreme."

Emperor Cangfeng's expression changed drastically, "Once he succeeds in the impact, then, the Supreme Fury..."

Emperor Cangfeng was shaking unconsciously.

The four words of the Supreme Emperor are only four words, and in this endless void, they already represent the incomparable deterrence.

Xiao Chenfeng pressured with one hand again, and the audience was silent again.

"But don't worry." Xiao Chenfeng even smiled.

"Let's not talk about how long it takes to hit the Supreme, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, millions of years, or unknown incomparable years?"

"Also, even if there are long enough years, it may not be able to impact success."

"And the most important thing is that before he succeeds in assaulting the Supreme, his Cold Abyss Alliance may not still exist in these heavens and worlds."

It seemed to chuckle, but the decisive tone suddenly made all the people present a serious expression.

The panic that was still lingering at first disappeared.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and the strong people present, how much trust did they trust this guy, would he panic and disperse in a few words.

"Now that the leader, what is the countermeasure?" Dongfang Yu asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Chenfeng whispered, "The leader of the Hanyuan League is in retreat, and his son is in the upper ranks."

"The new leader will inevitably make big moves and eager to make some achievements."

Xiao Chenfeng scanned the surroundings, "You should have heard of the reputation of the emptiness."

Dongfang Yu nodded, "The leader of the Cold Abyss Alliance has only three bloodlines."

"This emptiness is the eldest son."

"He is in our Yanlong League's intelligence, the information is not clear."

"In the limited intelligence records and intelligence, this person has always been low-key and calm."

"But if you don't make a move, it must be a thunder blow."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "So this time it looks like the new leader is in high position, and I am eager to make some achievements."

"In fact, this Great Master Hanyuan has tolerated for many years, and his big moves will never be a rash move."

"This person is extremely calm and extremely hot."

"Waiting for our Yanlong League, there will definitely be violent storms."

"Therefore, the following divisions and defenses from all walks of life must be prepared and not let up."

"The defense and support of the Nine Army Corps themselves will also be more urgent."

"What we have to do is simple, stick to it, and make no mistakes."

Dongfang Yu was stunned, "The leader means that our Yanlong League does not take the initiative to attack, but only fully defends."

"In spite of the violent storms of the Cold Abyss Alliance, we will resist as hard as before."

"Their Cold Abyss Alliance is crazy at all costs."

"Our Yanlong League is not led by them. We only defend ourselves with all our strength and do not make any mistakes."

"By then, it will only be them who will lose their troops and lose their generals; and their crazy offensive method, one time per game, will be their own wounds."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled and nodded.

Xiao Chenfeng turned to look at the three-hundred-point leader, "The three-hundred-point leader appeared in this chamber today, and I can already guess what I want to do."

"The Yanlong League, although the three-thousand-point alliance, the three-hundred-point alliance you are in is the top priority, and there is no room for loss."

"The storm is approaching, and the sub-leaders will definitely increase the pressure."

"I will dispatch the elites of the nine legions to assist."

"You must guard your respective alliances and defense lines."

"Please rest assured, the leader." The three-hundred-point leader all answered.

In the Chamber, the next step is the non-stop elite mobilization and negotiation of the Legion, and the coordination of the combat forces of all parties is negotiated.

Xiao Yi watched quietly, watching the guy orderly pointing the country, the almost flawless battle strength arrangement.

For a whole hour, the guy didn't stop for a while.

One commander, deputy commander, and league leader one by one, lead orders one after another.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi said secretly.

With such a huge force coordinating and a huge number of combat forces dispatched, to be precise and without any disorder, Xiao Yi is ashamed of such commanding ability.

It was another hour later.

Xiao Bai asked in a low voice, "Brother Yi, are you wondering why there has been no dispatch from you and me?"

"No doubt." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Xiao Bai frowned.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "Nothing to do, isn't it easier?"

Xiao Bai chuckled, "You want to be beautiful."

"It's just that you and I are in the legion to which the Xiao family belongs, so the Patriarch will not assign it to us now."

Xiao Yi nodded, but asked in confusion, "Do you know the **** hidden door?"

Xiao Bai shook his head, "I know it roughly, but it's not clear."

Xiao Yi asked, "One of the four?"

"No." Xiao Bai replied, "Brother Yi, you've heard the most about one house, one family, two lines and three alliances, four gates and five mountains, twenty-two stars."

"Because this is the most widely circulated and most recognized sentence among the heavens and all realms."

"At the same time, these are the oldest forces in the endless void and the most recognized by living things."

"But this does not mean endless void, only these big forces."

"One house, one clan, etc., although they are the oldest big powers; but in the course of the years, other strong men will be born and other big forces will be created."

"This **** hidden door is one of them."


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